RE: Steinhauser lawsuit depleting city attorneys office funds.
Please click onto the COMMENTS for the story.
Below is a email concerning Sharon's new website
To: "
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: Sharon's Site - St.Paul City Council Electi
Page 1 of 1
Perhaps they are beginning to realize that they could have saved a lot of time and money (and lying) by settling
with you a long time ago. It is good to see other people sueing Steve Magner as well. I am sure one of the
ways they finance their defense is by overcharging landlords for C of Os. I recently got a bill for $600+ for a
single family home I own on Apparently the inspector, would just pull up to the house,
not get out, and unless somebody goes to his car and invites him in he just drives away and charges $64 for a
no-entry fee. After much haggling with his supervisor(s), I managed to have 3 of these $64 removed. Last
week, the same inspector did the same thing at a property I own on I told his supervisors that we
will not wait out in the cold and guess what kind of a car he is driving and personally invite him in. He will have
to knock on the door or take his C of Os and shove it up his @#$%!. His supervisor said they would not charge
me for that visit and that he would come back on the I'm seriously considering sueing him and the
city myself in the near future. I so sick of the way they think they could push us landlords around.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009
One way I think they might be financing things: They simply cannot enforce all new codes on the old buildings, which means they pick and choose, despite telling everyone it is written in stone. Then people comparable to Chuck buy them at greatly discounted prices, and they do very contractor friendly interpretation. They may do this directly for kickbacks or for exchange of favors down the line. It is a very slick theft.
Isn't the first time we seen this video here. I posted it the week Choi was requesting the additional funds.
Fact is every time I post the video it makes a whole lot of folks feel real good! It is no secret the city has cultured a atmosphere of vindictiveness.
God and us here, only know how many folks this city has screwed concerning housing.
Utopian ideas and arrogance from city officials have gotten us to this point. Citizens are coming forward and I have a darn good feeling city attorney Choi is going to be begging for more money!
How much do want to bet there will be another 30% property tax hike approved in November when the Council swings the axe at taxpayers? Sure would help if all those vacant buildings that the city refuses through laws to let the private sector reapir and fix up were still standing. I think whole buildings pay more taxes than holes in the ground or am I wrong Bob?
City depleted their own resources by the constant delay tactics and destruction of evidence stunts they have been using.
Bob,you must be smoking weed.
You can't post a title like that and expect us to belive the city is going broke because of Stienhauser.
They have the money, the corrupt judges on their side, and you have no proof that the city is complaining about going broke over this.
Propaganda on your part.
Propaganda?.....WTF?.....There you have it folks, if you click on the link you hear it from the horses mouth! The city's own Attorney saying it like it is and the spinsters here want you to disbelieve what you have heard with your own ears. Unbelievable!
I know chois voice and that is not him on the audio.
It is propoganda. If it came from Sharon, it's propoganda.
He is diguising his voice to avoid political fallout.
Anonymous said...
I know chois voice and that is not him on the audio.
It is propoganda. If it came from Sharon, it's propoganda.
8:49 AM
My response;
OBVIOUSLY, you didn't watch the video. You see Choi in person begging for money.
Nope, he's costing you money because you support a city who sends out inspectors to lie about violations that don't exist so they can get the property to a condemnable state so they can move the behavior problem into another neighborhood where they can start the shirade all over again so it appears like they doing something in response to neighborhood concerns and predjudices.
I just have to say that for those of you who would do anything to appease your political party, your incapable of seeing another point of view.
An individual like Eric is one of those people.
He may be trying to advance his political aspirations, but he will never hold a position with his party or with the city any higher than some chump on a board that doesn't do shit for anyone or anything.
Eric, you are a small time political pawn holding lower class positions in city government to satisfy racial diversity in city government.
You are being used, can't you see that ?
Now don't you think you could just go back to where you came from and leave us alone ?
You have words, and Steinhauser has the truth. I've seen it firsthand, and know the city has become a dirty sesspool.
2:29 PM
Your the Cry Baby and getting out of hand, you talk about costing you tax dollars.
Frank Steinhauser stands up for his and our rights and Eric and Chuck and their friends start bad mouthing him and others that post here, those two act like childern and get out of controll when some one degrades either the city, or the DF'ers Party.
...... Too Bad, So Sad! ........
A whistleblower is a person who alleges misconduct. More complex definitions may be used, but the issue is that the whistleblower usually faces reprisal. The misconduct may be classified in many ways; for example, a violation of a law, rule, regulation and/or a direct threat to public interest, such as fraud, health/safety violations, and corruption.
Thank you.
