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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Racketeering Lawsuits / Some City Employees Have Had Enough!

Please click onto the comments for an anonymous letter from a concerned City Employee to the RICO plaintiffs Attorneys.


Blogger Bob said...


1. In approximately January 2002, soon after Randy Kelly became Mayor, Steven Magner and
Richard Lippert had a meeting in Mayor Kelly's office with (then Deputy Mayor) Dennis
Flaherty. The purpose of that meeting was to recruit themselves as the two co-heads of the
Code Enforcement Unit, as a separate "office" (i.e.: Department) of the City. Kelly was in his
office at the time, and acknowledged their meeting, and greeted Magner and Lippert. It is
unknown if Magner and Lippert had a meeting with Kelly, but it is possible that one occurred
prior to, or on, that day. It is, of course, very unusual for lower level City Staff members
(Magner as "Inspector Supervisor" and Lippert as "Code Enforcement Inspector I") to meet
with a Mayor (or Deputy Mayor) without an Office or Department Head present. The sole
purpose was to recruit themselves for those positions of authority. (Which they finally
accomplished in 2006 under the "liberal" Mayor Chris Coleman and ultra-conservative appointee
Robert Kessler. So much for political labels). That meeting did not go well for Magner or Lippert.
They were reportedly treated in a very condescending manner by Flaherty, and dismissed as
irrelevant. They were reportedly told that the head of Code Enforcement did not need any
experience or background in Code Enforcement merely that the appointee be a competent
Manager. Of course, Dawkins was eventually appointed to the position. The entire City Council
including Chris Coleman and Lantry endorsed Dawkins appointment to the position.

Soon after the failure of the meeting Magner tried the same tactic with someone else Dave Thune.
Magner arranged a meeting with Thune to either recruit Thune as the Director of Code Enforcement, or to have Thune arrange to appoint Magner as such. (There must have been some
connection between Thune and Kelly to even attempt it. Thune was not a Council member at
that time). This did not succeed because Kelly had already decided to appoint Dawkins as Code
Enforcement Director, (after he would resign as a State Legislator in May 2002).
Dawkins' attitude was always that the govemment could do whatever it wanted, so long as
legislation was in place to permit it he gave Magner, Lisa Martin, Dean Koehnen, and Richard
Lippert much latitude in the areas of enforcement of Vacant buildings, "Problem Properties," and the FORCE Operation.
2. When Chris Coleman was elected Mayor he appointed Robert Kessler as both the Director of
LIEP and NHPI. Kessler created an "AdHoc" Committee to "study" how and where Code Enforcement should be implemented. He assigned Council member Lantry to the Co-Chair position. Not surprisingly, the committee's recommendations were to create the DSI Department
with Kessler as the Director. To circumvent the State Statute which requires a Fire Marshall to
be responsible for enforcing The Certificate of Occupancy requirements on buildings of three and more units, the Mayor and Council arranged the chain ofcommand so that Assistant Fire
Marshall Steve Zaccard reported to both Kessler and the St. Paul Fire Chief (Holton). In other
words, it was arranged so that Kessler had the ultimate authority.
3. An important part of Randy Kelly's zealous approach to expanding/enlarging/empowering
Code Enforcement was to create, in effect, a "Private Property Police Department." Important
aspects were a new zealous approach, which included Code Enforcement inspectors to use City provided vehicles (clearly marked as such), and shirts and jackets. The official "reason" given for
this was to provide a highly visible "presence" in the neighborhoods (ie :intimidation). This was with the full approval and endorsement of the City Council, which included Lantry and then Council
member Chris Coleman. When Thune became a Council member, he continued that support.
The Code inspectors were unanimously against the City vehicle requirement for reasons of
safety; driving a target is not safe. But Dawkins, Kelly (and later Kessler and Lippert) made it
quite Clear that it was thier way or the wrong way. Disagreeing With any of them labeled someone
as a "troublemaker." Therefore, at various times, and to this day, some inspectors will
publicly claim that City vehicle use is fine with them. Privately, virtually all are against the City
requirement. In fact, in May 2006, defendant Joseph Yannarelly (and close friend of Lippert, and
the brother-in-law or defendant and supervisor Harold Robinson) was given the opportunity to
drive his personal vehicle for inspection work. He immediately accepted the offer. He was known
as "Joe Mileage" during this time. He did this during May and June of2006. Not surprisingly,
Dawkins, Kessler, Lippert, and Magner do not use City cars, and Mayor Kelly was always
accompanied by a bodyguard (police Officer) and used an unmarked car.
The vehicle requirement began in December 2002. But Steven Magner convinced Dawkins in
January 2003 that "Supervisors" (such as himself) should be allowed to use their own vehicles.
Magner's own safety superseded anyone else's. There was never any memo, policy, rationale, or
statement by Dawkins of this "Policy." Starting on February 1,2003, the supervisors-
specifically, Magner, Harold Robinson, Maynard Vinge, and John Betz - simply stopped using
City vehicles; this is still true today. Even though they all do field inspections, why was their
"visible presence" by using City vehicles not utilized? It was never a budget issue even though
City vehicles are expensive to provide. The City appears to have an unlimited source of funds
when it involves overzealous code enforcement: the plan for 2008 is to require all the C of 0
(Fire Prevention) inspectors to use City-provided cars. After all, they are now a part of the
"Code Enforcement Police Force." And this is during a current City "Budget Crisis."
There are approximately 80 City personnel on mileage (i.e.: using their own personal vehicle) at
LIEP alone. Most are inspectors. No efforts are underway to require those personnel to use City
cars. Why? They are not part ofthe "Nazi Housing Police," designed to intimidate citizens.
4. An issue has been made ofthe demolition ofthe garage at 14 E. Jessamine Strellt. The only
way the City can legally include the garage as part ofthe demolition is to allege thllt the garage
has "deficiencies" of a substantial nature. That must appear on the Council Resolution to
demolish the property. lfthe garage isn't listed, no order from the City Council actually existed
to demolish it. A freestanding garage in good repair on a vacant lot is not a violation ofany City
ordinance. An obvious reason for someone to remove the garage would be for someone (Magner?)
to obtain the contents ofit.
5. Magner was recently promoted, "out of title". Civil Service rules were not followed in this process because no test was given for this new position. Very few know what his current title is.
It may be the same title the City is using to pay Lippert: Program Coordinator. Magner in no
way qualifies for that position. He does not have a college degree or administrative experience.
6. Both Lippert's and Magner's certified City titles are in the AFSCME Technical bargaining
unit. This entitles them to overtime pay, even if an employee is paid "out of title". Lippert, (and now Magner) can still collect overtime pay because the AFSCME contract allows it. Lippert's
title as Program Coordinator does not allow overtime pay (per the PEA contract). There is much
more to be gained by Lippert than merely the overtime pay (which is one and one-halftimes the
hourly wage). A public employee's pension is based on the five highest years ofpay, no matter
how it was earned. With Lippert in a substantially higher paying title (no test has ever been
given) and then, through a backdoor clause in the AFSCME contract, his pension will be based
not on the $55,000/year AFSCME title he is certified in, but rather the substantially higher
paying Program Coordinator title ($67,652/ yr.) and for overtime (1.5 times the rate of Program
Coordinator). This could be substantial depending on the amount of overtime accrued. Someone
must rllillli: like Lippert in order to approve this scam. It was not unusual for Magner or Lippert
to list 16-32 hours (sometimes more) per month for overtime in 2006.
Another curious aspect of this issue is that AFSCME has taken no action to stop this.
Ordinarily, this is cause for the AFSCME Union to file a grievance because there would be a
conflict of interest (one carmot be both Management and Labor). Adding to the suspicion is that
AFSCME never protested Lippert's representation on the current DSI LaborlManagement
Committee. Lippert is a Manager, but can attend AFSCME Union meetings, vote on its contract,
etc. It appears the corruption runs even to the AFSCME Union itself. Even further evidence of
this is that Local 1842 President Robin Madsen appointed NHPI Inspector Joseph Yarmarelly as
the "Labor" Representative for NHPI, to the LaborlManagement Committee. Yaqnarelly is antiunion,
as is Lippert and Magner. What is going on here?
7. The category I, II, and III designations for vacant buildings are nill in the Vaca.n,t Building
Registration Ordinance or in the Nuisance Ordinance. But, yet, it determines whether a Code
Compliance is required. This is not legal.

