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Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I just learned through my investigations of the Racketeering Lawsuits that my friends Rita Rodriguez and Gary Tanzer are dead. Probably all over this code enforcement stuff. I hadn't kept in touch with Rita and Gary because I was a bit of a pain in their life years ago.

As I have said many times publically in the past I was a troubled youth. In the early 70's I moved from the farm to the Cities to my mothers and step fathers home. My mother and step father were very abusive physically and emotionally to me. Rita was a school teacher at Saint Francis. Her son Dave who is also deceased was a friend of mine. That's how I met Rita. I ran away from home and Rita gave me shelter on and off for 2 years to keep me off the street.

Gary her boyfriend (my friend) was almost 30 years younger than Rita. Their love for one another is what romance novels are made of. Gary had never been with another woman in all the years I knew them.They were 2 peas in a pod. Inseparable.

Rita was ill and code enforcement came down on her. She died shortly after code enforcement started pursuing her. I can only imagine her death was to much for Gary to bare. And on top of her death the threat to the home they shared all those years of loving tenderness to each other was to much for Gary to bare. After Ritas death code enforcement pursued Gary to fix the house. He committed suicide.

Gary was a gentle giant of a man.He was compassionate and caring of people.

I did see Rita 3 years ago near Crosby Park while walking my dog. I apologised to her then for being a pain in her life when I was a kid, and she gracefully accepted my apology. If only I knew they were in trouble.

I am posting an excerpt from a deposition concerning this issue in the comment section. I am so upset I can't keep my eyes dry...


Blogger Bob said...

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Frank J. Steinhauser, III, et al.,
Plaintiffs, Civil No. 04-2632
4 vs. JNE/SRN
5 City of St. Paul, et al.,
6 Defendants.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Sandra Harrilal, et al.,
8 Plaintiffs, Civil No. 05-461
Steve Magner, et al.,
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas J. Gallagher, et al.,
Plaintiffs, Civil No. 05-1348
13 vs. JNE/SRN
14 Steve Magner, et al.,
15 Defendants.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOVEMBER 21, 2006
9:30 A.M.
JENNIFER M. RYAN, Court Reporter
24 2433 IRVING AVE. SO.
25 (612) 377-6339
FAX (612) 377-2889
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 1 of 46

1 Q. What year was that in particular that you recall?
2 A. The entire time the mayor was mayor.
3 Q. Did you ever have any communications directly from Mayor
4 Kelly to you?
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. What do you recall about that?
7 A. He made up the biggest story I have ever heard in my
8 life.
9 Q. Let's focus on, what year was it?
10 A. 2003.
11 Q. What role were you playing at that time for NHPI?
12 A. I was a field inspector.
13 Q. As a field inspector you had a conversation with Mayor
14 Kelly?
15 A. No. I had a conversation with Andy Dawkins.
16 Q. What month was that?
17 A. Probably March of '03.
18 Q. What did Mr. Dawkins tell you?
19 A. That the President of the United States was upset with a
20 piece of property he saw when he was driving into town.
21 Q. What else did Mr. Dawkins tell you?
22 A. He will go out there and issue orders.
23 Q. Do you remember the address?
24 A. Uh-huh.
25 Q. What was it?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 2 of 46

1 A. (No response.)
2 Q. Was it in your area of assignment?
3 A. I have to talk to my counsel just for a second. It was
4 extremely serious, and I'm not sure --
5 Q. There is not a right to ask your attorney as to how to
6 answer a question.
7 A. No, whether or not I should answer what happened.
8 MR. SHOEMAKER: Unless there is a privilege,
9 Counsel, he's got to answer my questions.
10 MS. HAMPTON-FLOWERS: Counsel, would you like
11 to repeat the question?
13 Q. You had a conversation with Andy Dawkins approximately
14 March of 2003 about the fact that the President of the
15 United States was apparently in St. Paul and someone was
16 upset about the condition of a property? Are you with
17 me so far?
18 A. Correct.
19 Q. What was the address of the property?
20 A. 785 Butternut.
21 Q. Was that a single-family home?
22 A. Correct.
23 Q. Who owned that property?
24 A. Rita Rodriguez.
25 Q. How did you know she owned that property?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 3 of 46

