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Friday, January 19, 2007

City Council Video on Certificate of Occupancy

Please click onto the title of this post for the video of the City Council meeting concerning C of O.. You can "jump to" resolutions 16,18, 19, and 27.

When you see the video of #27 You will ask yourself what has changed regarding the attack on affordable housing by the City. They still allow people to dump a bunch of money into a place. The owner finds out, well pal it wasn't good enough, you have to fix this and that too. Then, Oh, gee we overlooked the foundation the first time. Tear it down! You seen this, and all the lies and skull dugrey over the 14 E.Jessamine issue, unfold before our very eyes publicly. Even going as far as to hear from Councilman Helgen "GOOD NEWS 14 E. JESSAMINE DEMOLISHED'!


Blogger Bob said...

Do you see what is happening folks. Look at the numbers of people who are learning to HATE, over these MORANS actions!

I hope someone on the team out there takes it upon themselves to give an invitation to these victims for our Town Hall Meeting here.

They need to be welcomed to our family for unity, comfort, a little compassion and to stay informed of our efforts.

Please let me know folks if we have someone keeping on top of this stuff as it happens. It's important!I have many responsibilities now. So do others. Can someone step up to the plate and diligently keep track of the housing issues that go before the City Council?

These people need to know they can find comfort in fighting for whats right.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bob, did you ever talk to district six council about the problems they had with 14 jessamine for over 6 years?

11:38 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

11:38 AM bob, did you ever talk to district six council about the problems they had with 14 Jessamine for over 6 years?

Bob- 11:38, it is obvious you are brain washed into the belief buildings commit crimes and have behavioral issues. Read what you said above.

Fact- 14 E. Jessamine was a sound building that passed inspection by a real independent Structural Engineer. Unlike the phony Engineer sent to inspect 14 Jessamine by the City. If I recall,;-) I am the guy who exposed how phony he was.

Then the City goes as far as to use the Pioneer Press to LIE about the condition of the house.

Why allow a property owner to invest $50000 on a property to repair then tear it down if that wasn't the intention all along. Why lie about the condition of the building?

Do you actually think in the face of everything I have uncovered that district 6 could influence my opinion of the facts in anyway?

That's non-sense.The people who sit on these district councils and neighborhood committees may be the next ones to find themselves named in a lawsuit.

This City Council and Mayor are throw backs of an administration that is arrogant and callous toward a protected class of people in this City, all in an attempt to beautify and bring the property tax revenues up. Attempting to chase social ills to other communities.

The current practices increase crime and despair.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner (whoever that was at the time) needed to make repairs up to code, but didn't pull permits, I agree that houses aren't to blame mostly, but too bad this board REFUSES to accept the homeowner's resonsiblities. I hate to break it you to folks, just becuase one owns a house, doesn't mean they SHOULD own a house.....jessamine isn't as black and white as you would believe...but hey, in your world, anyone trying to work for the community is guilty, and the ones that bitch and moan and DON'T get involved are the righteous ones (bob excluded of course)

2:21 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

2:21, Permits were pulled. We went over all this at Saint Paul Issues and Forums last year.

And it is certainly not true that these people haven't made every attempt to repair their properties. Obviously you haven't read the Racketeering law suits.

A question for you.. What do you think about a development company like North East Development Company of the East side having kids remove asbestos from a building and the City just ignoring the allegations that are easily proven?

Makes me wonder what kind of relationship some of these developers have with people in the City.

What does housing 5000 have to do with all of this? ;-(

Last but not least, how do you explain the sub standard homes of some of the people who enforce these policies or oppose us here?

There is a double standard! No matter how you slice and dice it it all boils down to "Deconcentrating Poverty" through civil rights violations. PERIOD.....

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy did pull permits. When the work men did not finish the work on time, the city forfieted her "cash bond" and ordered the workmen to stop working. The permits were then no longer any good, and this is the point where the city steps in and says there are no permits. They are using a loophole to say no permit when the cause of the "no permit status" ws the city stopping the work. The city then orders the utilities disconnected from the house, and after that they use the lack of utilities to label the place hazardous.

The deal about no permits is just a blatant lie, and has so much to do with why the city is being sued by all kinds of people. The city orchestrats the problem and then blames the owners.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

119 Magnolia, Good ole Boy Tony the owner of the property at 119 Magnolia thought he would go before the Council and mention his Miltary career and love of his country and that may have an effect on the stone hearts in the City council.