Bob said...

I felt this news is appropriate for INDEPENDANCE DAY. This is the beginning of the end of politics as usual in Saint Paul. Don't this stuff make you sick? I feel like I am living in Hitlers Germany.

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fireworks "A Democracy" style!

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steeeerike 1 for the city! I wonder what Repke will have to say about this after his remarks a while ago that were kind of making fun of the guys in the lawsuit and saying something dismissive about the documents that were coming out of the basement of the courthouse. Looks like there's someone down in that basement doing some work huh Chuck?

At this point in time Chuck, I'd strongly recommend the old "party favorite" about these guys not having any evidence and they are just doing this to harrass and have fun.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above for the image.

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope no one gets in trouble for this. Reminds me of "Deep Throat" from the Nixon era.

There has always been a share of deadwood in inspections. It looks like a faction has taken over, and one that has very high level support.

Of critical importance for it to continue is the ability to twist the truth. Also critical are the choke points, such as Moremond's role in conducting "fair hearings". I wonder who really makes the decisions in a number of cases.

For this plan to operate, members of the public are described, as necessary, in distorted and dishonest ways. On the other hand, there is complete harmony among the Nazis. Anything they say is completely accepted.

It started in code enforcement, since actual interpretation of the almost infinite number of codes is extremely undefined and vague. The corruption spreads like a cancer.

I hope it can be stopped. While it is job security for this deadwood faction, it threatens job security and a sense of decency for the others.

There are some real losers involved, such as Magner and Lippert. Dawkins as head of code enforcement was an extremely unlikely choice.

There has been decent and capable leadership in the past, lets hope we can return to that. I would like to see real leadership in the City Attorney's office, as well.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it now its a national conspiracy including the American Federation of State County and Municiple Employees!!!

Let's just point out one small error in the spew and then one interesting "fact."

I have no idea if Thune and Kelly ever met to discuss Thune running inspections, but let's see what is the special relationship between Thune and Kelly. Thune worked against Kelly's election! Two years later when Kelly is Mayor Kelly campaigns against Thune and raises tens of thousands of dollars to defeat him! Oh yeh and then when Thune wins Kelly goes to a Chamber meeting and says Thune's election was the worst thing that happen to Saint Paul. So, that is the one thing that I know... there is your special connection between Thune and Kelly. If Thune campaigns to keep Kelly out of office and Kelly works to keep Thune out of office, how do you guys buy this BS? I know all you have to do is have faith that the world is out to get you and then anything is possible.

Now the one interesting fact here is the whole discussion about Magner meeting with Flaretty and/or Kelly and Magner being told they wouldn't put him in charge... doesn't this hurt your case that Kelly is a part of a conspiracy whose goal it is to benefit Magner?

Isn't that the connection you guys were trying to make that there is a conspiracy? The City trying to make Magner money? In fact doesn't this show that there is no possitive relationship between Magner and the Mayor's office?

All that this shows is that any ignorant fool can create rumors with limitted information.


Chuck Repke

8:39 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Hi All,

All the accused have been invited here. Over and over. They do not dare post and even leave a simple denial.

You and your friends Chuck better hope like hell this never goes to jury. And in the mean time I will hope like hell it does. Because for justice to be truly served the people of this country need to see this unfold in a court of law.

I believe all the bad stories I have read and been told about the City Chuck. I believe Nancy Osterman. I have come to know her as a kind honest person. I believe the circumstances of my friend Rita & Gary's untimely demise over housing issues. I believe Betty Speaker an elderly woman who lost her home to the City. I believe Louis Jacob an elderly woman who Magner tried his bullshit on. I believe ALL the RICO plaintiffs. Chuck, Bill Dahn lived in one of Gallaghers buildings. He is not a slumlord as you would want people to believe. His buildings are well cared for. Their is to many people who don't know each other with the same story. I believe Tony the veteran who lost his home to the City. Then they wanted him to pay for the demolition of his home when he could do nothing to stop the City from destroying it. Tony said, " I served my country, I love my City, I just don't understand this". Tony like Nancy and many others put thousands of dollars into their homes only to have the City demolish it. I can go on and on with horrible stories about what our code enforcement has done to the citizens of this city.

I will be making a post later today with links to many of these stories. If you can't wait look through the archives here.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have come to respect Chuck a lot over the months, but gee whiz Chuck, but with so many people saying the same thing for so long, and now that the evidence is starting to come out, how can you possibly try to minimize the situation by just making a remarks about how ignorant fools are able to create rumors?

This looks much more serious than that to me. Too many people all saying the same thing and none of them know each other supposedly. There are signed affidvits (and even the purchase agreement) from more people that don't know each other. Then of course there is the city council who fought tooth and nail to not have their depositions taken and on the heels of that, we now seem to be looking at the city not only hiding evidence, but also destroying it. I don't know about you Chuck, but when most people hear about someone destroying evidence, that person is guilty right off the bat!

If city officials have nothing to hide, why fear the depositions and why destroy evidence? The way I see it, if these landlords actually have the proof they have said they do, I would have no choice but award them damages if I were on the jury.

Too much from too many Chuck! What other situation in life would people keep trying to minimize, deny and dismiss something with this many people all saying the same things?