1 A. I knew from past experience.
2 Q. That was in your assigned area, correct?
3 A. Yes.
4 Q. During 2002 to 2005?
5 A. Correct.
6 Q. What was the nature of the complaint on the property?
7 A. I was to write up everything.
8 Q. Who told you that?
9 A. Andy Dawkins.
10 Q. Did you go out to the property after you had that
11 conversation?
12 A. Yes.
13 Q. What do you recall seeing at the property?
14 A. Deteriorated concrete steps, deteriorated garage, a
15 couple pieces of missing siding, deteriorated roof,
16 minor paint problems around windows and doors.
17 Q. Do you recall approximately when that home would have
18 been built, kind of the era? Before World War II?
19 A. Most definitely. It was a soldier's home. It goes back
20 to Fort Snelling days.
21 Q. It has some historical significance?
22 MS. HAMPTON-FLOWERS: Objection, speculation,
23 lack of foundation.
25 Q. Do you know?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 4 of 46

1 A. I don't know.
2 Q. Was it on the HPC list?
3 A. I'm not aware.
4 Q. Why was Mr. Dawkins upset?
5 A. Because the Mayor was upset.
6 Q. Did he say why the Mayor was upset?
7 A. Because the President was upset.
8 Q. Did the President visit Ms. Rodriguez?
9 A. No.
10 Q. He drove by?
11 A. Yes. Supposedly.
12 Q. Why did you say you heard -- you said --
13 A. The biggest story.
14 Q. What was your conclusion?
15 A. We don't get complaints from the President of the United
16 States in our office.
17 Q. You don't?
18 A. No. And in a fully fogged limousine he's not going to
19 be able to see much when he's swiftly brought into St.
20 Paul.
21 Q. Who do you think actually made the complaint? Do you
22 have any knowledge of that?
23 A. Next door neighbor.
24 Q. Who was the next door neighbor?
25 A. Barb Benson.
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 5 of 46

1 Q. Have you had any dealings with Barb Benson?
2 A. Yes, I have.
3 Q. Tell me about her.
4 A. She's a councilman's aide.
5 Q. For which council member?
6 A. I don't know.
7 Q. She lives in the house right next door to Rita
8 Rodriguez?
9 A. To the best of my knowledge, two east of there.
10 Q. Two houses east of there?
11 A. Correct.
12 Q. Do you know for certain that Barb Benson was the one
13 that complained by Ms. Rodriguez?
14 A. No.
15 Q. Did Mr. Dawkins tell you to write up the property?
16 A. Correct.
17 Q. To write it up -- did he use the terms "code to the
18 max"?
19 A. Correct. Not that term. He said to do a thorough
20 inspection.
21 Q. What else did he tell you?
22 A. It had to be written up and on the Mayor's desk by that
23 afternoon.
24 Q. Did Mr. Dawkins, at any time during 2002 to 2005 ever
25 use terms like "code to the max"?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 6 of 46

1 A. It was more "call everything."
2 Q. When would he use those kinds of descriptive terms for
3 an inspector's duties?
4 A. Sometimes when we were doing sweeps, and also after the
5 Excessive Consumption Ordinance went into effect.
6 Q. What became of the write-up of Ms. Rodriguez? Did you
7 get the write-up on Mr. Dawkins' desk the next day?
8 A. No.
9 Q. What happened?
10 A. Same day.
11 Q. Same day. Good.
12 A. Then it went downtown.
13 Q. To who?
14 A. The Mayor of St. Paul.
15 Q. What was the next contact you had about that 785
16 Butternut property?
17 A. It went back on re-inspection.
18 Q. What happened then? Did Ms. Rodriguez fix the property?
19 A. No.
20 Q. What happened after that?
21 A. She died.
22 Q. Shortly after the inspection?
23 A. A couple months. She was in very tenuous health to
24 begin with.
25 Q. What do you recall about her health?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 7 of 46