NOPE, sorry don't have what it takes to own property in this city.

If you watched the video you will see that Tony didn't want to even talk about the demolision assessment.

Tony wanted answers why they tore his house down in 60 days instead of 180 like the council agreed.

Guess he didn't meet one of the 5 criteria set forth. But then who can when these people want your house torn down?

I hope someone gives you an invite to Ademocracy Tony. You looked like you need a friend.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:21 do mean going to neigborhood group meetings,Ad Hoc,city council hearings,etc. Yeah that works.I am a property owner and can tell you its like talking to a wall.GET SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to talk to someone about the problems we have had with city hall for the last 6 years! I'd guess that would be Bob because he at least will consider you seriously. The only solution to this crsp is the voting booth, so how or what can we do to rid the city of these crooked politicians that seem to think the remedy to crime and behavior problems is to punish buildings and not people.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes there were permits pulled for the work on Jessamine, along with the performance bond that was required. Lets say there wasn't a permit pulled though...what is the average citizens consequence for not pulling a permit? If I recall it is more on the order of the permit cost being doubled, not demolision of the building. That was not the case anyway the permits were pulled but when the city decides to keep adding on to the amount of work that is required between time and finance it does tend to make it difficult to be completed in a timely manner. How would you feel if you were standing there listening to one official order another one to write your home up deliberately beyond your ability to repair it? Those were the words that the city of St.Paul officials used. When we started to get near completion there were more orders added on. You can say whatever makes you feel better in your mind, just make sure you say your prayers everynight and pray the city doesn't decide your propoerty should be next or you will be living the same nightmare...

Goodluck to St.Paul citizens.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch out City Council......the "BIG STICK" is going to be your neighborhood delivering a little paper, and I have an idea it's gonna be "trash talkin" ya!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a fool proof plan to upset the City Council elections this November. I am refining it and putting a few finishing touches on it and I will be back next week to unveil it. It will take some volunteers, but this very attainable.

signed: Score Keeper

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scorekeeper, The Watchdog News is a Fly By paper once every 3 months or so, this blog and Bob's little paper, are 2 grains of sand on a fucking beech!

get over it, Santa isn't coming boys.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

11:57, This blog is more like a BLOUDER sitting on the beech. You can't miss it. This little grain of sand if you prefer has had over 500,000 hits in the 4 months I have been posting here.

My little paper "Ademocracy Town Hall Meeting"The paper that CAN, is an "infant" babies GROW!

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, do you know if it is a rule that all council meetings and hearings must be video taped? Do you know if the members ever moved or complained about the tapings? You would think with all the inflated egos that they would not have a problem with being deposed of all their "wonderful works" for the people of saint paul. That's what I have a problem with, on one hand it's out in the open for all to see, then it's off limits to question any of them on their works. I assume they are paid a salary dispensed out of taxes paid by the people, and that they have taken an oath to serve the people of saint paul, did they not?

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 11:57 P.M.

2 grains of sand huh? One year after the Jessamine atrocity we are all still here, only there are more of us. Now we have our own blog where the truth will not be swept under the carpet. We were lucky enough to have the talents of such a good jouranlist as Mr. Johnson to shed the light on the evil deeds of a city out of control. Next year we will be forunate enough to have egg all over your face!

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One little grain of sand will turn into a pearl over a long time. I don't think it will be take a long time however. That little grain of sand also known here as friction over corrupt government has been causing an abrasion that has turned into a pearl. A pearl gleaming white and representing truth.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not real sure I believe all the writings I have seen here. How could something of this magnitude ever be allowed to go on in a city this size?

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need to believe all the writings here. Soon all the testimonies will be out, signed, sealed and delivered and filed for public view.

How do you think a city can get away with such allegations? If you need to ask, I then observe you as a person who has power and some influence. Many people don't have squat for rights of their own property and even are in the radar for self-seeking-of-fortune code inspectors.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By golly you have found us a name for them.....they are nothing but a bunch of fortune hunters with a badge!

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lantry,Thune,Helgen,Bostrom, there are head hunters out in the city that won't rest untill justice is served!

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are moles in the city.What ever you say or do someone is watching.Sleep tight.

11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember -2 things here?
Code of Ethics
Code of Conduct
Enough to have them removed from office, or their jobs.
All City, County, State, and Federal employees have to read and sign it, to get these jobs.
If they break the rules of the job, "FIRED THEM with NO "Unemployment" Pay.