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I see it certain city officials, inspectors and council people won't have to worry about their friends visiting them in jail, because they will be in the jail cell next to them. Exactly where they belong!

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mein Fellow Inspektors:

The words of these swine are an insult to der city fatherland!!!

Ve need to keep focused!

Remember the words of der Fuhrer:

"Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice."

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."

"The victor will never be asked if he told the truth."

"Our strength lies in our intensive attacks and our barbarity."

"Only force rules. Force is the first law."

"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."

Ve shall prevail, and tear down your houses if you disagree!

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob it doesn't matter if you believe in the Easter bunny or not, yes there may be sad storries, but the issue is when and where someone brakes the law.

Read those stories of those properties and then check and see how long the problems go on for Nancy's was five years. I have asked you to post one story where someone hired a licensed and bonded contractor who completed the work and the City didn't accept it. I am still waiting.

These assumptions in this original post are nothing but assumptions and few if any of it against the law even if it was true. All of the stuff about Magner and Lippert wanting to be in charge or being managers out of title isn't against the law. And how about this criminal offence - requiring employees to follow the directions of their supervisors... the scandle of it all. And, I have pointed out that the logic of it makes no sense... Kelly and Thune didn't like each other and the poster is clear that Kelly didn't have any part of a conspiracy with Magner.

As to destroying evidence in one of the other titles here you have a list of what the plaintiffs are requesting in discovery as potential "evidence." Just because someone wants it doesn't mean that it was ever saved. There aren't minutes of meetings everytime two people talk to each other you got to be a little crazy to think there is.

So again it appears that you have an angry diatrab from someone with issues and a small amount of information.


Chuck Repke

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually I think it will the city of ST Paul's house that takes the fall when the eloections come around. These people are the stupidest things I have seen in my whole life. If they had a brain in their head they would have settled these lawsuits years ago....not only when they could have settled for a lot less money out of the taxpayer's pocket, but they could have blamed it on the old administration to boot, but no they like to fight and a fight they got! They will lose and when they do, either they will take the blame or the next adminstraion will blame it on these guys running the show now! I can't wait!

11:18 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck, this letter wasn't sent to me. It is exihbit 9 of the RICO suits. I got the information from the courts. It is public information.

As far as a licensed bonded contractor completeing a job and the owner still lost the house. I don't ever remember you asking me this question. Jessamine is the first house that comes to mind. Then there is Tony the veteran. There is more how in the heck can an owner keep up with a code compliance which seeks to deprive the owner of the home, with write ups from code that never seem to end as the work progresses?

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck is there a new policy that states a homeowner cannot do repairs on their own home and/or pull permits in the city of St.Paul that I am not aware of? I am currently the contractor for the home I am building and pulled all of the permits myself. Guess what Chuck I have passed every inspection, including the state electrical you know why? I feel it is because I am now dealing with inspectors that relate to people in a professional manner.

Yes Jessamine was a slow process, but how many times was the work orders changed and then addded on to. Then there was several months where the work was put on hold waiting for the court process and we all know thats a slow process as well. The garage had no code violations, it did contain many building materials that included a cement mixer, gee I wonder who recieved the contents? And why was it tore down?

As for the house Chuck, the footnotes stated that the order was not intended for immediate demo that time shall be allowed for counsel to seek further action. The way I understood the footnotes was that would allow time for an appeal, but the city moved forward with the bulldozers that day even before the attorney had a chance to recieve/open his mail.

Chuck this is not the normal behavior of any type of code enforcement. I also recall reading that permits remain open as long as work is being done, I assume that statement is only for people the city decides to follow that policy with being that it wasn't included for the Jessamine property...correct? Thune can pound nails for 30 years and Jessamine 5 years, thats fair and equal treatment in who's eyes?


11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck is all wet! He always takes some small thing and attaches just the least little bit of crdibility to what he says and then uses it to dismiss all the other evidence against the city. There is real evidence Chuck.....get it through your head man. The city of St Paul is either in denial, or the subjects involved are lying to their Attorneys about what really happened, or the city is just plain bull headed and isn't going to say "uncle" until these guys have dragged them all the way to the edge of the cliff so to speak. If they want to take this approach and if you want to keep trying to puit this kind of spin on it, that's fime, but the evidence is not going to change. I have another little tip for you to Chuck.....the jury is not going to like this one bit and they are certainly not going to buy any of the arguments you have been putting forth here.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repke said:
I have asked you to post one story where someone hired a licensed and bonded contractor who completed the work and the City didn't accept it.

We have had stories where a licenced and bonded contractor did not fully complete the work, and the city went berserk. At this point, completing the work is the responsibility of the contractor and inspector, not the property owner!

Also Repke, you keep trying to limit this to Nancy and a few other properties, when in fact this is a BIG issue.

Repke, you can't weasel out of this one. People are important.


7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - that letter was submitted as evidence, you've got to be kidding me.

There is nothing there that anyone would see as evidence, its rumor and assumptions. Like I said parts of it anyone who even followed a little of City politics would know was baseless. Again just because someone swears to it doesn't make it true.

Nancy, I hate getting back to your issues, because I do wish you all the best, but you were not the owner of the house when it was demo'ed for all legal purposes I can't see where you ever owned the house. When I have checked it looks like it was your mother's and then the new owners of the house. I have no idea what was the "special" relationship between you and the new owners, there are "rumors" about that as well.

But, folks here is the point of code enforsement - you don't have the right to force your neighbors to look at your garbage for five years!!! Every time I read folks here talking about how badly people were treated in code enforsement I would love to share with you the number of phone calls I have had from neighbors of problem properties crying on the phone about the ass hole neighbor who won't repair his house. They beg to have code enforsement demo the house!

Five years - five years what is wrong with the City that they can't get that eye sore torn down it five years!!! That City council member must have a "special" relationship with the owner that they let her house stay up for five years! There should be an investigation.


Chuck Repke

7:52 AM  
Blogger Sharon4Anderson said...

If Lantry cannot read legal briefs, then RESIGN, if Lantry committs Larceny item 35 on City Agenda amount over $140 thousand and sign's as the Citys Realestate-Valuation Engineer
position unfilled:
RICO Acts kick in today 5July07 City Council Agenda pg. 13 of Candidate will present Bob Gausman's Heinous Eviction to the Council as Forensic Evidence.

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Chuck lets say it was my mothers house technically because I am still currently making payments her on the CD I had with her, to me that would makes the case scenario even worse off... Now you can look at it from a stand point that the city took out these actions on another elderly lady for the behavior of her daughter.

Second Chuck when the city did the demo the conditions of the issues did not include the place being an eyesore. It was other issues (interior)such as the misleading picture of the jack that was stated as being a hydralyic jack when it was actually a screw jack that had been there at the time my mother had purchased the home 40 years prior in a crawl space and it had not moved an inch.

