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Friday, January 07, 2011

Homeless man with golden voice


Anonymous Bill Dahn said...

Homeless man with golden voice, this is a blessing from the Lord.
This is a touching story from panhandling to fame in one day, this person had belief in the Lord and was answered one day with the congratulation he deserves for changing his life.
Being homeless does not mean hopeless.
Now those who points the finger at someone on the streets could someday be there.
Go ask Alice now she has her lovely W. St. Paul home back, after Bud Shaver Metro Gang Strike Force of W. St. Paul's Police violated her rights.
Manila (“Bud”) Shaver, Chief of the West St. Paul Police Department, So the W. St. Paul Mayor and City Council and the City Attorney had it in for Alice Kringle and gave her the boot out of her paid for home and Alice in Wonderland was sleeping at Dorothy Day Homeless Center in St. Paul for one year.
We Love You Alice.

8:06 AM  

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