Enough is Enough !

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Schiller the nark. Quit selling out the code inspection department. While other code inspectors and city officials are keeeping a tight lip you are spouting out.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bag of mixed nuts and fruits. Stop drinking and typing. Just clean your damn property up and be responsible. Take some personal and professional responsibility for your business.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:23- You are nobody but Bill Dahn. Nice post. All Thune has to do one debate or fill out a form and the choice will be clear.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exactly does a building have civil rights? I would think that the person paying to live in the crap hole that you call a home deserves better. Poor people deserve to live in a clean safe building. The other option is NOT they'll be homeless but, you'll be without a certificate to rent the property out.

You got tenants that's causing problems and you don't do anything about it, you forfeit your privledge to operate a rental business in St Paul.

You don't like it? Move to Cottage Grove. You'll never get the people to line up behind slumlords and problem property owners. Why? Because no one wants that's crap in their neighborhood.

So, please go public. Scratch your empty heads and figure out how to generate media for your cause. I'm sure that once the public is aware, you'll be ran out of town iwth pitchforks and tourches.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone feels that it ok to get screwed by these code enforcement people.
The Screw turns both ways.
Bill was right again.
Hello Bill Dahn.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Pulse of the city, is tearing down these nice homes.
We can do something if we are not afraid.
To the ones out there with no guts, just sit back and watch how it is done.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right 9:48, they do deserve to live in a clean safe building. They also have the responsibility to keep it that way and not turn it into the crap hole you speak of. The house was not that way when they moved in and it shouldn't be turned into that condition while they are living there.

And as long as you mention Cottage Grove I will tell you something else since I happen to live in Cottage Grove. We don't need to have anyone line up behind us here becasue the city does its job, and I might add they do it legally without breaking the law. When there are behavior issues and crime problems the police either arrest the people or give them a ticket and they do it all the the time. Most of these problem people figure out soon that their behavior is not going to be tolerated here so they move to some place like your fair city where only landlords and buildings are responsible for problems. Thanks for the advice on Cottage Grove, but was ahead of you by 2 decades.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of the officials in St.Paul/and their clicks tend to lie and/or bend the truth. I just don't know why they insist on trying to make people lives more difficult and make people look bad. Is it an insecurity issue? I bet it is. It must be a wierd feeling to wake up and think, "whos life can I try to trash to make me look good and feel better?" Thats sad. All I have to say to them is try harder at your own life before judging others. If that dosn't make sence then just fuck off.I at least can speak the truth and sign my name to it!


10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always the St. Paul DFL corruption machine chews up the people they pretend to represent. Lets start a campaign to educate the poor about what the DFL City Council is really doing to them and for them.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here the plan according to Dave Thune... copied from E-Democracy..

we have settled into a "lets get it
mentality toward protecting our neighborhoods. You'll see this soon in
Mayor/Council support for addressing vacant housing and needed support
our communities.

Its going to be a constructive new year in St. Paul

dave thune

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy is right come to think of it. The people that run this city are afraid to have their depositions taken according to Bob. Why would a person be afraid to testify under oath if they are telling the truth? Could it be that they cannot tell the truth about something the landlords want to ask in their lawsuit? I don't think it is insecurity as Nancy thinks. I think these people know they have broken the law and they do not want to tell the truth, but they cannot lie either because they know the FBI will be joining the party later on and then when they get questioned by the FBI they'll already be locked into their answers from the depositions, so if they try to say something different, then they are caught telling lies to a federal agent and that is a big no no. Seems like the landlords have them between a rock and a hard spot!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Council memebers do not have to follow the same laws as the rest of us. They just find a crooked court to hide behind when the going gets tough.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Schiller is not the only Rat in code enforcement and employees of the city. There are many that don't believe what has been done and are speaking behind closed doors due to the fear of losing their job.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of people are saying lots of things and it is all going to be made public so the taxpayers can see what kind of city leaders they have.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course they are speeking behind closed doors, they have seen first hand how the corruption works with the city's officials. People that speak up have to cover themselves in fear of retaliation, which we have seen happen to several people. That is how these officials operate, they use their power and authority figures to try and keep things quiet. Looks like thats not working quite so well anymore, they overdid it and it is now coming back on them. Just like any crime, the longer you commit it the more careless you are and guess what the next step is??? You get caught and people start speaking up and testifying...


