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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Senator Mee Moua (DFL) - Discusses The Gang Database Used By Ramsey County


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You stupid biotch. You should have talked to law enforcement before you introduced your pro-gang legislation, not after. And I'm sorry, but if you continuously hang out with gang members you are either a gang member or a future gang member. You are a typical fricken liberal.

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Judicial Reform v. Sen. Mee Moua said...

Great Contact
Leaving for Free Store this Palm Sunday

Its easier to expose Sen.Mee Moua with the media ie: Don Mashak Please scrool to his hundreds of postings with links specifically Judicial Reform Thanks for posting

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mee Moua stupid?
College degree from Ivy League school.
Masters Degree from top school in Texas.
Law Degree from top 20 law school- U of Minnesota.
Chair of Judicial Committee.
Public Servant.

You? Can't write, spell or communicate well at all. Opening your mouth without all of the information and a coward who serves himself from the dark.

The stupid biotch is the one projecting.


2:56 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Innocent people were on the crime data bank.

Big Brother is encroaching upon our lives and any legislation that curtails this government intrusion into our lives is good to me.

A family member could be a professed gang member does that make the whole family guilty of something?

Maybe some surveillance cameras strategically placed in front of politicians homes would form the opinion necessary to overcome these government intrusions.

I for one do not want to trade my freedoms for false securities like cameras, crime data banks that have faulty information, national ID cards, health identification chips and so on. Where does it end?

I applaud Senator Mee Mou for looking out for our freedoms.

Why didn't a Republican come up with this initiative??

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


My oldest son is active in one of the motorcycle associations that lobbies at the capitol. They are very concerned about some of those same issues. Just because you associate with some one from time to time does not mean that you are aware of all of their activities nor because of that occational association should your name be put into a data base as a potential gang member.

If you are looking for a political party that is going to be concerned about your civil liberties, that isn't going to be the GOP Bob.


Chuck Repke

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Mike said...

My cuz was takin off the list

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A republican didn't come up with this for a couple of reasons.

One is they have no real solutions for inner-city issues. They gave up on that in 60's when the poor, non-whites and working classes stop voting for them. Hence the explosion of the suburbs.

The next reason is they have used the law and order stick for 40 years. As we have talked about, they don't invest in crime prevention, they invest in more cops looser gun laws, private prisons. A fraction of that money could go toward after school programs, skills and tech training and extending hours at libraries and rec centers. All proven methods which lower crime faster and longer than a police swarm method every few months. That moves crime around.

Anyway, it won't be a constitutional issue until one them are on that list because they ride with a motorcycle group. Or their kid is listed because he hangs out regularly with the other teammates from his hockey team.

There is also concern that its in Bob Fletcher's hands. We all know that he's used his access to private information for things like intimidation, unwarranted interrogations, illegal searches and destruction of evidence.

As a libertarian, you must know that your best friend in the courts over the years has been the ACLU. As republican voter, you must be in great conflict over that.


1:28 PM  

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