1 A. Couple heart attacks. Possibly two strokes.
2 Q. Was she living by herself?
3 A. No.
4 Q. Did you issue her orders orally or in writing?
5 A. Writing.
6 Q. Did you talk to her at any time?
7 A. No.
8 Q. Did you talk to any of her relatives at any time?
9 A. Just the live-in boyfriend.
10 Q. What was his name?
11 A. Gary Tanzer.
12 Q. Was there anything about the orders to you to write up
13 Ms. Rodriguez that you felt were unfair?
14 A. Only from the standpoint that she was in very poor
15 health.
16 Q. Was she on Social Security or a limited income at all?
17 Any idea?
18 A. To the best of my knowledge, yes.
19 Q. She was disabled?
20 A. To the best of my knowledge.
21 Q. Were there other homes in her area that were in similar
22 condition exteriorly?
23 A. Yes.
24 Q. Would you say any homes at the time -- that she was
25 written up here in March of 2003 -- that were in worse
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 8 of 46

1 shape than hers?
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. Like, say, in the same block?
4 A. Across the alley from her.
5 Q. Describe that property. Was there one that stood out to
6 you as far as an address?
7 A. I believe it's 785 Stewart Avenue. It should be 786,
8 because it's on the south side.
9 Q. Do you know who owned that property?
10 A. Yes.
11 Q. Who was that?
12 A. The McBrides.
13 Q. Do you remember a first name?
14 A. Gloria.
15 Q. And how do you know her?
16 A. She was my first problem property. Her son's.
17 Q. Let me ask you a question. She was your first problem
18 property, you said?
19 A. Uh-huh.
20 Q. What year?
21 A. 2004.
22 Q. Now, have you worked with problem properties in your 31
23 years as an inspector and as an employee for the City?
24 A. We didn't call them that.
25 Q. The term "problem" property, when did that first come
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 9 of 46

1 into existence as a lingo in the inspection department?
2 A. Under Andy Dawkins.
3 Q. Had you ever used any other descriptive term for a
4 property that had a lot of repeat code violations or
5 behavior problems of occupants?
6 A. Personally, no.
7 Q. Under Dawkins was when you first started using the
8 descriptive term "problem" property?
9 A. Because then we had police officers with us.
10 Q. Your first experience with a problem property was in Mr.
11 Dawkins' tenure, 2002 to 2005, correct?
12 A. Correct.
13 Q. 2004, was that the first time you had an official
14 problem property that was assigned to you?
15 A. Could have been 2003.
16 Q. And it's this Gloria McBride?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. She lived near this Rita Rodriguez when she was alive,
19 correct?
20 A. Correct.
21 Q. What do you recall about -- do you have the address for
22 Gloria McBride?
23 A. I gave it to you and I think that's correct.
24 Q. What was the role you played as an inspector with regard
25 to Ms. McBride's property?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 10 of 46

1 A. Trying to get it cleaned up.
2 Q. What kind of problems were there when you were assigned
3 in '03 or '04 to that property?
4 A. Junk cars, trash, refuse, that type of thing.
5 Q. Had there been a history of orders being issued in --
6 A. No history of police.
7 Q. Police calls?
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. It was more of a behavior issue there?
10 A. Always was.
11 Q. Does that still continue to be a behavior problem
12 property?
13 A. I don't know, but her family is.
14 Q. What does she do, by the way? Do you know? Is she
15 connected in any way --
16 A. Home owner.
17 Q. Does she have any relationship at all with Barb Benson
18 that you know of?
19 A. Not that I'm aware of, but Barb knows her.
20 Q. Is it fair to say that McBride's home was written up
21 with orders on a consistent basis?
22 A. That's correct.
23 Q. And also had police calls, correct?
24 A. Oh, yes.
25 Q. Were there any other properties around Rita Rodriguez,
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 11 of 46