11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'MOM, everyone! Why do you think you have city people here posting right now? They are SCARED, although, I don't quite think there are that many posting, I think it's rather like.....2 maybe.

Dave Thune is posting and reading and will continue all day and tomorrow and........ Tomorrow is the day of the hearing and we'll see what that brings.

By the way Nancy, tormenting and power play is not the only thing on the agenda of these code inspectors, they are fishing for prizes and treasure of hard working people and snatching it out from under them.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing with the city of St Paul is that they have been doing this kind of stuff for so long it has become a "culture" and they no longer think they are breaking the law. They think they are above the law. That is about to change!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

FOLKS, so there is no confusion, below is a message that is not from me.

You can go back to this original post and click onto the name and see what we have here is a blissfully ignorant person that needs some educating.

He came to our Town Hall meeting without reading any facts linked and discused through out the Town Hall Meeting here.

bob said...
How exactly does a building have civil rights? I would think that the person paying to live in the crap hole that you call a home deserves better. Poor people deserve to live in a clean safe building. The other option is NOT they'll be homeless but, you'll be without a certificate to rent the property out.

You got tenants that's causing problems and you don't do anything about it, you forfeit your privledge to operate a rental business in St Paul.

You don't like it? Move to Cottage Grove. You'll never get the people to line up behind slumlords and problem property owners. Why? Because no one wants that's crap in their neighborhood.

So, please go public. Scratch your empty heads and figure out how to generate media for your cause. I'm sure that once the public is aware, you'll be ran out of town iwth pitchforks and tourches.

9:48 AM

12:21 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

It's about 18 comments up the list from this one. If that helps anyone.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This 9:48 guy is nothing more than a fox trying to get into the chicken coop. From the looks of his website, it looks as though he runs a business that does screening, etc. and he wants to make money off of people by scaring them with a threat that the government is going to close down slumlords and how bad slumlords are. I have news for you Mr. Asshole, the biggest slumlord in the the city is the city's own public housing agency, and there is proof to substantiate that, so before you start coming in here running down people you know nothing about perhaps you should check out your government bussies first.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are going to have some fun with this guy. Just click on the name "Bob" at the beginning of his post and it will take you right to his website.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee maybe Mr Asshole is trying to earn brownie points with a bunch of city officials that are about to be made public of the corruption they have been preforming. Goodluck asshole nice try!By the way that was a bad move on your part, not good for your advertising reputation.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's "since" and "clique".

Cottage Grove idiot says 'what'?

12:38- "C'MOM" is actually C'mon. Your version is a little dirty. Speaking of dirty, Nancy I'm surprised you went a little potty mouth on us today.

You all really think Thune wastes his time on this blog of whiners?

You can't even take a few pot shots from some anonymous posters, how are you going to ever tell your story and stand up in court. You're a joke.

Why not have Bill Dahn be your legal consul with Sharon Anderson as co-consul.

PS-Bob J.
Ademocracy means that you are against democracy or non-chalant over it. See words like asexual, apolitical and atypical.

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob at

You are a typical loser trying to line your pockets with the green at the cost of others and the issues they have with the city of St.Paul... You would just love to see the city enforce manditory screeng of tenents and manditory landlord training. I think you will need to kiss the citys ass a little better than you have for that to happen!

12:36 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

bob the landlord hater, have you read the RICO suits?

Have you even read what the code enforcement officer had to say here in a depositon?

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the spelling errors and the bad language.. I was a bit upset, and just started typing away without going back to check my writing, although that is no excuse for my bad choice of words. No that is not usually my form of speech. I am sorry hope you all can accept my apology...


12:43 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Ademocracys name was choosen for obvious reasons. IT GETS BIG TIME HITS.. At least it's not Edemocracy E for ENTRENCHED

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the person who posted from Cottage Grove. Are you calling me an idiot? If I wasn't so busdy damaging my building so people can live in substandard conditions, I'd fly out there to California where you are and knock your silly ass out! Mind your own business in California and dont' worry about ours.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Bob the landlord hater, I think I should link the City Council members names to your name here just for people to email the Council members and tell them what they think of your rude uneducated babblings here.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, sorry for my misssspling of C'mon. I noticed it after posting. When you have to nit pik after spelling, you know it's down to straws! The nit wits, nit pik and throw a fit.