Then we can go back to the threats that Magner made directly to me and the purchase offer that was presented to me... I would think that would also show that I was the owner, I paid the taxes, insurance and utilities on the home for over 20 years. The tax statements arrived in the mail in my name in which I do have copies.

And finally yes you are correct Magner did not believe the sale of the home to Julian, who then took on a partner. That is where I was forced/threatened by the demo to have my mother sign completly off and surrender the deed to Julian and I in return recieved the bad check for the remaining balance for the purchase of the home that is now a legal action I have going with Julian. So no I was never paid he owes me $43,000 currently on the "hole in the ground" that Magner had previously promised me if I did not sell to his associates.

I am curious to why and how it is ok for residence to look at some selected properties that are in far worse condition that have been vacant for longer periods of time? Jessamine appeared to be a priority factor with the bulldozer wouldn't you say? Again all I know for a facts are what I was told directly by Joel Johnston and Steve Magner in front of several people. I have pretty much wrote this whole situation off as a very bad experiance with some cruel individuals that seem to have a difficult time controling themselves and their power in a professional manner.

Thank you Chuck for having the respect to wish me the best I do appreciate that and I am making great progress as I continue to move forward with my new life, it could of happened in a much smoother manner without these roadblocks from St.Paul but I am determined to be living proof that their is a light at the end ot that dark tunnel for anyone if you put your efforts into it.


9:06 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck said-
I have no idea what was the "special" relationship between you and the new owners, there are "rumors" about that as well.

Bob's response-

Chuck's elusive suggestion above shows the mind set of the circumstance around the callous willful, illegal demolition of 14 E. Jessamine by the elites beaurecrats of this city. This home was demolished over so called behavioral issues not because it was a dumpy house.

Some history on the Jessamine house.

14 Jessamine is the issue that catapulted me into this fight. Back in Dec of 2005 I was tired of the national political discussions at the yahoo messages boards, I had been debating there for years. I decided I wanted a change and I search the web for local forums using phrases like "Saint Paul Issues". I came across "Saint Paul Issues and Forums".

A short time after I became a member of SPIF the 14 E. Jessamine debate came up. I watched the debate unfold over the fight to keep the City from demolishing this home in ward 5.

I seen evidence of a city employee and a construction worker in what appeared to be a theft from the garage of this property, caught red handed on film with the goods!

I witnessed entrenched City Hall bureaucrats, members of the forum I was participating in trying to defend the city's actions regarding the demolition of this home. Their rantings looked silly next to the facts property rights advocates were posting. I watched these same city beaucrats of the forum do whatever they could to silence those of us who were advocating the home should not be demolished. Censoring at all cost.

We seen the skulldugary of a so called independent inspector declare the house unsafe and totally fabricate his assessment of the structural integrity of the home. Turned out this inspector was not so independent. He owned a home near 14 Jessamine and has close ties to the City of Saint Paul bureaucracy.

The whole basis for demolishing the home was supposedly over code compliance repairs that were taking years. Part of the problem is the City kept adding onto this list of repairs to be completed. The cost of repairs was so high the original owner was forced to sell because she could not afford to do all the repairs demanded of her. And in the end after several people put thousands of dollars into the home along comes this bogus independent inspector with his predetermined agenda and declared that beautifully remodeled home unsafe and unfit live in. What a moronic asshole!

I will remind everyone Councilman Dave Thune's home is a work in progress of 30 plus years and was in worse condition than the Jessamine home at the time of demolitions.

We watched reporter Tim Nelson of the Pioneer Press lie his ass off for the City of Saint Paul and print a story about the home that was a total fabrication! He claimed floors were sagging and there was a bent leaning jack holding up beams in the basement. I am a semi retired high end handyman. I toured the house. It was in great shape. There was a real "Independent" structural engineer there when I toured the home. He was brought in by the Watchdog News and he declared the house to be a sound structure.

Now, while all this debating was going on in public at the forum, city bureaucrat's were privately emailing me and others asking us, Bob , why are you defending "these people" this is all about drugs! Did you know a "Hells Angel" is part owner in this house? (this has never been proven to me, and if it were the truth it has no bearing on the issue of demolishing this house)

So there you have it folks. The unwritten law is. If we (the city) don't like your behavior we will tear your house down whether you like it or not. No proof is needed you are a corrupt citizen just an assumption is necessary. If you are a rental property owner and have a tenant suspected of behavioral issues, the only proof needed is a Gladys Cravats neighbor complaining and the City will put your tenant out and try their best to make life miserable for the owner to run him or her out of business.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click above for more information on 14 Jessamine.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The jessamine house looks like it is in better shape than Dave Thunes house! It was toren down, wow!

Disturbing information in those links you provided Bob.i will have to check in here more often to see what is going on.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not believe Chuck Repke is sincere.

He twists the arguments endlessly, evades the issues by making accusations in other areas, and also tries to reframe and minimize the scope of the arguments.

This motormouthing helps the city to continue to kill people with stress, destroy families, and destroy lives and finances.

All the time he will do nothing constructive.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at these photos of Jessamine makes me wonder about what is good enough if this house isn't? I have no way of knowing if all this stuff being said on this forum is true for sure or not, but one thing I most definetly do know is that the city's agenda is not about getting the houses fixed up. The city's agenda is about something else. What that is will eventually come to light in the future I am sure.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above for the video.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Tony if you are still reading here. Don't hate your city brother. HATE the callous no mind bureaucrats who are messing it up.

When are "you people" in city hall going to figure out you are creating a culture of us and them?

All faith and trust in government has eroded for many effected by code enforcement policies. And it has effected all that come here to this Town Hall Meeting and learned of these atrocities.

It's like a grass fire that keeps on growing because only gas is thrown on the fire. Water doesn't seem to be a viable option to putting out this fire!

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The water you apeak of would be money and the city council has said privately that they are NOT going to give money to landlords, so they keep throwing gas and using their "cookie cutter" method of trying to discredit the other side with whatever lies they can think up at the moment.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

NEWS FLASH 2:48, money won't make ME go away, I need civil rights violations to end, That is the water I seek.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very well said.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only good thing about Repke posting here is the exposure to the stupidity of the city's side. See you lost Eric.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been reading here for a few months now and find it very interesting with the two sides and the disputes. Well one side then theres Chuck and Eric for the other and/or the city of St.Paul. If I were on a jury I would have no option but to go in favor of the plaintiffs in this case with all the facts that have been posted here and assuming there is much more that hasn't been made public yet. For now I will leave my profession out of the my opinion until I feel a need to come forward with it.

Eric has even come forward and stated here that the tearing down of the Jessamine home was a shame. But from what I see Chuck gets handouts from the city so he must feel he has an obligation to defend them for his own future benifits, not caring for a moment about the people that are hurt in the path, or how foolish some of his statements have made him appear to be.

