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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Behold ACORN’s ‘Communist Manifesto’

Topic requested...Please click onto the COMMENTS for the story.


Anonymous Sweetness and Light said...

Link to story above

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACORN's getting Obama and Al Franken elected.
How many laws did ACORN break

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be an immediate rakceteering investigation concerning these poeple.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like Bob's or Bill's or Sharon's ranting against the government.

Did I miss some difference?

Just FYI Acorn has never been able to be as much of a player in Saint Paul as it has been in some other areas because of the District Council system where the City recognizes the people that show up at those meeting as "the neighborhood." So it is an organizing handicap to them here.

I remember in the late seventies, early eighties their organizing strategy was stop signs. They would door knock an area and find out where the locals thought there was a need for a stop sign...and then, wham out of the blue there would be a big press event with a ton of folks with fake stop signs, stopping traffic going wild and getting a ton of media.

Their biggest weakness has been one of their biggest strength which is the hirer a lot of local neighborhood, types to become organizers and some of them lack any professionalism at all and that is why they keep getting in all of that trouble.

Paying someone by the number of voter registration cards he turns in so, he fakes them....

Giving tax advice to a fake pimp that he could just claim he was in the "entertainment business."

Its pretty sad.

But they have lived off of the notion that you shouldn't have "outsiders with degrees" trying to organize the neighborhood. Its noble but costly when it goes bad.


Chuck Repke

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are obviously in the minority with your thoughts Chuck because Congress had voted with a huge majority to STOP funding to these bunch of criminals.

5:28 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck said;
It sounds like Bob's or Bill's or Sharon's ranting against the government.

Did I miss some difference?

My response;
Big difference Chuck and you know it. You and Eric will do about anything to discredit me. Kill the messenger if you can.

I have posted here over and over and over my thoughts on government.

Here is one example.

The past and present city council members and mayors can learn something from the link above.

There is a "few" with in local city government who are arrogant, vindictive, and retaliatory.

I remember these words well from local city government speaking to property investors. Said with a pointing finger, "YOU WILL COMPLY!" Good way to get along with citizens seeking common ground. Mouth like that breeds contempt among citizens and leads to lawsuits. Of coarse that lesson is being taught now.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hud pays 14 million for 13 homes,
and what is Repke's cut or commission on this.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let me try this again.

I have never been a member of Acorn and all I was trying to explain what were the kinds of things they do and why I think they end up in trouble.

And Bob... I was only saying that they are just pitching a bitch against the government and trying to help others do the same.


Chuck Repke

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.... and on the HUD pays 14 million for 13 homes..?

Please sign me up for a piece of that!


In all seriousness that isn't what is happening. There is some acquisitions of bank owned foreclosed properties at their appraised prices... but I haven't seen any of those that are over $100,000. Any of them are restricted to go back to affordable housing.


Chuck Repke

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Acorn_Obama_Bing it said...

Google or Bing search engines
WOW Obama Acorn Ties Bizzare

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Bill Dahn Ballot Question said...

Chuck Check out to challenge the Primary, which never should have taken place, costly to Taxpayers.
also Star Widget

5:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there's 14 mil floating around the city Repke and it's connested to anything non profit I know you gotta finger in there somewhere. Why don'y you come clean with much is your slice of the pie?

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U - R Not ting but a Communist,
U Democratic Party.

Cheating in the 2008 election

12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck this is just for you.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

--Lord Alexander Tytler on the fall of the Athenian republic

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck Repke said: 2:13 PM
It sounds like Bob's or Bill's or Sharon's ranting against the government.

ACORN is ACORN, nothing to do with what Bob, Bill or Sharon may think.

These three people are sure making the DFL Party uneasy,
next Repke will blame the three of being anti Americans and want them locked up to silence them.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Chuck is worried about is the close relationship between ACORN and the DFL Party of Minnesota.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Chuck the ACORNS don't fall far from the tree (MN DFL).

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the best comment I seen here.

Anonymous said... 5:20 PM
Oh Chuck the ACORNS don't fall far from the tree (MN DFL).

City Government "Dave Thune" incharge of HUD and the money, Chuck and his friends are helping Dave move this Federal money around the city.

