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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Outspoken Commentators

Feel free to post anything of interest.


Blogger Bob said...

I moved this here from a previous post by an anonymous poster.


Here's a new year's present for the liberals who post here. Enjoy!

The Democratic Party: A vast sleeper cell

Fortunately for liberals, the Iraqis executed Saddam Hussein the exact same week that former President Ford died, so it didn't seem strange that Nancy Pelosi's flag was at half-staff. Also, Saddam's death made it less of a snub when Harry Reid skipped Ford's funeral.
The passing of Gerald Ford should remind Americans that Democrats are always lying in wait, ready to force a humiliating defeat on America.

More troops, fewer troops, different troops, "redeployment" – all the Democrats' peculiar little talking points are just a way of sounding busy. Who are they kidding? Democrats want to cut and run as fast as possible from Iraq, betraying the Iraqis who supported us and rewarding our enemies – exactly as they did to the South Vietnamese under Ford.

Liberals spent the Vietnam War rooting for the enemy and clamoring for America's defeat, a tradition they have brought back for the Iraq war.

They insisted on calling the Soviet-backed Vietcong "the National Liberation Front of Vietnam," just as they call Islamic fascists killing Americans in Iraq "insurgents." Ho Chi Minh was hailed as a "Jeffersonian Democrat," just as Michael Moore compares the Islamic fascists in Iraq to the Minutemen.

During the Vietnam War, New York Times scion Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger told his father that if an American soldier ran into a North Vietnamese soldier, he would prefer for the American to get shot. "It's the other guy's country," he explained.

Now, as publisher of the Times, Pinch does all he can to help the enemy currently shooting at American soldiers.

After a half-dozen years of Democrat presidents creating a looming disaster in Vietnam – with Kennedy ordering the assassination of our own ally in the middle of the war and Johnson ham-handedly choosing bombing targets from the Oval Office – in 1969, Nixon became president and the world was safe again.

Nixon began a phased withdrawal of American ground troops, while protecting the South Vietnamese by increasing the bombings of the North, mining North Vietnamese harbors and attacking North Vietnamese military supplies in Cambodia – all actions hysterically denounced by American liberals, eager for the Communists to defeat America.

Despite the massive anti-war protests staged by the Worst Generation, their takeovers of university buildings and their bombings of federal property to protest the bombing of North Vietnamese property, Nixon's Vietnam policy was apparently popular with normal Americans. In 1972, he won re-election against "peace" candidate George McGovern in a 49-state landslide.

In January 1973, the United States signed the Paris Peace accords, which would have ended the war with honor. In order to achieve a cease-fire, Nixon jammed lousy terms down South Vietnam's throat, such as allowing Vietcong troops to remain in the South. But in return, we promised South Vietnam that we would resume bombing missions and provide military aid if the North attacked.

It would have worked, but the Democrats were desperate for America to lose. They invented "Watergate," the corpus delicti of which wouldn't have merited three column-inches during the Clinton years, and hounded Nixon out of office. (How's Sandy Berger weathering that tough wrist-slap?)

Three months after Nixon was gone, we got the Watergate Congress and with it, the new Democratic Party. In lieu of the old Democratic Party, which lost wars out of incompetence and naivete, the new Democratic Party would lose wars on purpose.

Just one month after the Watergate Congress was elected, North Vietnam attacked the South.

Even milquetoast, pro-abortion, detente-loving Gerald R. Ford knew America had to defend South Vietnam or America's word would be worth nothing. As Ford said, "American unwillingness to provide adequate assistance to allies fighting for their lives could seriously affect our credibility throughout the world as an ally." He pleaded repeatedly with the Democratic Congress simply to authorize aid to South Vietnam – no troops, just money.

But the Democrats turned their backs on South Vietnam, betrayed an ally and trashed America's word. Within a month of Ford's last appeal to Congress to help South Vietnam, Saigon fell.

The entire world watched as American personnel desperately scrambled into helicopters from embassy rooftops in Saigon while beating back our own allies, to whom we could offer no means of escape. It was the most demeaning image of America ever witnessed, until Britney Spears came along.