To Bob I have to say the word is really getting around town about the code enforcement issues, this blog and many citizens that were previously unaware of the misconduct these officials have been presenting in their community are finally being informed.

I have found this blog to have outstanding factual information that is backed up with resources.

East Side Resident
Benjamin aka Ben

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, the point of my little comment was to show exactly what is the entire case of the plaintiffs and all of the "facts" that you have here nothing but vague rumor and suggestions with no evidence.

Read Nancy's post who screwed her were the guys who never got the repairs done. They were ones responsible for the building being demo'ed and they stiffed her for $43,000.

But that is who you are defending. Jerks who would stiff Nancy out of $43,000.

Again if there is a fire storm a burning out there it is against your friends. It is neighbor after neighbor getting sick of people trashing their neighborhoods and getting away with it and they have been demanding that the City take action.

You can call them Gladys Cravits if you like because they aren't the fat cat land barons that you protect here. But they are citizens of this City and the vote and they are sick of these jerks who run down the City and live out in the Burbs.

If you can't see that they are the ones grabbing at straws by finding a few people who didn't have means and may have had good intention is just their ruse.

I'll take Gladys Cravits over the ass holes you defend who buy property cheep run it into the ground and then walk away. Because thats your friends Bob.


6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm I think Bob has hit a touchy spot with Chuck. The facts are laid out in full view for all, then the anger follows to distract the attention from the facts, nice try Chuck.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck said,

Again if there is a fire storm a burning out there it is against your friends. It is neighbor after neighbor getting sick of people trashing their neighborhoods and getting away with it and they have been demanding that the City take action.

Bob's response-

Chuck I don't believe you. You get a complainer here and there and YOUR friends make the most of it. I don't deny there is problems here and there. There is, the problem is our city government does not deal with these issues responsibly or professionally.

People have been kicked out of their home because some white bigot of a neighbor didn't like black folks in the front yard of their home. That is a FACT. Would you like to see this story too Chuck?

Most of your complainers are white bigots! I was at one of your neighborhood meetings. There was some phony who I felt was a plant of the city whining about rental properties. He didn't have anything to say about crime this idiot just didn't like rental properties on his block.

And Chuck, NOBODY shouted Bill and I of the Watchdog down for calling the City out on this bullshit. In FACT they were very concerned!

Chuck you make me want to go to every neighborhood meeting in this city and tell these stories to the citizens. We will see if the citizens believe me and all these people here or you and your friends.

Chuck said-

But that is who you are defending. Jerks who would stiff Nancy out of $43,000.

Bob's response-

No, wrong again Chuck. Magner promised Nancy a whole in the ground if she didn't play ball with him. Your friends kept their promise and now it is time to harvest the seeds they sowed.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it the landlord who is running down the property or the tenant Chuck?

Of all that had been said here by both sides, the property owners have NEVER said they do not want to maintain their property.

The people that stick up for the city have NEVER brought the "tenant factor" into the equation with how the tenants destroy the property faster than the landlord can repair it. They also have not brought up the fact that the city of St Paul is a willing participant in letting the tenants manipulate the city's code enforcement deaprtment as a litigation tool against the landlord when the tenant can't pay the rent or the landlord is over there trying to crack the whip to keep the behavior issues in line with what the neighborhood wants and the city demands.

There are other options, but the city finds going after the landlord politically advantageous to their reelction strategies year after year.

I believe Chuck when he says that neighbors have become sick and tired of the problems and want the city to take action. The million dollar question is whether those same neighbors are going to want to pay for the consequences of how the city took action when there were many other options available to them.

Keep up the good work Bob.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

G’day Mates,

This has all been very interesting, but very primary. It sounds like Chuck needs to check into the local funny farm. What does this bloke not understand? Chuck is a real gas bag that is for sure. Good on you Bob for your hard work. It seems Chuck is barking up a tree and has blowies up his arse. Chuck says the landlords are a bunch or bludgers, well I say to Chuck the city and the landlords are in for a blue for sure. You see Chuck the landlords have already had a jack of it and are ready to job yeh all, you and your city government types. I see the landlords cleaning up here big time Chuck. It sounds you have your hand out for the government dole as well. You need to stop being a whinge like baby who has lost his lollies and needs her nappy changed. You need to pull your head in and stop being so pissed off. The rubbish you spew here like your last post is a little wobbly. Your mate Thune’s house is a no hoper as the pictures tell it all. It is the hope of the posters here that Thune gets sacked. All I know is you are a yahoo and you just need to stop your yacking as you sound like a dumb sheila I know at the local pub. She just will not stop yacking and yacking. She will talk your fricking ear off. Even the pub dog runs to the backroom when he sees her. Chuck, you need to pull your head in and not piss off any more blokes here with your constant earbash. You need to knock off work, call in a sickie and just get pissed and just maybe that will help you. Anything is worth a go at this point.


9:24 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Before I forget.

Once again Chuck would like to paint a picture that I am friends with the plaintiffs in the RICO suits. I am not!

I was a contract handyman for many years. I personally know many property investors. NONE, of them have a law suit against the City of Saint Paul. However, there isn't one of them who isn't supporting my efforts.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The trouble with Liberals is they always try and distort the facts. Chuck has made remarks that Nancy was not the owner of the hosue. Many others also did back in the days when SPIF allowed common people to post there. All of these people have tried to stae that Nancy was not the owner of the Jessamine property, and as their "smoking gun facts" to make people believe it, they cite the fact that Nancy's name was not on the title at the courthouse. They then go on to talk about years of failed repair efforts to justify the city's NAZI tactics. The fact that Nancy did not record her Contract does not make her any less of an owner, she still owned the property. She was maybe a little foolish, but the owner still the same. So she was in a jam and had the city after her trying to play every dirty trick they could with her, and out of desperation she finds herself in a situation (caused by the city)where she has to trust someone who wound up screwing her over. I find it amazing that people stick up for the actions and aftermath of the crooks and not the good guys in this city!

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And let us not forget Mr Rick Mon as long as the Jessamine subject is being rehashed again.

For those who don't know Rick, he's the proud Realtor who stated he wouldn't take a Real Estate Listing like Jessamine. As long as Bob has the photos here, perhaps the folks would like to look at them and see for themselves what's not good enough for Ricky boy to sell and make a commission on.

Rick is also one of the elites at SPIF now days.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try again, one last time. There are hundreds and hundreds of block club groups that meet all over the City of Saint Paul and at all of these meetings the regular point of discussions is problem properties and what can be done about them.

The people who go to those meetings are not all bigots Bob and they are not all Gladys Cravits and I resent that is what you call them. They are people concerned about crime and their property. And it is your friends who fail to maintian their property, who don't put a plugged nickle into them who drive down property values that are the subject of many of those meetings.