Bill Dahn
The code compliance inspection requirments the city was enforcing on people were falt out illegal. There is no law that allows the city to require a landlord to do them unless it is a vacant building. This one thing alone gives the landlords standing to sue the city. As I recall, there were amny other charges brought against the city also and when it comes to credibility, my money is on the landlords not the city or Eric or Chuck.
Steinhauser is standing up for his right to rent sub-standard housing in the city. His right to run a business in conflict with the standards and regulations set for that business.
He doesn't have that right.
A restaurant does not have the right to serve food if it doesn't pass the health department's inspection. Regardless of how much the owner put into it.
Let me put it this way Bill. If you think people like Steinhauser has a point, then shut your whiny trap about your insulation. If you believe there are certain standards that should be met, like making sure the place is not a health hazard, then stop defeating your own crusade.
Do you even know what these wipes are suing about, and what they are charging? No one, not one of these SLUMLORDS are saying that the DSI violations were made up, or the reports were lies. STOP. So what is the suit about? They are being picked on because of who they rent to. Back up, were the violation real? According to Steinhuaser's own testimony- yes.
That's all from their own testimony. Not 'Eric' or 'Chuck' mouth or DFL spin. There is no dispute of the violations.
Are you saying you know something not even the 'plaintiffs' know?
Two things, 8:54 of course City's have the ability to enforce a health and safety code. It is a basic policing power that all cities have.
And, Bill my friend their is a big difference between a whistle blower and someone whistling in the dark.
A whistle blower actually has evidence and facts.
Someone whistling in the dark has false accusations, rumors and paranoia.
The Steinhauser case was expensive because there was so much documentation that was required in discovery. That is over. The case is done and the appeals will be done soon too.
Chuck Repke
No thank you. What about the Federal Courts. Are they cheats and liars too? Because that's where you lost your case.
I don't remember the part about Frank saying some of it wasn't so. I remember distinctly the list of violations and ol' Frankie NOT denying them. His will be the first one thrown out at the appeals level.
Doesn't it seen funny how everyone at every level is wrong and only the landlord is correct?
I didn't lose any case Eric and from what I've read here I doubt anything is going to get thrown out except tehe city leaders when the taxpayers find out what they have to pay for.
The Mosseheads Truth in code compliance.
Very nice site here Bob. I'm new and have just been reading and searching your data base for information to gather and pass onto people I know in the business.
I ran accross the post by Eric and immediately spotted it as a lie because I had just read something about it.
Eric says:
Steinhauser admits to having many violations when he was cited. The city didn't lie about that you dumb rube. He says so in his own testimony printed here several times.
Bob's database says:
185. After condemning Steinhauser’s 910 6* Street East duplex, Dawkins, Martin,
Koehnen, Dolan and others, filed on October 30,2002, a tenant remedies action by the City and
the lower unit tenant against Steinhauser in Ramsey County District Court. In Defendants’ court
action, Dawkins, Martin and Attorney Dolan and others made statements of fact to the Court,
verified as true by Dawkins, that in fact were false. These false statements were made by
Defendants and others in the court papers in an unlawful and malicious attempt to shut down
Steinhauser’s rental property and business or to increase his costs so as to interfere with his
ability to rent to protected class tinants.
186. Dawkins deliberately made false sworn statements in the court papers including
the Complaint and Verification, that Steinhauser had failed to comply with three previous
53.Correction Notices directed at the 910 6’ Street East property, and Dawkins, Martin and
Koehnen falsely stated that the property had a rat infestation, inadequate heat, broken toilets and
sinks, missing smoke, detectors and defective ceilings and walls. The Complaint, Verification
and attached City inspection records were mailed to Steinhauser.
187. As a result of the condemnation of his duplex and the lack of rental income from
the property, Steinhauser, in an attempt to gain City approval to once again rent his property,
agreed to a “code comnliance” inspection. Dawkins, Martin, Koehnen and Attorney Dolan
represented to Steinhauser that the “code compliance” of the subject property would be “as
built”. Defendants coerced and fraudulently induced Steinhauser’s consent to the settlement
including the code compliance terms.
188. Subsequently, Martin and Dawkins and others forced Steinhauser to undergo a
full “code compliance” to current or modem code which required Steinhauser to make significant
unnecessary expenditures on his rental building. During the code compliance inspection by
LIEP, one of the inspectors informed Steinhauser, “The building is really not that bad . . . if you
have a plugged toilet, you fix the toilet - you don’t go get a code compliance.”
Eric says:
Do you even know what these wipes are suing about, and what they are charging? No one, not one of these SLUMLORDS are saying that the DSI violations were made up, or the reports were lies.