1 785 Butternut, that were in worse condition than Ms.
2 Rodriguez' property when she was the subject of code
3 enforcement by Mr. Dawkins and by Mayor Kelly through
4 you?
5 A. They had different violations.
6 Q. Other properties did?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. Were they worse than what Ms. Rodriguez' property was at
9 the time?
10 A. In my opinion, yes.
11 Q. What was the result of Ms. Rodriguez passing away? Did
12 someone in her family take her property and continue to
13 live there?
14 A. For a couple of months.
15 Q. Do you know what happened to the property now?
16 A. He died.
17 Q. Gary did?
18 A. Yes.
19 Q. What's the condition of the property now?
20 A. Been totally rehabbed.
21 Q. Do you know who owns that?
22 A. No.
23 Q. Is Ms. Benson still living a couple homes away?
24 A. To the best of my knowledge.
25 Q. What about Ms. McBride, is she still in the area?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 12 of 46

1 A. To the best of my knowledge.
2 Q. You said that she has relatives in the City?
3 A. Gloria?
4 Q. Yes, Gloria McBride.
5 A. There's a couple McBrides on Stewart. I don't know
6 whether they are related.
7 Q. Are they problems as well for inspection?
8 A. They have been.
9 Q. Have they been a member of the problem property list, if
10 you will?
11 A. No. They were handled by the fire inspector.
12 Q. They are properties that are larger than a single-family
13 or duplex, correct?
14 A. Correct.
15 Q. Anything else you can tell me about that incident with
16 Rita Rodriguez that might be helpful?
17 A. You have to be --
18 Q. What else did you find unfair about that?
19 A. That people died.
20 Q. How did somebody die? Was there a fire?
21 A. He committed suicide.
22 Q. Gary Tanzer did?
23 A. Correct.
24 Q. Did you have any discussions with him prior to his
25 committing suicide?
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 13 of 46

1 A. Yes.
2 Q. What do you recall him saying?
3 MS. HAMPTON-FLOWERS: Objection, calls for
4 hearsay.
5 THE WITNESS: He said he would try to get it
6 done, and that was the last time I saw him alive.
8 Q. Did he say that he didn't have the funds to do the work
9 that was required?
10 A. The funds or the time or the expertise.
11 Q. Do you know if there's been a code compliance done on
12 that property now that it's been remodeled?
13 A. I assume it was because it was a vacant building.
14 Q. Do you know any relatives to either Rita Rodriguez or
15 Gary Tanzer that live in the City?
16 A. I'm told there is some, but I don't know who they are.
17 More on the Tanzer side.
18 Q. How about on the Rodriguez side?
19 A. She had some kids. I don't know how many.
20 Q. Do you know of any other incidents between 2002 and 2005
21 where there was something that upset you like the Rita
22 Rodriguez code enforcement?
23 A. No. That took the cake.
24 Q. Do you feel there should have been an even application
25 of code enforcement to the neighborhood instead of
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 14 of 46

1 targeting Ms. Rodriguez?
2 MS. HAMPTON-FLOWERS: Objection as to form.
4 Q. Go ahead and answer.
5 A. The question isn't clear to me.
6 Q. Do you feel that there was -- that the code enforcement
7 was unfairly applied to Ms. Rodriguez?
8 A. Because of her health, yes.
9 Q. Was it your opinion that there wasn't enough time
10 allowed her to do the repairs?
11 A. She met with the social worker and we wanted to make
12 sure she had the cognitive skills to understand the
13 letter she got.
14 Q. Did she have anybody helping her with day-care or a
15 live-in nurse or anybody like that?
16 A. I'm not sure.
17 Q. Was that property -- once she passed away and Mr. Tanzer
18 committed suicide, was it put on the vacant buildings
19 list?
20 A. Correct.
21 Q. Who was involved in that?
22 A. Dennis Senty.
23 Q. Do you know if any of the inspectors for the City of St.
24 Paul, and that includes NHPI and LIEP inspectors or fire
25 inspectors, have ever purchased homes from home owners
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 15 of 46

