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Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Nancy sent me some information concerning City Government. Please click onto the "comments" for the post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chick sounds much like the posters on this site. And I too feel that after read something I have not been informed in any manner even though I have been given lots of information - what the hell am I supposed to make of it?


4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll talk sloooow, it represents the city of saint paul and how they do nothing, but think they've improved all.

For being such a jomowat type of guy, you don't get much.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"IIIIIIIIII, what am I I I I suppose to make of this?"

Does the world revolve around you? No. Can the rest of the class get on with it or will the spelling/grammar teacher be in here to hand out the D's now.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that. I understand it completely. Here's another comparison: notice the woman is grounded and in control and even though she in "beneath" him, can tell the man where he is; and the man is up in the air and blowing around and out of control.

Or; Jamowat is up in the air and can't figure it out and Nancy is trying to help him out, but he won't listen because he's too busy whining "I can't understaaaaand"

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Nancy, a woman made JAMOWAT, sound very stupid.
His real name must be Dave or his old side kick Chuck.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the joke. In fact, I loved it since I am heavily involved in both professsions. It described the professions perfectly!

My statement was that I feel that after I read many of the postings on this site I have been given a very narrow view by many people and can't see how any of the specific views overlap. Can everyone be right? I get a great deal of information and everybody seems to firmly believe their view is the right one. I just am very confused as to who is right?

Please don't tell me the courts will show me who's right. Their verdict is usually the one that has been paid for by the client with the most money. I don't mean they are paid off; the best attorney's just manipulate the information (like some of the posters do here) to get the verdict the client wants.

As I said, "what the hell am I supposed to make of it?"


9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you. Anyone who works for the city is corrupt. Anyone with a real job and doesn't care about slumlords whining, is in the pocket of the city employees (who make shit for money as far as I'm concerned).

You are allowed to demean, attack and babble on incohernetly as long as its aimed at the City of St Paul or Democrats. Anything else is considered off-topic.

Even you, who go along with some of the kooks on here, can't question anything with getting a post or two attacking you in response.

These people are friggin' nuts.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So then Bob, you agree about the corrupt city.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamowot, I am right. You are a pain in wahooey, boring and uptight. That! I'm sure all will agree on.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the peole who work for the city are corrupt, and more than just a few, and the part about the people being in the pockets of the city would be correct also. This crap has been getting slung back and forth for a year now with people like you trying to cast a cloud of disingenuousness over anyone that spoke out against the city and it's actions. The people you insinuate that we think are in the pockets of the city have joined you in all sorts of personal attacks on us, our beliefs, motives, people we associate with, and more.....even down to finding fault with words being spelled incorrectly.

Now after a year, there is testimony coming out about how the city is wroking behind the scenes with neighbors to screw peole out of their property, fabricating complaints, changing and fabricating documents, conspiring with the Ramsey County Court to put the "fix" in against rpoperty owners before they even get to court, malicious criminal and civil prosecutions, people comitting suicide over code enforcement issues.

We are not attacking, demeaning, or babbling incoherently. We are talking about real things that have happened to real people and now the evidence is starting to come out that supports the allegations everyone here has been making for so long. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait and see what gets into the public record when the City of St. Paul tries to get "Summary Judgement" in the Federal Lawsuit they are involved in, and just in time for the City Council elections I might add. You haven't seen nothin yet pal! It's gonna be a hot summer.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:13 - Thanks for the very good response. I appreciate the effort.
Out of everyones response yours was by far the most thought full.

If everything you say is true, then I await the court response.


BTW the multiple Bobs are getting confusing.

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of interesting that with this new evidence coming out, that the City Council wants to ty and hide behind the Court rather than face a deposition. That one fact in itself lets me know where to cast my doubts.

2:17 PM  

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