Southeast Asia was promptly consumed in a maelstrom of violence that seems to occur whenever these "Jeffersonian Democrats" come to power. Communist totalitarians swept through Laos, Cambodia and all of Vietnam. They staged gruesome massacres so vast that none other than Sen. George McGovern called for military intervention to stop a "clear case of genocide" in Cambodia.

Five years after that, Islamic lunatics in Iran felt no compunction about storming the embassy of what was once the greatest superpower on Earth and taking American citizens hostage for 14 months. To this day, al-Qaida boosts the flagging morale of its jihadists by reminding them of America's humiliating retreat from Vietnam.

In addition to being wrong about Ford's pardon of Nixon, liberals were wrong about a few other things from that era. Democrats haven't admitted error in rejecting Ford's pleas on behalf of South Vietnam because there are still dangerous foreigners trying to kill Americans. Nixon is safely interred in the ground, but the enemies of America continue to need the Democrats' help.

Ann Coulter, well-known for her TV appearances as a political analyst, is an attorney and author.

6:06 PM

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imam spokesman is great example of why airport security ought to be profiling Arabs

By Ann Coulter

The six imams removed from a US Airways flight last week have apparently adopted my suggestion that if they really want to protest the airline, instead of boycotting US Airways, they should start flying it frequently.

The spokesman for the imams — or as I believe it's phrased in their culture, "designated liar" — Omar Shahin, staged a protest at Reagan Washington National Airport on Monday, after which, according to The Associated Press, "he and other religious leaders boarded a US Airways flight to demonstrate their determination to continue praying and flying."

The original six imams removed from the flight last week first attracted attention when they said prayers to Allah on traditional Muslim prayer rugs in the boarding area. After boarding, they changed seats, spreading themselves throughout the plane. They were also overheard spouting anti-American rhetoric. Witnesses said the six men appeared to be either Islamic fanatics or U.S. Army chaplains on leave from Guantanamo.

Following the lead of FEMA in keeping Americans safe, the Homeland Security Department's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties is investigating the removal of the imams from the US Airways flight. (Talk about coincidences — I'm currently investigating the removal of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties from the Department of Homeland Security!)

Imam spokesman Shahin is a great example of why airport security ought to be profiling Arabs. Shahin's predecessor at the Islamic Center in Tucson was Osama bin Laden's financier and head of logistics — until he was arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2002.

Instead of aggressively distinguishing himself from his terrorist predecessor, judging by news reports, Shahin spent the five years after 9/11 denying that Muslims were behind the attacks and complaining of phony anti-Islamic "hate crimes" — as opposed to the pro-Islamic hate crimes he presumably endorses.

In 2003, for example, Shahin alleged that a woman in Arizona had thrown shoes at children at the mosque.

This is the most transparent hoax I've heard since, "If I did it, here's how I would have done it." This is like the joke about a speaker at an American communist rally opening with: "Workers and peasants of Brooklyn!" Shahin has so little insight into this country, he can't even invent a believable hate crime.

It's Arabs who have a thing about shoes being a sign of disrespect, not Americans. When Iraqis toppled the statue of Saddam Hussein, the crowd immediately pelted it with shoes. Saddam installed a mosaic of the first president Bush's face on the ground floor of his palace so that visitors would be forced to disrespect Bush by walking on his visage in their shoes.

Shahin himself couldn't get away from this pan-Arabic shoe fetish, adding: "The incidents of Muslims being attacked kind of shocked me in my shoes." Note to imams trying to fabricate hate crimes against Muslims: Americans don't share your shoe neurosis.

At Reagan National this week, Rabbis joined the Muslims at the prayer protest — though one imagines they did not share this prayer from the Hadith: "And the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'" In fairness, they usually save that one for the high holidays, like the "Festival of the Six Dead Jews" or "Honor Killing Week."

Nor this one, also from the Hadith: "The Prophet said: 'The Hour will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews. Rejoice! Rejoice in Allah's victory!'" (Is it just me, or might some fanatic twist those words into an excuse to kill Jews?)