1 A. Not that stuck out.
2 Q. Problems with the roof?
3 A. Maybe some painting.
4 Q. Do you know a renovation contractor by the name of Wally
5 Nelson?
6 A. No. Oh, Wally. The only Wally I know --
7 Q. With Renovations, Inc.?
8 A. I knew it as something else.
9 Q. What was the name you knew him by?
10 A. I don't remember.
11 Q. Do you know where he resides?
12 A. No.
13 Q. Isn't he out of Lake Elmo -- Wally Nelson?
14 A. I really don't know where he resides. I only met him
15 once.
16 Q. When did you meet Wally Nelson?
17 A. When I was a west side inspector -- a house up on the
18 west side. I take that back. He told me about another
19 house down on Ann Street.
20 Q. That he purchased?
21 A. Yeah, that they were going to renovate.
22 Q. Now, that 785 Butternut where the disabled woman lived
23 at the time that it was targeted for code enforcement --
24 MS. HAMPTON-FLOWERS: Objection as to form.
25 THE WITNESS: Oh, yes.
Case 0:05-cv-01348-JNE-SRN Document 36 Filed 01/16/2007 Page 16 of 46

3:33 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

I keep asking myself, why me? Why am I so driven on this issue, and today is the Lords conformation to me of his calling!

You people in City Government really need to get a grip on what you are doing to us. It's not right!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

I hope God forgives you's because I can't anytime soon!

3:38 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN GET ME IN TOUCH WITH Ritas kids please contact me.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

I am a fucking handyman for God sake I could of helped them. I would of paid all expenses to repair the home. I owed these people big time. This hurts so bad!

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke.....they use these codes to look out for your sfatey, or so they say. I'm not voting for any of these people. No wonder they want to hide and not have their deposition taken.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The spirit of the Lord has touched you Bob,and there is no greater glory.

I am praying for your well being.

May God Bless you in lifes journey.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, take comfort in knowing these people will be punished in their life time.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's wrath., for it is written: "It is mine to avenge: I will repay."
Romans 12:19

Bob, keep this close to your heart.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

62. Resolution - 04-399 - Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 785 Butternut
Avenue within fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. (Legislative Hearing Officer recommends
laying over to the April 13 Legislative Hearing and the April 28 City Council meeting)
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer, recommended this be laid over to April 28 as the matter
City Council Approved Minutes for April 14th, 2004 Page 9 of 10 1/8/2007
was going through Probate Court.
Councilmember Thune moved lay over.
Laid over to April 28 Yeas - 7 Nays - 0

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob -- Thank you for sharing this about your friends.
God has a peruse for all of us.
The Lord did so much in my life,
I can do all thing though Christ that strengthen me.
the Lord has a very big job, for us all.
We talk about the Lords job, He has for us.
It was nice coming over, the other day for coffee.
You make me feel at home.
You are a Blessing to all us out here

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stay on the backs of the city, and who ever breaks the law.
be there to blow the whistle on them.
stay strong.
the lord will make you stronger.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Bob said...


Join us here and I'll get around to posting the news others neglect because they are chicken shits.

11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW.This is scary.I was always just sitting on the fence but this is criminal.

11:19 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

I'm not through with this 785 Butternut story. There is a whole lot more..

I have a personal message for code enforcement officer Steve Schiller.

I see this was a very difficult thing for you. You are above the animals who over seen your duties.

I'm sure others will see your pain as I tell this story.

Personally, I would of told Dawkins and Kelly, to take a flying fuck!

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the boss, of Kelly and Dawkins ?
Who was above these two?
You make me feel so good, that there are still people out here caring about others.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if these deposition transcrips are real? If this is correct information, Mayor Kelly and Andy Dawkins should be in jail. The news media I'm sure will have their hands on this soon.

St Paul

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Mike,
Is this transcript from the rental property owners lawsuit with the city? I can't believe this. If this is an acurate copy of the transcript, these individual should be held responsible for this.

West St Paul

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people I think that were above the Mayor and Dawkins were the City Council.

6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you they are true. So Mike do you still think it's just the game that will played out as usual?

