City of Saint Paul Berated..
I have a ton of information on the depositions yet.. However, breaking news is coming up so please click onto the title of this post to hear more on what the weak minded of our City are planning next..
posted by Bob at Thursday, January 18, 2007
On A Truth Seeking Mission A Democracy
The Black Background Represents The Dark Subjects We Debate - The White Print Represents The Pure And Simple Truth
So much resistance to keeping your damn property livable.
Being poor doesn't mean you have to live in squalor.
Clean your damn rat traps up and you'll have no problem.
Is it so hard to do the right thing?
You think people who live on your block with that eyesore like seeing their own property value go down thanks to your neglect?
The city of St.Paul can Fuck Off!
Lets talk about the homes of the people who are in opposition of the property rights advocates here.
They leave burned out cars in their driveways. Some of the council members homes look like a home transplanted here from the back hills of Georgia.
Should I name names.
What's wrong with a burned car in the driveway Bucky? You sound like some kind of socialist or sonthing. Get a life!
OK folks, here is the truth of the matter. If Barb Benson Dave Thunes assistant really lives 2 doors east of 785 Butternut, she lives in a dump.
City Councilman Dave Thunes properties had looked like some hillbilly owned them.All his properties were in a constant state of construction for 30 years!For God sake they give rental property owners very little time to repair.
Big mouth Repke (an entrenched Democrat in City politics) didn't start fixing his rental property until last year. It looked like shit! He left a burned out car in the driveway for months.All along he would go to Saint Paul Issues and Forums and spout off his mouth against property rights advocates knowing damn well he had his own issues to deal with.
Ask Chucky if he was ever written up for that car, or the condition of his dump. No, people like Chucky get a pass. They are part of the machine that is out to rid the City of a certain class of people.
You racist bastards.
Landlords, would you like me to call you a WHAAAAAAAmbulance?
I saw Chucks car when it was parked on our alley. One of the neighbors just wrote a little reminder on the window of the car to "please fix up" and Chuck took care of it within a few months, so cut him some slack here....he's our neighbor and we like him.
The average citizen is lucky to get a few months to do a complete code compliance and it took Repke a few months to repair or remove a burnt vehicle, can you imagine how much time he would need to a code complience then. Oh forget it he has friends in the system so he's not required to follow the same rules as the rest of us... And that is suppose to be fair treatment huh?
You obviouly have a thing for Chuck Repke. Why don't you tone it down a bit, he's doesn't pretend to be as perfect as you claim to be so how about a little humility?
I am absolutely amazed at the following poster. He gives the impresson that becasue there is not a "black or minority face amoung us", that we must be in this for our own pockets and our aspirations to not follow the housing codes.
What this person appartanltly does not understand is that even if you are not a minority person, you still have the right (and it is a civil right dictated by federal Statutes) to protection in your accociations with those minority peoples and the same discrimination laws apply just like the white person is a minority person.
I don't hear anyone saying they didn't want to comply with the codes. What I read time after time in all of the lawsuit complaints was that these landlords were targeted with illegal code enforcement activities that were targeting behavior issues, not code violations. That much has already been admitted to by many as a cost effective and efficient way to address the crime issues in the neighborhoods. The code violation part of it was just the catalyst to get the city where they wanted to be with condemnation status. The city lied about some of those code violations, and they did their dirty deeds in the areas of town where the blacks live and it was the blacks that were forced out of their homes and into the streets. In the process, these people had their businesses destroyed and they have valid claims against the city for the illegal acts.
I find it very disingenuous and hypocritical how this person can pretend to hold himself out with such a flavor of self rightousness while at the same time disparaging the people that are using the very same law that is intended to protect the poor and minority people's right to (in his own words) "live in a clean and safe place."
Yes the government has the right to make rules and regulations. They also have the reponsibility of NOT breaking the law in enforcing those rules, (not to mention an ethical responsibility to treat people honestly and fairly) and this government DID break the law.
And finally.....if this poster had even bothered to read the lawsuit complaints before treating us to his vast wealth of knowlege, wisdom, and his passing of judgement on us like we are the people that he deosn't like bringing the lawsuits, he would have realized that there ARE minority people included as some of the people bringing these lawsuits.
signed - fed up with corruption
Back to the issue at hand. Chuck is right. You all have legs to stand on and filing a case is reserved for anyone. You don't even have to be a citizen to do so.
You all seem to speak so strongly for minorities, yet when I look at you, I can't see a non-white face among us. Eric and Bob's son excluded.
Where are the groups of minorities you're speaking up for? Why didn't you simply pack the hearing with them? The media would have ate that up and the liberals would have been hard pressed to deny them to their face?
I'll gander and thought why. Maybe because this is really about your own pockets and refusal to fall within code. It seems as though you beleive that minorities and poor people don't have a right to live in a clean safe place. Who determines clean and safe? Well the city of course. It's their job to enact across the board ordinances. Every business that operates in the city, any city, any state, have a set of rules and regulations they must follow or they lose their right to operate their business, in the city. Why are landlords any different?
You're not. Clean up your place.
Hi All,
I want to caution people about talking about private citizens.
I believe there is an error in where Barb Benson lives. So you see where this stuff can lead.
Chuck- is a private citizen also. I don't agree with Chuck, but I like Chuck.
ALSO- it isn't fair to say that my son and Eric are the only minorities to post here. That isn't true my sons friends have posted here. Minority friends of mine have posted here. I can only assume as I pass out the Little Paper that invites people here the dynamics of Ademocracy will be mostly minorities. Thats right, white folks will be a minority here. And there is minority plaintiffs in the RICO suits.
Didn't we learn the hard way that you can't tell what color someone is from their posting.
Sharon Anderson Ward 2 Candidate against Thune again: from her legal domicile at 1058 Summit, recently resold for over $700 thousand to Barb Benson Thunes Aide
No STatute on Fraud or Murder
Sharon, I don't think your information is correct. A Benson owns the house but I do not believe it is any relation to the Benson we speak of.
This work is going to get real hard for me and others if we have to investigate everything someone post on. Please everyone, verify your information before posting.I and other are very busy we don't need distractions. Thank you!
If by some slim chance I am wrong Sharon, I surely don't mind baked crow!
It's time somebody did something about landlords of single family homes and duplexes. I'm sick and tired of calling code enforcement every week to get something done about the rental properties on my block that are owned by people who could care less about how the property looks or who they rent to.
I assume some of you actually care about the properties you own and the community in which they are, but from where I stand, it sure looks like these folks are only in it for a buck.
11:19, we have civil rights for a reason! The measures the City has been using to rid the City of less desirable properties is ILLEGAL!!!!
You don't figure out ways to circumvent civil rights to justify a means!
Responsible government holds people accountable for social ills. NOT BUILDINGS....
Then throw all the shady shit that come into play with some of these developers. WELL, frankly the way the City does business stinks!
Bob - The way you defend them makes it appear you are a scumbag too. The properties wouldn't be problem if the people took care of them. I personally would love to see a lot where the crappy rentals are on my block.
And a lot you shall have you moron! You can pay the tax the rest of the homes were paying also after everyone is gone. You'll be living there all by yourself with a brownfield for a back yard.
Clean up your property. Or, you can put your eggs in the Bill Dahn for City Council race. LOL!
Is it the Fab Four, or SAD FOUR that will be replaced. No matter, there is going to be a surprise canidate.
And when this fella is on the Council who ever is lucky to be left after the electrions will have to sit across form this newly elect who will baby sit your asses.
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