Do "we" get to share this federal money.
Thune is the tree and Chuck is the ACORN

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:43 - good quote on the fall of Athens.

We have witnessed that over the last eight years of the Bush administration where the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.3% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional,
and small business stratum) had 50.3%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom
80% (wage and salary workers).

The rich have been making sure that more and more of that public treasure goes to them.

Sure am glad that we are begining to see some of that turn.


Chuck Repke

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:47 AM To Chuck Repke

We have been saying that Thune with HUD and his buddies have been gathering the nest egg and sharing it between the Good Old Boys aka DFL.
Years of housing complaint to HUD and others have gotten some eyebrows lifted.
I just talked to some friend at HUD about all this and we will see what becomes of it.

Bill Dahn

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bewildered citizen: "Did ACORN really give advice on how to use young girls smuggled into the country for prostitution to best advantage for tax purposes?"

Moonbat: "Bushitler lied, people died!"

Bewildered citizen: "Um, OK. But did ACORN encourage a prostitute to defraud the tax code so she could buy a brothel?"

Moonbat: "The rich have been making sure that more and more of that public treasure goes to them."

Bewildered citizen: "M'kay. But has ACORN been convicted of voter registration fraud, and are they under investigation for fraud in 19 states right now?"

Moonbat: "CEO's are raking in obscene salaries, and Dick Cheney is a douche!"

Bewildered citizen: "Wasn't it Rep. Michele Bachmann that has been warning people about ACORN for a couple of years now? Looks like she had a point, don't you agree?"

Moonbat: "Ahhhh, teh Bachmann!!! It burns! It Burns! Aaaarghhhh!"
(Bursts into flames)


First Peebo's Commie advisor, and now ACORN....she really kicked your moonbat asses this time, didn't she Repke?

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repke you sure are full of beans. Maybe you attended too many DFL bean feeds.

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiftee, ACORN hasn't been convicted of anything.

Saying that the actions of few reflect on the whole is ludicrous. Well, that would be like me saying the Republican Senators have problems with whores, they can't get enough of them. Or Republican officials enjoy racist jokes. Or have issues with fornication (Mark Sanford and John Ensign).

If only the Republicans who have worked up a frenzy over ACORN's alleged crimes were so indignant about real and damaging voter fraud -- such as the amazing case of Young Political Majors, the firm that ran the Republican voter registration efforts in California, Massachusetts, Florida, Arizona and elsewhere before the authorities in Orange County, Calif., busted its president, Mark Anthony Jacoby, and sent him to jail last year (Orange County is very Republican. How many ACORN workers are in jail?).

He had built a lucrative partisan career by teaching his minions to deceive thousands of voters into registering as Republicans rather than Democrats, among other scams. So, while others are foaming at the mouth at alleged voter fraud with ACORN, the Republicans are rolling in it.

Again, the real problem Republicans have with ACORN is the people they represent, all poor and mostly minority. They tend not to vote Republican and need government services. Two things the Republicans got no use for.

ACORN is active in 75 cities across the country and have been brought to light over the actions of half a dozen employees, all who've been fired (unlike the cheating and whore-loving Republicans).

They tend to hire and train from the communities they represent, thus providing jobs for the poor but, leading to some problems. Their trainings and supervision leaves a lot to be desired and that's where I support a thorough
audit or investigation.

So, tell us Swift, what's your real issue with ACORN? Those poor dark people don't deserve to be angry and demand to be heard, do they?

You're a bad joke.


5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acorn is not active in much voter registration in Minnesota.
Since we have same day registration, it's a waste of time.
The DFL does fine without them.

In the last three cycles they claim to have registered over 2 million people with about one million in the 2004 elections. That leaves about a million for the 2008 election. Obama beat McCain by several million votes (enough of cushion where ACORN wouldn't have mattered) and by over 190 electoral votes (365-173).

Oh, and Michelle Bachman is a liar and fraud. Start a new post and I can fill it with her crazy talk. By the way, how did that St Cloud town hall go? expecting a thousand, got only 60? She's pitiful, I just hope they keep sending her back.


5:38 AM  
Anonymous Web of Debt LandMark Deisions said...