Also strange was that the NAACP has piped in to complain about racial profiling of Muslims. The only reason Americans feel guilty about "racial profiling" against blacks is because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country.

What did we do to the Arabs? I believe Americans are the victims in that relationship. After the attacks of 9/11, profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims warn of 'problems' in shared prayer room
Somali leader says Islam, Christianity incompatible

Posted: January 4, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Muslims are demanding a private room to pray at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, saying there will be problems if they have to share an existing "quiet room" with people of other religions.

"Where you have Christians and Muslims praying at the same time, it will create a problem," said Fuad Ali, a Somali leader who spoke at a meeting with airport officials, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

The meeting was a followup to an incident Nov. 20 when ticket agents and other passengers noticed six Muslim imams who had attended a conference in the area praying loudly before their flight, and shouting "Allah, Allah" when their flight was called. Officials said then they also asked to be scattered throughout the plane, rather than sitting together as they had been assigned. And some of the imams, although they did not need them, asked for seat-belt extenders.

(Story continues below)

The pilot summoned security and the imams were removed from the flight, and then they alleged that they were discriminated against because of their religion.

Now Somalis, who make up a large community in Minnesota and are predominantly Muslim, are demanding changes at the airport, including a private place for them to use for their prayers.

The airport, meanwhile, has suggested they share the room already set aside for such purposes.

The incident with the imams, who took another later flight, has launched both criticism and praise for the airline, US Airways. Critics say the airline was profiling based on religion, while those who praise the actions say safety must come first in the world since Sept. 11.

Ali said he just wanted a "guarantee" that something similar will not happen in the future.

But the airport already provides the generic quiet area, and if it would set aside a special area designated for Muslims, it could have to accommodate any – and all – other faiths the same way, noted Airport Director Steve Wareham.

"Our request would be you try the quiet seating area," he said.

That is a carpeted room furnished with chairs – but without any religious symbols, airport officials said. It has been in use for a number of years, but hasn't been obvious, so airport officials have promised to put up more signs to let people know where it is.

The airport also said people can pray in other parts of the airport as they wish.

As WND reported, one of the imams, Omar Shahin, is affiliated with a Hamas-linked organization and acknowledged a connection to Osama bin Laden in the 1990s.

Shahin is a representative of the Kind Hearts Organization, which had its assets frozen by the U.S. Treasury pending an investigation, notes Islam scholar Robert Spencer on his weblog JihadWatch

Omar Shahin displays Quran at Tucson Islamic Center in June 2001 (Photo: University of Arizona Daily Wildcat)

Treasury spokesman Stuart Levey in February said KindHearts "is the progeny of Holy Land Foundation and Global Relief Foundation, which attempted to mask their support for terrorism behind the façade of charitable giving."

The imams had attended a conference in Minneapolis of the North American Imams Federation, said Shahin, who is president of the group.

"They took us off the plane, humiliated us in a very disrespectful way," Shahin said after the incident.

The Washington, D.C., based lobby group Council on American-Islamic Relations also complained, according to CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper.

"Because, unfortunately, this is a growing problem of singling out Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims at airports, and it's one that we've been addressing for some time," Hooper said.

CAIR, however, has its own ties to Hamas, having been identified by two former FBI counter-terrorism chiefs as a spinoff of a front group for the Palestinian terrorist organization.

A Sept. 28, 2001, story in the Arizona Republic that said Arizona appears to have been the home of an al-Qaida sleeper cell named Shahin as one of three part-time Arizona residents who "fits the pattern" of the terrorist group.

Shahin, identifed as being with the Tucson Islamic Center, said members of his mosque may have helped bin Laden in the early 1990s when the al-Qaida leader was fighting against the Russians.

The CIA at that time, Shahin said, called bin Laden a "freedom fighter."

Witnesses to the imam's explusion said some of them made anti-American comments about the war in Iraq before boarding the flight, according to airport officials.

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Key Democrat Wants to 'Reduce Inequality'
Fred Lucas
Staff Writer

( - American companies can expect proposals mandating increased wages and health care, a boost in union membership and greater scrutiny of trade agreements, a key Democrat promised Wednesday.