Ademocracy archives say:
191. On October 25,2002, as part of Defendants’ inspection of Steinhauser’s duplex
rental unit located at 1024 Euclid, Dawkins, Martin and Koehnen once again maliciously created
false entries in City inspection records regarding this property. Thereafter, said Defendants
maliciously entered those false and fraudulent entries into a Notice of Condemnation dated
October 28,2002, that was mailed by Defendants to Steinhauser and the occupants.
192, Said Defendants used the false entries of code violations to immediately condemn
the 1024 Euclid building on the basis of existing emergency conditions and thereby force tenants
from their home.
193. One of the false entries deliberately and maliciously placed by Dawkins and
Martin in the October 28,2002, Notice, included Defendants’ assertion that 1024 Euclid was
subject to vermin infestation. Dawkins and Martin knew that their statements of fact concerning
rodent infestation related to Steinhauser’s properties at 910 6’h Street and 1024 Euclid were false
55.and that the Code and Rules required “serious infestation” for a condemnation.
194. When Defendants finally allowed Steinhauser access to his 1024 Euclid duplex to
conduct his own inspection, Steinhauser and his rodent exterminator determined‘that there was
‘no rodent infestation in the building and that there was no evidence that there had ever been any
rodents in the building. In fact, the exterminator noted that no rat droppings could be found.
195. Another false entry deliberately and maliciously placed by Martin and Dawkins in
the same Notice of Condemnation was their false assertion that the 1024 Euclid building was
without heat. This was falsely listed by Dawkins and Martin as constituting “material
endangerment,” in order to trigger the condemnation.
196. Dawkins and Martin knew that their statements of fact concerning the lack of heat
were false and they made these statements deliberately to maliciously damage Steinhauser. In
fact, the heat thermostat had simply been turned off by either the tenant or someone else and
there was nothing wrong with the heating systems that served both units at 1024 Euclid, as was
confirmed by a third party contractor.
197. As part of Defendants’ discriminatory scheme to deprive Steinhauser of
his property and contract rights related to his rental properties, including the 1024 Euclid rental
property, Defendants Dawkins, Martin, Koehnen and others, including Dolan, did again prepare,
serve, file and mail a court Complaint and attachments, including the Notice of Condemnation
described above, along with Dawkins’ sworn Verification certifying that Defendants assertions
56.were true, when in fact they were false.
198. As part of said Defendants’ illegal conduct and scheme, Defendants did attach to
those fraudulent court pleadings and Verification, false City inspection records regarding
Steinhauser’s 1024 Euclid property, as more fully set forth above, all for the discriminatory and
deliberate purpose of making malicious allegations that Steinhauser’s property was dangerously
deficient in safety and for the malicious purpose to coerce and fraudulently induce Steinhauser
into agreeing to a “code compliance” on 1024 Euclid.
199. As a direct result of said Defendants’ discriminatory policy, custom and practice,
and wrongful conduct describe herein, Steinhauser has been forced to sell thirteen of his rental
properties in the City since 2002, and he presently owns two duplexes in the City.
200. As a direct result of Defendants’ discriminatory policy and conduct against
Steinhauser related to his 1024 Euclid rental property, as set forth herein, Steinhauser sustained
loss of rental income from two rental units at said property for an extended period of time, lost
profits and investments from condemnations, and forced sales, increased tax burdens, incurred
substantial expenses in unnecessary repairs, permit and code compliance fees, and other costs
and expenses, including alternative housing costs for Steinhauser’s tenants that were forced from
their homes, and court costs and attorney’s fees.
I could probably go on all day, but I think you get the point!
I believe the landlords.
I'am sorry, but while Bobs data base accuratley reflects what was alleged, Steinhauser never could prove that those guys lied.
Now if you could show that defendants attached false city inspections records, why didn't the court take them into consideration on any of the many claims put forth ?
Seems to me that would be enough to survive summary judgement.
So what do you say to that Frank ?
I could probably go on all day, but I think you get the point!
Well you should have went on all day and maybe you would have read the rest of the testimony and findings.
Nothing. Not one piece of evidence was produced to back the above claims. As a matter of fact, it was in this cross examination that Steinhauser blows the case for his fellow landlords by admitting that his properties were shitty and deserved the citations as well as his tenets for the most part on some of those units were not part of a protective class.
Further reading will reveal that Brisson also couldn't deny that the property was in horrible shape.
I'm too tired to cut and paste from the Defendants Memorandum of Law in Support of Summary Judgment posted here back in the summer.
Keep reading, you'll clue yourself in.
So every house with a code violation is shitty Eric?
That's not what I said, believe, or insinuated.
So what?......just houses owned by white landlords huh?
Don't be a rube.
Most rental property is owned by white landlords. Most rental property landlords, are not getting mutliple violations. Most landlords are just fine. Frank Steinhauser is not like most rental property landlords. He is a slumlord.
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