Acorn Hits the Dust, Decent Bloggers Rise above the Sands
Sharons StatesSupremeCourts"Precedants must be Uniform
FreedomLawSchool Group led Sharon to Web of Debt Great Case Law
Study it Sharons case 62cv09-1163 on Appeal, HELL HATH NO FURY WORSE THAN SHARONS SCORN.

PS Bill keep at it Run for State Senator.. Keep Government Accountable PSS Please pick up the Latest BlueBook

6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:27 AM Eric said:

Swiftee, ACORN hasn't been convicted of anything. You're a bad joke

Eric You're the bad joke, anytime the DFL try to cover the facts it just glows brighter.

ACORN hasn't been convicted of anything yet, just give the GOP a little time.

DEMOCRAT -- FARMER -- LABOR PARTIES had to join together with all their different tricks to beat the REPULICAN PARTY.

The Democrats always gang up on people and their rights, 3 to 1

Bill Dahn

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric You're the bad joke, anytime the DFL try to cover the facts it just glows brighter.

This coming from Bill Dahn who would be dead in the streets if it wasn't for big government and groups like ACORN. Bill, aside from tying your own shoes, you are completely in need of this kinds of organizations. Be quiet now.

ACORN hasn't been convicted of anything yet, just give the GOP a little time.

A little time for what?
More Republicans to get arrested?
By the way genius, its Democrats that are doing the audit and investigation. The republicans were in power for 12 years and did nothing.

Its been about 14 years since your house problems, have the republicans lifted a finger to help you out?

DEMOCRAT -- FARMER -- LABOR PARTIES had to join together with all their different tricks to beat the REPULICAN PARTY.

First its only two parties that merged, Democratic and the Farmer-Labor Party (65 years ago). Next, and I expect this will fly way over your head, they were dividing the vote on the same side of the issues although they were both getting people elected in MN. Further proof that Minnesota has long been a left of center leaning state. Remember this the home of Gus Hall and the Red Finns.

The Democrats always gang up on people and their rights, 3 to 1

You got this mixed up, but because its you, you're excused. You meant to write:
The Democrats always gang up for people and their rights

Don't engage me Bill. It hard to excuse you when you're throwing out colossal misinformation and rhetoric. Talk to Sharon.


10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiftee befor you posted I said:

"Their biggest weakness has been one of their biggest strengths which is the hirer a lot of local neighborhood types to become organizers and some of them lack any professionalism at all and that is why they keep getting in all of that trouble."

So, are news outlets from time to time able to get some employee of theirs doing something really, really, really, stupid?

All of the freaking time.

I don't know that they would ever want to switch out to professional organizers, people who have actually been trained in government relations, social work or political sceince... they seem happy to recruit from the neighborhood with people that are inspired.

Not the way I would do things, but there on the nightly news.


Chuck Repke

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Swiftee, we know you're 'just being sarcastic' about your true feelings.

Too bad there is zero evidence in your past online posting to indicate anything but hostility and partisan rhetoric toward any and every group that's not white, conservative, men.

Yep, your record is pretty much shitting on everyone. That's Tom Swift.

For the record, every single program put forth to help the poor, like the public housing you lived in as a kid, was put there by Democrats over the objections of a majority of Republicans. Suddenly you care? BS.


9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your still two timing these people.

5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


When it comes to keeping blacks unemployed, uneducated, and imprisoned the Democrat party has a record the KKK can only dream about.

I believe that because the facts back it up.

But that's just me; you feel free to stick with that reparations lottery dream. And be sure to say "hi" to Jesse Jackson for me at the next Pimpin' for Poverty fund raiser, won't you?

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a son of a bitch its a complete waste to argue with you.

Tell everyone one thing the Republicans have come out in front of that helps with equalization that hasn't further punished the poor. Just one.

Again, every program or project that helps minorities and the poor has been championed by Democrats over the objections of Republicans.


3:45 PM  
Blogger Sharon4Anderson said...

Don't engage me Bill. It hard to excuse you when you're throwing out colossal misinformation and rhetoric. Talk to Sharon.


10:57 AM

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tell everyone one thing the Republicans have come out in front of that helps with equalization.."