It's all part of the new Democratic congressional majority's agenda to reduce what Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) calls "inequality" that inhibits economic growth.

"Inequality is not necessarily a bad thing. It's necessary in the capitalist system, and I'm a capitalist," Frank said during a speech to the National Press Club. "But we do not have to have a government that reinforces it."

Frank is the incoming chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, which oversees the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission and sets policies for the banking, securities and housing industries. As such, he will be among the most powerful members of Congress in setting economic policy.

Most Americans saw their incomes fall by as much as four percent in real terms since 2001, but the wealthiest one percent saw a near six percent income gain, Frank said, citing Internal Revenue Service data.

Furthermore, the bottom 90 percent income earners have seen their wages stay roughly the same since 1984 while the wealthiest one percent has seen their incomes increase by nearly $400,000, Frank added.

Frank said members of the working class would not care about economic growth if they did not see any benefit for themselves. This created "gridlock" that prevents pro-business legislation from passing, and therefore bridging the income gap was in the best interest of business, he argued.

Frank was not specific on every proposal, but he said he intends to hold hearings into income disparity and what the government can do about it. He is also proposing a "grand bargain" that will tie trade bills, regulatory relief and other business-friendly legislation to mandates on increased wages, union empowerment and health care coverage.

"Government doesn't have to interfere with the free enterprise system, but we can work along with it to reduce inequality," Frank said.

Hank Cox, spokesman for the National Association of Manufacturers, said that with the new Democratic majority in Congress, the business community would face the need to compromise.

"It's a new world we're going to be in," Cox said. "It's safe to say we'll be playing more defense than offense. That does not mean we're going to fold our tents and go home. More deal making will go on."

However, Cox said he fully expected leaders in the manufacturing industry and the entire business community to fight legislation that would make it easier for employees to form a union. Further, Cox said, wage and benefit mandates would not be welcome.

"Ultimately the thing we've got to work on is becoming more competitive and surviving in the global market place," Cox said. "We can't do that if we have to go it alone with all these new requirements. The answer is not arbitrary rules that drive the cost of doing business even higher."

One way to stay competitive in the global market place, Frank said, is to use the U.S. leverage to push other countries to adopt similar workplace standards. Ultimately, he said, countries will bow to U.S. demands for their own economic survival.

"You won't get trade bills through this Congress without workers' rights and environmental protections," Frank said. "China will walk away from the American market like Nancy Pelosi will walk away from the speakership."

Pointing to Wednesday's announcement of the resignation of Home Depot Inc. CEO Robert Nardelli - ousted with a $210 million severance package - Frank said he favors legislation to let shareholders in corporations have more say in what pay the chief executive officer gets.

"Boards of directors don't stand up to CEOs like they stand up to the workers," Frank said. "Shareholders have to be the check."

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A message from the President and Founder
Brigitte Gabriel

Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to visit American Congress for Truth.

War has been declared on Christians, Jews, non-Muslims and secularists worldwide by Islamic extremists...simply because we are infidels according to their belief.

As Islamic fundamentalism spreads its tentacles worldwide, it is crucial for the people of the Western world to understand the danger, know what to expect, and know what to do about it.

Threats and realities of forced conversions to Islam, beheadings, torture and murder are quickly becoming commonplace. They’re rarely mentioned in the news and when they are, it’s with a disclaimer…the word “insurgent” has replaced the truth of “terrorists.”

Political correctness is killing us.

This Is The New Reality
We are in for the fight of our lives.

That we have not yet had another terrorist attack in the United States is remarkable, but it will happen. Al Queda keeps its promises.

How do I know this? I was born in Lebanon and raised as a Christian. When the Lebanese Civil War broke out, our family, and our Maronite community came under vicious attack by Islamic extremists.

They promised to destroy us, and as you know from the recent war in Lebanon, the country is now nearly Islamic.

I was nearly killed by a mortar. Our home was destroyed. We lived in a bomb shelter for seven years. Most of my childhood friends were killed. That’s how I know.