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meant to say real also, and that question was for Mike the attorney to posted an earlier comment about court business as usual.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The transcripts have to be real, I doubt very much if Attorney's would file false transcripts with the court.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi All,

Unfortunately, This information is REAL.

I got the information at the federal court house. It's public information. But don't expect the locally entrenched bureaucracy of the media here to have the guts to say anything!

How can we as citizens of this state and City expect to keep our politicians honest when we have a media that ignores these issues?

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was one of these inspectors named as a defendant I'd come clean and work with the other side.They might drop the charge.You guys know you were forced to do things you knew you didn't want to.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the media has been ignoring stuff like this, I wonder just what it takes or how bad it has to be for them to say something.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is pretty damning stuff.

Of course it has not been proven in court, but without any information as to why this inspector would lie about something like this I'd say this isn't going to bode well for the City.

Do we know which city council member Barb Benson worked (or works)for?

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb Benson works for Dave Thune. I wonder what her house looks like?

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't racketeering need someone to benefit directly for the city's actions? the posting by bob cuts out at that point...which leads me to belive it doesn't

1:30 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Anonymous said...
I think you are a little confused Chuck. They don't have to profit, they have to benifet, and they did. The city has benifeted from all the fees generated by the illegal code enforcement such as legislative hearing fees, code compliance fees, fines, excessive use fees, vacant building fees, building permits, and more. PHA has also benifeted in recieving money from the HUD regarding their rental operations. Inspections employees have also benifeted through job promotions. Some of those same inspections employees have benifeted from operating their own problem properties both rental and commercial. For RICO to exist, there must be mail fraud and wire fraud. There was mail fraud when the city mailed out notices containing trumped up repair orders. Then there has to be wire fraud. There was wire fraud when the city caused the landlrods to move funds out of a federally insured bank account to pay for the illegal repairs, and also when the landlords paid for the repairs with credit cards. The last prong of the law is what they call "pattern," and this has been going on for so olong that the pattern is absolute. The way I see it Chuck, you're city is screwed, and the longer they try to play games with this lawsuit, the more it is going to cost them. As for being harrasses, you haven't seen anything yet Chuck. When these landlords prove their case, there are going to be a flood of lawsuits for years to come both by landlords and by tenants who were injured. You have been spouting off for a long time Chuck.....keep it up

1:14 PM

3:16 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Ya know they gave Betty Speaker her Condemnation Orders in the hospital.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, so much for innocent until proven guilty eh? you guys go to bat for jack shepard, who has fled the country for 25 years and won't come back to the states to defend himself, saying innocent until proven guilty, but only hear part of these cases here and assume guilt!

consistency people....

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bob don't forget about the federal,state,and city money that went into housing 5,000.Most of these units were set aside for low income and require it to get the governemnt monies.They also used code enforcement to rid the cookie cutter neighborhoods free of low income minorities and fill their gaps in housing 5,000.This is a very complex issue and is deeper than you all think.But I'll give you one hint, these plaintiffs in the federal lawsuits are getting close.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

3:53, The property rights advocates have nothing to do with my interest in Doctor Jack Shepard.Nor does anyone else at Ademocracy.

I am investigating the allegations against the Doctor, with Doctor Shepherds consent and encouragement.

He wants to come home so he can make a difference in peoples lives.
I am sitting on a bunch of great accomplishments on a humanitarian level by Doctor Jack.

I will be speaking on the good Doctors behalf in the near future after I have completed more of my investigation.

I think your off topic post is just a vain attempt to distract from the issue at hand..

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived on the same street as Barb does on Butternut. I sold after they came down hard on Rita. She was very old though and explained she had no money to do all of the repairs.

Formally a resident on Butternut

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not to help the people with a bigger problum like bill's home.
they have been coving their own asses to long.
we need to bring bill's paper work to the public.
the city covered rap's rear to long on that one , and the others that rap did over the years.
stay strong bobby and billy.

10:55 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

This thread is weeks old and as most of you can see I had really lost my composure upon learning this news. I normally don't have a filthy mouth like that. Sorry.

I will bring the rest of Steve Schiller's post up tomorrow.

7:55 PM  

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