The Emancipation Proclamation.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one Swiftee. You go on to make my point by having to go 150 years. Freeing slaves. Remember the equalization part of that question? For next 100 years, there were no equalizing legislation championed by Republicans. The Democrats destroyed their party to pass legislation supporting citizens being treated like citizens.

Most Democrats who were against Civil Rights left the party for the Republicans and by 1972, the pro-segregationist Democrats were running the Republican party.

The Emancipation Proclamation was opposed by those who thought the Federal government was growing too big and becoming too controlling. Sound familiar?

Brown v. Board of Ed. Topeka, KS was violently opposed by those who thought the federal government was over-stepping the constitutional bounds.

The Democratic Party's Civil Rights of 1948 platform was vehemently opposed by those who supported States Rights and were against the federal government.

In the 1960's the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were opposed by those who 'said' they hated the Federal government and believed in states rights.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan kicks off his campaign in Philadelphia Ms with a long speech on his belief that the government is the problem and states rights. Reagan had zero ties to Philadelphia, MS, and the town was known for one thing. 18 years earlier, three college students had come to town to help blacks register to vote were found murdered.

Most of the people who write here will not get any of this- its what people like Swiftee depend on, emotion and ignorance.

Your party has done nothing except divide the country, piss on rights and ruin the economy- over and over.


8:33 AM  
Anonymous Bill said...

Most of the people who write here will not get any of this-

And you come here for what Eric? To play with the villagers pathetic minds? With all the facts posted here in 3 years you still don't have a clue. Oh wait, you do have a clue! You know the facts brought out here to be the truth and it embarrasses you and your ilk.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Emancipation Proclamation was opposed by those who thought the Federal government was growing too big and becoming too controlling. Sound familiar?"

Yup. And they had a valid point. The US Constitution codified the sovereignty of the several states, and the federal government was encroaching on several fronts.

Their problem was in taking up the "ownership" of human beings as their cause de guerre.

Human beings are not property.

It's a shame that the aristocracy of the South was founded on slavery, not only because it was inherently evil, but because it overshadowed the interests of the most able statesmen, and when pressed, obliged them to expend their not inconsiderable wisdom and skill on a lost cause which even the majority of their fellow citizens didn't believe in.

The South's ill considered decision has forever doomed the country to the dictates of a few federal employees.

We really needed a Robert E. Lee to step up when FDR foisted the "New Deal" on a gullible, hungry population....sadly, there was none.

"Brown v. Board of Ed. Topeka, KS was violently opposed by those who thought the federal government was over-stepping the constitutional bounds. The Democratic Party's Civil Rights of 1948 platform was vehemently opposed by blah, blah, blah"

They had the same problem. It is not logical to judge someone's worth, social standing or civil rights, by things over which they have no control, such as gender or skin color.

Conservatives reject racism and gender discrimination of any sort as a logical and moral non sequitur.

"In 1980 Ronald Reagan kicks off his campaign in Philadelphia Ms with a long speech on his belief that the government is the problem and states rights."

Right. And he made his case using arguments that had nothing to do with skin color, or gender.

He was right, he used common sense and solid logic, and he won. That is why he is regarded as one of the best Presidents of the 20th century.

You, on the other hand fall back on the same faulty ground that crumbled under the segregationists.

"Reagan had zero ties to Philadelphia, MS, and the town was known for one thing. 18 years earlier, three college students had come to town to help blacks register to vote were found murdered."

Which has absolutely nothing to do with Reagan, or his philosophy.


"Your party has done nothing except divide the country, piss on rights and ruin the economy- over and over."'s the work of the GOP gay caucus, and the GOP Black caucus, and the GOP Hispanic caucus, and the GOP Feminist caucus....those darn haters using race and gender to split the country up into little fiefdoms of victim hood.

Right, Eric? Pffft.

What you mean by "equality", but are loathe to admit, is the use of power to enforce a policy of special interest based (in your case) upon race.

I believe that every man and woman is entitled to the same governmental protections without regard to race, color or creed.

What you do with your life thusly protected is in your's a little thing I like to call freedom.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Mitch Berg said...

That may have been one of the most articulate, forceful, detailed and devastating slapdowns of the moronic "States Rights equals Racism" meme I've ever read.

I might have to quote it.

3:36 PM  

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