We must make the connection between individual safety and a strong national defense, increase civic preparation and political responsibility, and train all Americans to become defenders of our community safety and national security.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for a few good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Anguish struck the citizens of the United States of America on 9/11 as a
handful of hateful men murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people. A heavy pall of grief covered our nation.

Many of us wondered if we'd ever laugh again.

But 9/11 wasn't the only act of terrorism. Bali, London, Madrid, Jerusalem...the list goes on and on. Yet the West does not fully realize the bloodthirsty intentions of the menace of fundamental Islam.

This enemy -- is relentless. It is determined.

Why Does Our Struggle Matter? It Matters Because...
If we don't win the war against Islamofascism other issues won't matter at all.

We won't have an economy to worry about.

We won't have equal rights for all.

We won't have our cherished freedom.

And we will live under Sharia Law.

We Must Win This War
The enemy loves death -- far more than we love life.

The enemy uses children as human bombs, mothers as suicide bombers, men driven by the glory of death and the promise of eternal sexual bliss in heaven...and martyrdom on earth.

This is the enemy reality: murder and death of "infidels" by any means for the glory of Allah.

The pain-rich attack of 9/11 changed most Americans lives forever, but it struck an especially sensitive chord with me. It reminded me that the entire world is under brutal threat and physical attack by the same radical Islamic ideology that massacred “infidels” in Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War.

The American Congress for Truth (ACT) was formed in June 2002 to clear away the fog of the brutal attack of September 11, 2001. Our purpose is to preserve our cherished values and freedoms.

Our Members Include:
Jews, Arabs, Christians, and non-Muslims from all backgrounds both secular and religious, liberals and conservatives.

These good people have put their differences aside to combat both anti-American and anti-Israel propaganda masquerading as anti-Imperialism and anti-Zionism:

• in the Western media
• among the intellectual elite
• on American college campuses
• in churches, synagogues and other places of worship
• in business groups and civic meetings
• wherever it exists

As America stood up against and defeated communism--now it is time to stand up and stare down the evil of religious bigotry and intolerance. So many times in history, citizens have done nothing...and evil prevailed.

"Evil unchecked grows. Evil tolerated poisons the whole system."
Jawaharlal Nehru

We can see from history that this is true. We can see that today this is true.

Join Me. Get Involved!
Together we can save our country and our freedom. You are the heroes who make our work possible.
I especially thank you for helping me protect the country that has blessed me so much.

America, the dream that became my address.

Brigitte Gabriel
P.S. Please, join us today. Get involved; help us spread the message that will save our country, and our freedom.

American Congress for Truth (ACT) , P.O.Box 6884, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 ~ Emai ACT:

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oil Giant Accused of Funding Global Warming 'Disinformation'
By Monisha Bansal Staff Writer
January 04, 2007

( - Accusing ExxonMobil of funding a "disinformation campaign" against global warming, an environmental activist group said Wednesday the oil giant has been paying advocacy groups to create confusion about climate change.

The corporation and two of the organizations targeted by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) dismissed the allegation, variously calling it a smear, "junk," and motivated by a left-wing agenda.

In a new report, the UCS charged that ExxonMobil "doesn't want you to know the facts about global warming" and that it "vehemently opposes any governmental regulation that would require significantly expanded investments in clean energy technologies or reductions in global warming emissions."

Alden Meyer, UCS director of strategy and policy, said during a conference call that ExxonMobil had "for years underwritten the most sophisticated and most successful disinformation campaign whose aim has been to deceive the public and policy makers about the reality of global warming."

Meyer accused the corporation of giving some $16 million over the past seven years "to a network of ideological and advocacy organizations that manufacture uncertainty on the issue."

Meyer said the UCS report names 43 ExxonMobil-funded organizations which he claimed "seek to manufacture uncertainty about the strong scientific consensus that global warming is caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide and other heat trapping emissions in the atmosphere -- and that this buildup is the direct result of human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels."

"These groups promote spokespeople who misrepresent peer reviewed scientific findings, or cherry-pick the facts in an attempt to mislead the media and the public into thinking that there is rigorous debate among the mainstream scientific community about global warming," Meyer said.

Upending claims frequently made by global warming skeptics, Meyer accused the named organizations of crafting data "to look like legitimate science."