Someone is getting REALLY mad, anxious and red faced! OOOOh and AAAAh, I'm sure everyone is upset with our hhaaa spelling mishaps, NOT! Someone's bondeelies are getting bunched up - that's like getting a bee in yer bonnet. My kids get very upset when they are caught in a lie and they don't like paying for their wrong either. The only thing is that they are still kids and will learn. These are big, grown-up people thinking that the world revolves around them and that is dangerous.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a great idea. Kathy Lantry always gets compplaints in her office so I am sure she would love to hear from her constituients about how they feel. Maybe she could also explain why she is too cowardly to have her deposition taken. Now is your chance Kathy. Come tell the world what you have done for the citizens with respect to the landlords and the problem properties. This is your chance to credit and get re-elected with it in the coming election.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm right here in the st paul area. I use that link because it is the anthet...nevermind. It's the opposite of Bob Johnson. Now, what you don't want to do is start something with a group of expert lawyers like rhol has. You can't even beat the over-worked government lawyers or get your preliminary material together. No hearing yet. The RHOL lawyers would tear you apart like wolves in a chicken coop.

Little bob, it's "boulder" and "beach".

Nancy, you seem to be a little different than the usual know-nothings on here. Stay sweet.

Again Bob, Ademocracy means you are indifferent or don't care about democracy one way or another. You seem to be a born follower by name your site as a spin off of another site that pissed you off. It's not even clever. NonE-Democracy would have been clever.

Stick with your issues with st paul, don't go starting a fight you can't finish with the big dogs.

Hey Cottage Grove, its "busy", as in "I'm busy with my boyfriend".

The game is starting to get interested. Gotta go.

1:08 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Bob the Landlord Hater.. I am going to post more of a deposition in your honor..

You really should watch who your threatening.. Your a small man Attorneys and all where I came from PAL.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so many good postings here. I would like to say a lot, but have no time right now. I am showing an aprtment for rent in just a half hour and I have to get over there before the showing so I can knock a few goles in the walls. I'll be back.

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So then he's here from CA to buy distressed properties and lots and sell them to his buddies. Maybe he has mortgage company ties to. He has it all! A plan to get in on the action of saint paul, then he'll use his totally west coast smooth-as-glass slick ick and reel them in. Have some good mortgage deals do you? Happy shopping and hope you get the deal of a lifetime. Unless he's really a saint paulite and feels that CA would be a more intelligent sounding operative for him as he can't rely on his own self, his own charm and wisdom. Actually I think he's hanging off a string and a cold evil hand is up his BEhind and allowing his performance. Can someone spell check me and while you're at it beam me up I'm done. Yahooooo, can't wait!!!!!!

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need for spellcheck, we have SPIF'ers watching over here and they will let you know in a heartbeat if your spelling is off.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing Bob, the LL hater. You think this is fun, wait until all your buds are exposed and shivering in the elements. "C'MOM", no one from CA is going to waste their time here! No one without anything to lose is going to waste their time here, today, when they could be drinking beer, watching a game (I'm female, so excuse me if I don't know the game line-up). It's Sunday and those who have wives and a decent sort of life will NOT be posting here unless it is with an agenda and a nice big "steak" to lose. The heat has been turned up and the regulars come here to socilize and commiserate the dastardly deeds of government which is fine in respect that that's not a waste.

Bob, the LL Hater comes here to try and stop it. Why? He's so obvious that it's pathetic. If he was a real man he would be out with his friends spouting off. His lawyers are all so powerful that we should all be scared of them, OOOh. Every now and then I run into those guys from HS who were always loudly proclaiming all their intellect.

Bob, Bob, is that you, are you really 62, can you still even chew the lies that you post from your boastful host of that which you call, can you get a clue, we know your hue is not true blue but maybe a shade of red from being fed by the hand of hades. Now go forth little man to your abode of destruction and not give furthermore your needles of infection for you spout pestilience to those who are resistence to the hate you persistencly spread.

Little men fight woman with wordy quips that perceive as intelligence when in fact it is so transparent that even Nancy and I can see through it.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RHOL has a 28 year record of helping landlords AND tenants.
RHOL has a strong record for taking out slumlords.

You st paul slumlords can't even get the official record going. Some people can accuse a council member of wrongdoing and the FBI steps in, like in minneapolis. Three council members busted in the last few years. In st paul you say you have all of this evidence yet, can't get anyone to listen to you but out of work property pimps to latch on, and a few poor souls who lost their homes.