They want to know why the City lets these people own property in Saint Paul. They ask questions like after there have been 50 police calls to a house how can this guy still be allowed to rent it? Or they will say they haven't had trash collection in 6 months can't the City make them have a garbage hauler?

They have watched your friends buy up what use to be nice little cottages and turn them into "investment property." Which means they put little or nothing down rented it until it fell apart and have now left it vacant. They want to know how the City can let them do that? They want the City to stop these people from trashing their neighborhoods. They want them to be responsible property owners and can't figure out why the City lets them get away with this crap.

Bob you only talk to people who see the world through some very narrow views.


Chuck Repke

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Chuck

When these neighborhood neetings are held, how often are the landlords invited? I'm asking you see cause I know some landlords and none of them have ever been asked to come to any meetings. All five of these landlords I know also have said that a neighbor has NEVER called them on the phone to talk about any of these problems. Do you suppose that's casue it's easier to just call the city and have them send out the NAZIs to do the dirty work?

Also Chuck, on the issue of having 50 police calls to the property I am just wondering how many times they have asked why the police are not arresting anyone? Could you let me know please?

On the trash issue, it is obvious that it's a littering offense also, and I was just wondering how many times the police have given tickets to the renter for this dastardly behavior? Do you have any stats CHuck?

It sounds to me like you are talking about behavior and crime issues and not maintenance issues. Isn't that like comparing apples and oranges?

Since someone owns all the property in the city, if the property owner is supposed to be reponsible for everything that goes on at his property, why do we need the police Chuck?

You talk about seeing the world through a narrow view Chuck, but your view seems to be the narrowist view I have seen posted here.

You see Chuck....I have a friend that left the East Side and you want to know why? He left because every time he called the police for noise, profanity, littering, and al the other behavior issues your beloved Gladys Cravits types complain about, all he ever got was the officer telling him about the landlord and how much money he was making and how he rented to Section 8, etc. They never did their job, just passed the buck to the guy that's not there to say different!

I don't buy a lot of your arguments Chuck.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the police stop a black man on the street they are creative enough to hassle the guy enough or talk stupid shit to him enough that he raises his voice or tells them to get screwed or something and they immediately arrest him for obstuction or some other bogus charge. Why are they not as creative with these homes that have all the police calls? And how stupid are these neighbors that they fall for the thing about blaming it on the landlord?

We have a society that prosecutes the innocent for the crime or behavior problem because it's easy and there's a fine to be had verses money spent on room and board, medical and free lawyers when we jail the real law breakers. Then we let the "actors" of the bad deeds walk free to continue their acts and we wonder why the neighborhoods are falling apart? I'm suprised that some people here are not afraid of a society with these types of aspirations.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a new Sheriff in town Repke and your Government gang is gonna be all washed up come election time. You hear me Repke?

11:32 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck said-

The people who go to those meetings are not all bigots Bob and they are not all Gladys Cravits and I resent that is what you call them.

Bob's response- Chuck I did not say they were "all" Gladys cravitis types.

This is briefly what I said copied from my previous statement.

****Chuck I don't believe you. You get a complainer here and there and YOUR friends make the most of it. I don't deny there is problems here and there. There is, the problem is our city government does not deal with these issues responsibly or professionally.

"You artfully twist words".

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repke should be one of those "talking heads" on FOX NEWS!

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when do block clubs subscribe to the negative reactionary thinking of Magner and the bunch?

Block club leaders tend to be constructive people. Does the city think they are nincompoops?

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think 11:12 PM hit the nail right on the head.

I purchased a little house as a starter home many years ago, totally remodeled it down to the studs. All new electrical, plumbing, new insulation, new windows, new siding, new roof, new flooring and new sheetrock. When my wife and I moved into a larger house we rented this house out. We rented it to one individual who we thought was good renter, had good references etc.

I have a close relative who lived next door to this house. I received a call from my relative that this woman was attacking an apple tree I had planted in the back yard with a kitchen knife. When I went over to see what is happening, I saw that she was cutting herself on the arm with the knife. I told her to stop and she stopped. As I was walking to the back yard, I noticed trash piled up between the garages. Now I pay for weekly trash pick up, but this renter stated these were her treasures and I could not touch them or she would call the police. I looked into the house and there was trash everywhere. Because of the rental laws I had a dickens of a time getting this person out of the house. She was three months behind in rent when I finally got her out of the house. She had left her car in the driveway promising to get it out any day now. This junker sat in the driveway for two more months. At the suggestion of a St. Paul cop, he told me to just push it out onto the street and call then call the city. They will tag it and tow it. That’s what I did. When we finally got access to the house as she had changed the locks, it took my wife and I two days to fill a 10 yard dumpster full of trash from the house. Did I mention the drug needles? We had to remove all of the new carpet I had just put in before she moved in and totally repainted the whole inside of the house. To make matters worse, while we were in the process of collecting the three months of back rent, she had the guts to ask for her deposit back. When I told her she would not receive it she started threatening me on the phone, she even came to my house demanding this money. About three weeks later I received papers from the bankruptcy court. This woman filed for bankruptcy and I am out three months of back rent.

So Chucky Boy, am I a bad landlord?

The laws protect the renter to a degree that the police and landlord can not do a darn thing. I was threatened with discrimination; I had some renters rights person call me stating I was being discriminatory towards this woman because I was demanding my three months back rent. This advocate also told me that we needed to clean up the trash between the garages, as it was my property. When I asked her what were the responsibilities of the renter, she repeated I needed to clean up the trash that the renter put between the garages.

So Chucky Boy my Aussie friend at 9:24 PM hit it right on the head. You are, "pissing in your own pocket." Translated into American English means, you are being a brown nose for the city.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck City officials attend many of these meetings and are the first to mention problem properties. It is like they go to the meeting just to start a subject on this issue.

All of us know this has become a tool for some starry eyed politicians to abuse the rights of an honest business man so they can gain some public recognition and keep their job or get a job at the publics expense.

It is easier to push a landlord or businessman out of the neighborhood than spend money on investigative law enforcement to apprehend criminals.

Demonize the businessman. "He sells rolling papers, swisher sweets." The store is attracting criminals. How damn stupid is this? What attracts criminals to these stores you goofballs is the customers who go there for merchandise. These people are a source of sales to the drug dealer hanging outside. The City expects the businessmen to deal with criminal issues. The police instruct these owners to get security. Or he will be run out of business for excessive police calls. What an interesting delima. Now the businessman is afraid to call for HELP! Somehow when a landlord or business man have a problem with crime it is their fault. Chuck your friends are very sick!

In these small groups of block clubs, The city can point to the landlord, the corner neighborhood store and say we put them out of business and cleaned up your neighborhood when in reality they just spread bad social behaviors around.

These criminals move down the block, take up positions in front of some other business to capitalize off of the customers who frequent these places to sell them drugs.

And in the wake of the City's actions innocent people are harmed.

