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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Please click onto the title of this post for a link to an update on the Diva Lounge.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how much public exposure had to do with these decisions.

What's up with Dawkins?

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the city realized they were in for a big fight!

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BIG FIGHT.. YEAH! Pppppph!

10:32 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi All,

Was it Debs attorney Dawkins who achieved her shallow victory?

Or, was it Deb Johnsons willingness to fight for her rights and let the City know she would yell her message loud and clear to the public?

I say shallow victory because it appears the City has extorted Deb into paying for policing the street in front of her bar.And they hit her in the pocket by having her close at 12:00.

If the rest of the businesses in the neighborhood done the same thing and hired security, we would no longer need tax payer paid police officers on Rice street.

The hoodlums would be killing and maiming each other on the residential streets on both sides of Rice street. The police can then focus their attentions there.

Divas bar isn't the problem. The Cancun Club wasn't the problem. SA gas station on Rice wasn't the problem. All the affordable closed down housing was not the problem.


10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It" reminds me of that arrogant little snot-nosed brat on the playground always chiming "nah, nah, you can't get me". Then he turns around and runs right into the fence, then runs home crying for mommy. 10:32 Now you're a brown-nosed arrogant grown-up bully, but watch out where you turn and who you trust less you may land a smack with reality.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, you lurking?

You told us you weren't an entrenched beaurcrat concerning your attack on Divas. Just an honest Joe telling an honest story.SURE!

Haven't you served on the "Long Range Capitol Improvement Budget Committee" for a number of years?

Aren't you a well known "Democrat Activist"?

Nice to know we have the attention of the Democrat Party. Maybe you guys will wake up and do whats right before it's to late and you are on the outside looking in.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing.

Eric has a friend with a blog who started bashing DIVAS months ago.

Bob told me he left a link to his blog and the Diva story there and she deleted the entire post.You know these lefties believe in moderation and censorship when a subject doesn't favor their postion.

Sorry for giving up the private email Bob. I hope you don't mind under the circumstances. We had to disrobe Eric for who he is, and besides I didn't twist anything you said. Eric shouldn't mind he has no intigrity he uses private emails to benifit himself when ever possible. Calls it revenge.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric belongs on E-Democracy.


3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did my name get pulled on here- yet again?
I'm not a bureaucrat, I'm gainfully self-employed.
I'm lurking in every couple of days to check out my name. When I post its under my name.

Don't know if I'm what YOU would consider an honest Joe but, I did report on SPIF what I saw.

You boneheads don't know me and can't shift me in one corner or another. I just don't care that much about Diva's. I wrote what I saw and drew my conclusions from that. If the issues around Diva's are found to be no fault of the establishment's practices, then good. No skin off my nose. However, if I lived nearby, I would be concern if the cops are spending all of their time there messing with people and not patrolling my streets.

You guys got a vendetta against the city- fine. Don't drag me in on one side or the other, issue by issue I make my own mind up.

Don't know what you're talking about private e-mails. Nobody disrobed me. this is just further bullshit about a guy you all know very little about. I don't think any of my friends have blogs, they have jobs. So, you;ll have to fill me in on what blog I've been busy on and who got disrobed.

While I know you all are a bunch of conspiracy whiney theorists, you don't get an arguement out of me on your right to whine. Whine on. I reserve the right to correct false information about me.

Deb won because no one could prove that the weapons were inside the bar before they were involved in the ruckus.

I am on the CIB committee. Appointed by Kelley, re-appointed by Coleman. Before you draw anything, ask someone else how I vote and what I advocate for. Or don't, I don't care what you folks think of me.

I am a DFLer and probably not as well known as you put it. Again, so what? After the way the Republicans have screwed things up, there are a lot more DFLers out there. Mayber your group missed that during these last elections.

And finally, I do support more cops.

Now, you all may finish drinking your homemade 'shine or beating your dogs or whatever you do during the day.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi All,

I'm hoping Eric isn't becoming a subject. We have better things to talk about.

Eric,if you really want to know information about the private email in question please contact me.

I do not like sharing information in private emails. It's a betrayal of individual trust.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bob, this is only my humble opinion but things were really hot and going somewhere when posts were being made about people like Alice, Nancy, Kelly Brisson and on and on. Some of the posts here lately have been, I'm sure, intended to kick it to the side and interupt with some really childish attitudes. I'll admit when I see someone saying "you slum landlords need to get out with your tenants so we can have some peace" really irks me too, but what response was this person hoping for? Then we spend the next 2 days back and forth. Words have power. Let's use them to our advantage and put the pressure on the one's that really need it. When you do your invites to the masses out there, you need to be prepared to be putting out an overload of information of what has, is and will be continuing as city procedure. You can do it by posting stories about the above and others, with all the disaster the city has left in it's path, postings won't be running out any time soon. All it takes is one posting referring to someone like E----- to then have them coming screaming in here and biting everyone in the A-----. I know that some with a lot at stake will read everything here as I expect all the code inspectors along with city council members do. Heck, if I did something illegal, I'd be scared too. I'd also want to know who knows what and how much worse it's going to get. So, let's let them know!

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "vendetta" against the city?

People have had their lives destroyed, been pushed into bankruptcy and out of their homes and onto the streets, childrens college funds gone, home schooled chidren now forced to go to public school because the parent has to now get a job to make up the extra income, people accused falsely with criminal charges, city officials trying to profit from getting ocntrol of people's homes, retirements evsporated into thin air, and a guilty, dirty, slimy government that hasn't even made a phoney attempt of an investigation and you think that some people have a "vendetta" against the city?

I find that very hard to believe!

9:36 PM  

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