Why should the city fear you? You are doing wrong and have no idea of how to go about these things in a normal manner.

And...I am watching the game. We're just sitting back here and I'm using my access through my cell phone to work you guys over. It's quite funny.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

little bob, the landlord hater,I'd say you have something to fear. What is it?

Let me fill the information in for others.. You are a entrenched democrat and you see all your Buddies careers going down the toilet.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a new low for the city? It would appear that they have sent their undercover operatives in to our "House of Freedom" and they planted a "Trojan Horse."

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only ones working anyone over are the landlords and the proof is the city council trying to use the courts to hide behind so they don't have to attend a deposition. What are they afraid of? The truth?

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like we chased away little bob the landlord hater.What's wrong little bob, you don't like our playground.

The goofball opened his mouth and Bob swung the Big Stick (first Amendment) and hit another home run with a new post..

Ya otta come back little bob and take another batting lesson from Big Bob. I bet Big Bob can hit a whole bunch of post right out of the park with the Big Stick....

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit a home run?
All I see is this virtual rally against the city council, the few code enforcement officers and the Mayor.

You haven't dragged anyone to court yet, you've put a lot of energy in calling people corrupt and gay(Bill Dahn likes to go there a lot. I wonder what that means...). Lots of accustions, no court of law ruling, or even hearing.

In the time you all have been patting yourselves on the back and ass, the city has ignored you and decided to ramp up code enforcements, and even hire more officers to cover more properties.

No one has gotten their property back because of anynoe on here. You've only provided them a virtual fantasy world where slumlords will rule one day.

I have seen nothing to respond to on here.
1. You haven't been taken seriously by the courts. Only promises.
2. The city is not afraid of you. On your watch inspections will widen to the point that the cash strapped city will find money to hire more code enforcement staff.
3. People are still losing their property that they aren't taking care of.
4. Looking a few posts back, people are also cheering the city code enforcement efforts.


6:30 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

little bob, your welcome to your opinion. and your welcome here. Only I think your full of shit!

Every time I post the truth, you and other birds of a feather like you, start crawling like reptiles, snakes..

That's why your here, you see the potential of this movement to inform people of the civil rights violations that have occurred.

You have something to lose in all of this. OR you have friends that have something to lose.Your anger shows.


8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got nothing on the table with this issue. I just find you guys entertaining.
You failed to answer or address any of the three points I put forward.
What have you done effective to your cause?
Inspections are up. Evictions are up. Demolitions are sup. And, the city is starting to increase all of the above.

Who exactly is afraid and what are they afraid of? You haven't been effective.

You're calling the wrong person angry. I simply call you guys to the mat about your ineffectiveness and I get the angry posts, including yours. All caps emphasizing your ability to shout. Name calling and even threats.

If you were an effective group, I may even be concerned.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Little bob, you cast the first threat, REMEMBER!

You have not answered a single question I have asked you since you came to this board. Now, you want me to assume you have no horse in this race. I don't believe you! Tell us your real name I bet you don't have the guts to do that do you? You know why, people will see your a phony.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Bob your mouth has earned the City another post later today!

I'm going to tell this whole story whether you like it or not.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Johnson, less you prove to your readers that you are a liar, where did I cast any threat, let alone the first one as you say I did. Where? Are you just like the people you are up against? Willing to lie when it suits you?

9:14 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Did you not threaten me with your attorneys at rhol?

No my man your the liar. You come here with half truths and misinformation all in an effort to defend yourself or someone you know who is going to get canned over this illegal activity I am bringing out.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No I didn't.
I guess you are a liar.
I never threatened anyone with 'my' lawyers.

Like your lawsuits, you can make it up but, seem to have a hard time proving your case.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the lawsuits are being proven out quite nicely as the depositions progress. Some day all those transcripts are going to be public and you are going to realize what a fool you have made of yourself.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Little bob said. Stick with your issues with St Paul, don't go starting a fight you can't finish with the big dogs.

Big Bob- sounds like a threat to me.!

Who threatened you?

Really isn't this what you want to do little bob, distract from the issues at hand?

Why are you afraid to debate the issues little bob? I will answer that for you. You know there is a bunch of racist in City government and your OK with civil rights being violated to get rid of the blacks huh little bob?

4:23 PM  

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