ExxonMobil spokesman Dave Gardner called the report "yet another attempt to smear our name and confuse the discussion of the serious issue of CO2 emissions and global climate change."

Gardner told Cybercast News Service ExxonMobil believes "greenhouse gas emissions are one of the factors that contribute to climate change, and that the use of fossil fuels is a major source of these emissions."

The corporation was also taking "significant" steps to reduce the emissions, he said - making its operations less energy intensive, pursuing research with engine and vehicle manufacturers to improve transportation efficiency, and carrying out advanced research "to pursue breakthroughs in technology for future energy sources."

On the funding allegations, Gardner said the corporation supports "a fairly broad array of organizations that research significant domestic and foreign policy issues and promote discussion on issues of direct relevance to the company."

"As most of these organizations are independent of their corporate sponsors and are tax-exempt, our financial support does not connote any substantive control over or responsibility for the policy recommendations or analyses they produce," Gardner added.

"As you might expect, in many cases and with respect to the full range of policy positions taken by these organizations, we find some of them persuasive and enlightening, and some not," he said.

"But there is value in the debate they prompt if it can lead to better informed and more optimal public policy decisions," Gardner added.

'Piece of junk'

Of the organizations cited in the UCS report, the biggest recipient of ExxonMobil funding - about $2 million - was the free market-based Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).

Myron Ebell, CEI director of energy and global warming policy, dismissed the report as "just a piece of junk."

"These claims that we are part of some conspiracy, that we're misleading the public, that we're misrepresenting the science, I reject that," Ebell told Cybercast News Service.

"They are completely false, and they are certainly not proved by this junky, rubbishy report. These are just assertions," he said.

"This whole list has been published over and over again," Ebell said, noting that one of the documents cited by the UCS was an email sent by himself, which he said had been taken out of context.

Ebell said the donations do not signify a conspiracy.

"We have been the grateful recipients of some major contributions from ExxonMobil, and we wish we could get more corporations to contribute so we could do more on global warming," he said.

"We are not a scientific group. We are a policy group," Ebell added. "We believe in limited government and political and economic liberties. We address issues and promote those policies that we think will do the most to limit government and promote liberty based on what the scientific facts are."

Other organizations listed by the UCS included the Media Research Center (MRC), the parent organization of Cybercast News Service. The report said the MRC had received $150,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998 and 2005.

MRC founder and President Brent Bozell said Wednesday ExxonMobil's total contribution to the MRC "represents two-tenths of one percent of our operating budget during this study period. If that influences us, we're cheap ... how is that influencing anything that we do?"

Bozell rejected allegations of funding for favors.

"I have never had a conversation - and I know no one at the MRC has ever had a conversation - with anyone at Exxon where Exxon has ever put any kind of controls or any kind of strings on any kind of contribution," Bozell said.

"Nor has the MRC ever made any kind of commitments in return for any kind of contributions. It would be professional suicide if the MRC ever did that for anyone," he said.

Bozell called the UCS "a left-wing activist organization with a left-wing activist political agenda."

"The Union of Concerned Scientists is trying to position itself as being some kind of objective, centrist, moderate, apolitical entity when it is nothing of the sort," he said.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi All,


Global warming is always a hot topic in liberal media circles, where the political and scientific consensus is that global climate change is occurring, it is a danger, it is caused by mankind and we need to start doing something serious about reversing it.

For a little balance, we called up Fred Singer, aka "the godfather of global warming denial." An expert on global climate change and a pioneer in the development of rocket and satellite technology, he holds a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton and happens to be the guy who devised the basic instrument for measuring stratospheric ozone. Now president of the Science & Environmental Policy Project research group (, his dozen books include "Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate." I talked to him by telephone from his offices in Arlington, Va.:

Q: Here's a line from a recent Mother Jones article: "There is overwhelming scientific consensus that greenhouse gases emitted by human activity are causing global average temperatures to rise." Is that true?
A: It's completely unsupported by any observation, but it's supported by computer climate models. In other words, the computer models would indicate this. The observations do not.