Not a system I would defend or be proud of. I guess that is why NONE of the City Council or Mayor are out bragging about all this good you claim they do Chuck. It is an election year, aren't they proud of their progress?

9:13 AM  
Blogger Bob said...


Bob did you see on channel 5 news where a lady was beaten on University Ave. then went in the Trend bar asking for help to call 911, the employees stated that they were not allowed to call police in fear of the actions of the city of St.Paul. It went on to say that many bars have now made it a policy not to involve the police when they have problems. That is really some kind of community safety and service St.Paul offers, the biggest fear is calling the police!


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

Bob, you are a God send to the citizens of Saint Paul. Keep up the good work!


A liberal friend..

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can a city operate with the citizens/businesses afraid of calling the police? It is no wonder violent crime has risen, when no one will call police in fear of retaliation form the city the criminals continue to walk free. St.Paul has become a disgrace with its lack of professionalism! Why even bother having a police department if you can't call on them? Oh thats right we need the police to condemn homes.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a woman on KSTP last year who was afraid to call the police when a fight broke out in front of her house. The reason? She didn't want to lose her place to live. What did she do? She said she hid in one of the bedrooms till the fight was over. Isn't that a great way for people to be living their lives!

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's important to resolve it as quickly as possible, since the downward spiral down the toilet continues.

For now, let's just drop the code compliance business, except in extreme and obvious cases. This is causing a great deal of trouble, and wasn't a factor until Kelly/Dawkins.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way this issue is going to be resolved is with a jury. City governments are arrogant and they never give in until you have the gun to their head. When I lived in Illinois, the city of Elgin thought they were going to bluff the Justice Department over some of the same issues. Without going into a lot of details, the city refused to settle with some property owners and the Justice Department got involved telling the city to settle or they would sue the city. The city said go ahead, and the Justice Department did "go head" and the city paid a huge amount of money in the end. A lot of these local governments think they are invincible!

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob just because you aren't aware of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

In District 2 (East Side North of Minnehaha - East of Johnson Parkway) we regularly meet with the landlords to see where residents in the area can help the landlords manage problem properties. One of the things we do around suspect criminal activity or excessive police calls is to send a note to the landlord and explain what has been going on and invite the landlord to come to the block club, we have landlords that participate on a regular basis. One of the plantiff's in the law suit has a building in the Hazel Park area (that once was a complex that now has multiple owners) where he has participated with the block club in making sure that the building owners communicate with each other about problem tennants - so that they don't get booted from one and move next door. Last year I also coordinated an effort on Maryland where several of the apartment complexes and the local grocery store partnered in buying some additional off duty police coverage (over 300 hours). In District 1 (South of Minnehaha - East of Johnson Parkway) they have two property managers on the District Council board. There also is an police officer that works out of my office at NENDC that main jobs is to work with landlords who are having issues with tennants and to assist them in understand the eviction process and what there rights as landlord are.

We worked with one of your regular posters to help turn around a complex that had huge issues in the past. (I would hope that he would be as ticked as me that you would call the block club leader in that neighborhood a "Gladys Cravits"). One of the other east side complexes we partnered with a private landlord to get City assistance in redeveloping the buildings while keeping them affordable.

That is what goes on in the real world Bob. There are plenty of good landlords that work with neighbors in the area to keep the community healthy.

And then there are the people that you defend. The ones who think that they don't have to listen to the neighbor next door. That they call her names like YOU do. That they can dismiss them, ignore them and insult them, like YOU do

Like I have said before, these boys believe in the "Golden Rule" - he who has the Gold rules. Its their building and the City and the neighbors and the law shouldn't be able to tell them anything. They are bullies and use to getting their way and the neighbors have had enough of them. They are asking the City to stop them from brutalizing neighborhoods.

They want enforcement to end because they don't like being told what to do. They have the money and they are use to power. Well their days are numbered and this silly suit is a futile effort at costing the City time, money and energy, that will get them nothing.


Chuck Repke

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt very much if they want enforcement to end, I think what they want is for the enforcement to conform to the it used to before Dawkins and Kelly came along.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Chuck you were addressing me over a statement I didn't make.

I think a landlord can answer your last statement better than I can.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to answer the question many times do the neighbors at these meetings complian about the police not doing their job, but rather just blaming the criminal behavior problem on the landlord? Do they ever complain about that Chuck?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Once again Chuck attempts to twist my words.

Chuck said-
We worked with one of your regular posters to help turn around a complex that had huge issues in the past. (I would hope that he would be as ticked as me that you would call the block club leader in that neighborhood a "Gladys Cravats"). One of the other east side complexes we partnered with a private landlord to get City assistance in redeveloping the buildings while keeping them affordable.

Chuck said-

The people who go to those meetings are not all bigots Bob and they are not all Gladys Cravits and I resent that is what you call them.

Bob's response repeated a second time-

Chuck I did not say they were "all" Gladys cravats types.

This is briefly what I said copied from my previous statement.

****Chuck I don't believe you. You get a complainer here and there and YOUR friends make the most of it. I don't deny there is problems here and there. There is, the problem is our city government does not deal with these issues responsibly or professionally.

"You artfully twist words Chuck".

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click above for a few words from Gladys.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click above for a brief message from your city's representative.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Sharon4Anderson said...

Recommended Movie "sicko" re: to Bobbys Bloggers Thanks easy City Video's
Sharon at 697 Surrey is surrounded by 22 vacant bldgs. 699 Surrey vacant 2 years, formerly owned by Bill Cullen no blue registered signs posted? 694 Surrey vacant over 6 months No Pemits Pulled?
Thanks for the evidence Bobby J
Why don't you or your son run for Office: Primary is Sept.11, 2007
6 years illegal Sheriff Sale by Convicted Sheriff Lory Kratzke?

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is a genuine, non-phony public employee to do. Standing up for quality and honest work is not an option in this environemnt.

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a genuine and non phony public employee should do is stand up and blow the whistle on these corrupt city officials and hope like hell you get fired or disciplined for it so you can file a "Whistleblower" lawsuit against the city. The day they fire you is the day you become rich!

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be an interesting occurance! The city would be dumb enough to retaliate against the guy too.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These things you talk about here, there are many people who do believe it. The very same things mentioned here happened to a relative of mine. I can't wait for them to call me back so I can tell them about this site. I love this site.

Bill P.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is interesting that these lawsuits had to be filed in the first place. I am still wondering why the city is taking them so lightly and act like they are an annoyance.

Yesterday, I had a tour of the North End. I could see where a code enforcement officer from the city could have a field day, but this is the wrong way to go about the problem. There are a lot of very good people who live in these neighborhoods. I saw many people who want good jobs and they should have good jobs. The way the city is addressing the behavior problem is wrong and only moves the problem to a different area.