Q: What's the best argument or proof that global warming is not happening?
A: The best proof are data taken of atmospheric temperature by two completely different methods. One is from instruments carried in satellites that look down on the atmosphere. The other is from instruments carried in balloons that ascend through the atmosphere and take readings as they go up. These measurements show that the atmospheric warming, such as it is, is extremely slight -- a great deal less than any of the models predicts, and in conflict also with observations of the surface.

Q: An epic New Yorker series said unequivocally that the permafrost, the Arctic sea ice and the Greenland glaciers are all melting. Is that true and is it because of global warming?
A: The Arctic temperatures have been now measured for a long time. They vary cyclically. The warmest years in the Arctic were around 1940. Then it cooled. And it's warming again, but it hasn't reached the levels of 1940. It will continue to oscillate. That's the best prediction.

Q: What is the most dangerous untrue "fact" about global warming that's out there in the media-sphere?
A: The rise in sea level. Again, the observations show that sea level has risen in the last 18,000 years by about 400 feet and is continuing to rise at a uniform rate, and is not accelerating, irrespective of warming or cooling. In fact, sea level will continue to rise at a slow rate of 8 inches per century, as it has been for the last few thousand years.

Q: If you had a 12-year-old grandkid who was worried about global warming, what would you tell him?
A: I would tell them that there are many more important problems in the world to worry about, such as diseases, pandemics, nuclear war and terrorism. The least important of these is global warming produced by humans, because it will be insignificant compared to natural fluctuations of climate.

Q: How did you become "the godfather of global warming denial"?
A: That's easy. Age. I organized my first conference on global warming in 1968. At that time I had no position. It was a conference called "The global effects of environmental pollution." At that time I remember some of the experts we had speaking thought the climate was going to warm and some thought it was going to cool. That was the situation.

Q: Climate is extremely complicated -- is that a true statement?
A: Immensely complicated. Which is a reason why the models will never be able to adequately simulate the atmosphere. It's just too complicated.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Thanks to the poster who put all these interesting articles up.

I was thinking it would be nice if folks could click onto "other" in the name section of posting, and type in the title of the story in this area when we run threads like this.Just a thought..

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Folks this is the chain of events the city has enacted.

Condemned to Vacant Building to Code compliance= No more affordable housing.

Its cheaper to hit a landlord in the pocket book then to add more cops to arrest,detectives to investigate,prosecuters to prosecute,courts and judges to rule,jails to house,P.O. officers to do proper checks,and so on.
I know people from the city and this is truth.

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Code Officer Conspiracy has a strong hold in the City of St.Paul.
2 or more creates conspiracy, rules of Minnesota State Law - Jail.
Code officers - Condemned housing Vacant Building, why is this.
Prosecute the prosecutors and cops.

Investigate and arrest the Judges
A new and proper courts system.

-----------No more !
-----------Mr.Nice Guy.

Do the Background checks. on these people will bring out the Dirt that they thought was long forgot or safe.

In Hell House, the truth
of some people is well known now.

The Book by Leslie Davis, started a finger pointing at Conspiracy in all fazes of government. Conspirators are going to see what a street crook feels like in jail.

Now that Jesse Ventura is being talked about by even his own Minnesota's State body guards and State Troopers.

Truth about Jesse bribing
Bill Dahn, and more and more -city, county, state, and federal people are watching the movie of Jesse and Dean Barkley.

On Bill's web site.

Susan Geartner is in on this conspiracy with Jesse.
Jesse lied under oath, to Susan Geartner.

Compliance of the LAW.
The "Lord" will bring on a change
in this "GOVERNMENT".

Title 31 Whistle Blower

Bill Dahn

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conspiracy is right. From what I hear about the depositions, their prize inspector Lisa Martin is getting set up to take the fall for the city's bad deeds. Couldn't happen to a nicer person as far as I am concerned. She should have been smart enough to know that the people at the bottom are always the ones that get the punishment.

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But! She did do the deeds. Nobody forced her. She did it with forethought, intent and malice. So when she falls, it would be great for her to grab at some pant cuffs and drag them with her on the way down.

9:25 AM  

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