I think the old saying goes like this. If a person is hungry give him some food (Mentality of mayor Coleman and Lantry), teach a person to fish and they will never go hungry again (where the city should be at). What we should be doing as a community is helping those who need help. The elderly people who have been victims of overzealous code inspectors who want to buy their property and make it very difficult for the home owners to comply with code requirements these inspectors need to be fired.

We, as a community, need to actually greet our neighbors, talk with our neighbors. Once this starts to happen the thugs will have no choice, but to leave or change their lifestyle. Bob, talks about second chances and Bob is 100% correct. I have had several second chances in my life and because of this I have had a very successful life. One example that stands out is Nancy who posts here. She took her second change and changed her life. The city needs to understand that all people are not bad. Some people may need some extra help or training and we should give it to them.

As for Chuck, I find him to be a smart individual, but one who covers for his Party at all costs. It is good that we can have this debate in the first place. I have been in countries where this could not happen. Unlike other countries, we EARNED our freedom (Revolutionary War). What is going on down at city hall is wrong and is a total abuse of our very freedoms our country was founded upon. It seems Chuck’s Party wants to ban everything for our own good and tax the rest. This is the wrong way to go and Minneapolis is a prime example of how not to run a city and St. Paul is right behind Minneapolis.

In closing Chuck, I have never seen a building that was a behavior problem. The residents in that building need behavior modification, but the building was not selling the drugs. Attacking the building is not the answer Chuck.

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been convinced of any of this. Some of you people have an axe to grind with the city, and I suspect Bob Johnson is making a lot of money off all of this.

I also think Chuck would have more support here if you slumlords didn't have a reputation of doing things like you did to Chuck & Dave. Your brand of intimidation is the only reason there is an appearance here you people are winning the debate.

Chuck is my hero,


11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

click above

12:37 AM  
Blogger Bob said...


I have not profited off this blog. All proceeds go to building participation here.

Also, what did you say your full name was? Where do you live? Have you had a code compliance? Just joking. :-) Anyone can post here anonymously and deny the allegations here.

Chuck, you ever watch that show "Fatal Attraction"? lol.

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just what was wrong with calling attention to Thune and Repke's house Amanda?

I don't agree with making trouble for Repke, but Thune is another story. He is a public official who sits in judgement of others with the same types of issues the council he sits on uses the threat of demolisitions, civil court actions, public humiliation to punish people for things far less than Thune had.

Have you ever heard of the "Equal Protection" clause of the Contitution of the United States Amanda? Why do you think government officials and their friends should be held to a lower standard than the people below them?

You talk about the landlords being intimidating, but you mention nothing of a city that sends a "football player size cop" along with a housing inspector to intimidate their way into the homes of renters who do not want them there. Once inside they lie about code violations to get the property condemned so they can order an illegal "code compliance inspection" on it costing the owners $70,000.00 a piece! I don't hear you talking about that kind of intimidation Amanda and I would like you to tell me why you choose to conveniently side step that issue. Is it because you just don't hqave any brains or because you are infatuated with Chuck and want to lend support for his twisted logic?

1:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click above to see where bloggers are talking about RACKETEERING.

The local media sure as hell didn't put us on the map.


1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of us are dismayed by the sleaze, dysfunction, and stagnation present in St. Paul, and trying to do something about it. There is a lot sexy about that.

Trouble with Chuck is that he is happy with it, and argues that it is simply a legal racket. Nothing sexy there.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a comment on the popularity curve post.

I looked through the BlogScope links and noticed most of the links were to this blog on this subject. Why isn't your local media covering this? It is an interesting popular subject and looking at the facts presented here over the last few weeks this subject has sure stocked credibility in this web site.
(Googles ranking at rarely seen percentages, Blogscope's tracking, Bob's profile stats of less than a year)

A Democracy represents all that is good about this country. This site has gravitas!

Thank you,

Jason Moore

Manhattan Island

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:23, I am not uneducated. I have a BA.

I am not infatuated with Chuck.
I admire Chuck for standing up to you slumlords. That's all..

I was renter and my apartment flooded with sewage from the apartment above. My slumlord did nothing to help me clean up that mess or pay for my property that was ruined.


12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rental properties is only one part of this issue. Under normal circumstances, I'd expect almost all landlords to have strong opinions against "slumlords", as it damages the industry and causes more regulations.

I am not a landlord of any type, but have been mistreated by the city bureaucracy.

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't even know any of us Amanda so how can you just blanket us all with the "Slumlord" title?

If you have a BA, I am assuming you know how to read and reason things out. So how do you look at all the evdicence that has been brought out here and just fall back on supporting Chuck while using the "Slumlord" thing to advance your argument. It looks to me like you are jsut making a fool of yourself.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Amanda someone with a BA should of known how to handle a situation such as the one you have referred to as the condition of an apartment you were renting. If you really read this blog you will see that we all agree that there are some slumlords in every community, my question is why would someone that claims to be intelligent such as yourself be renting from one? Those types of (slumlord) buildings/apartments are easily recognizable. Guess your not that successful huh? Maybe if you suck up to Chuck enough he can help you get into one of his many affordable vacancies.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Jason

I am just curious to know how you found your way to this blog if you live in Manhatten?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, it's just that I found out about this site from my brother who emailed it to me and he lives in Montana. He doesn't remember how he found it and I'm curious as to how it is getting around the country like it seems to be.

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting web site;

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - several things to 1:23 so, the City sends in an inspector and a football sized cop to get an inspection done and then the compliance work costs a bunch of money... where is the racketeering!!!

This is a RICO suit there is suppose to be a conspiracy of City officials to benefit someone. Are we saying now that its a conspiracy to make money for Home Depot? The Building and Construction Trades?

I get it that people are ticked when they are the ones who get inspected. OK, I realy get it since you guys sent the inspetors after me, but who benefits out of it? What is the racketeering?

So, when we are chasing Magner, we are suppose to believe that it is a conspiracy of the Mayor and the council to make money for Magner and his friends. Yet the plantiffs put into evidence a letter stating that the Mayor wouldn't put Magner in charge and that his deputy dissed him.

Now its that the City wants to make money for Menards?

The suit suggests that it is PHA that somehow comes out ahead, but we aren't sure how.

The issues in discovery are so all over the board that it would appear that the plaintiffs have no idea who has conspired to benefit who, but they got squeezed so it must mean somebody was out to get them.

So, I guess I am slow. Who conspired to benefit who?


Chuck Repke

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit it right on the head Repke. I am sure the landlords will hear of your statements and amend their lawsuit right away. You slipped up by talking too much my friend (and I use that term very losely) so we'll just wait and see what happens with these big labor unions raking in the money off the city's crimes.

Meanwhile, you're all done in this town pal. When the landlords clean out the city treasury, there will be no "Tiff" money left for you. Your projects are going to to go from dreams to dumps and you'll probably be renting them out to the same people you don't want the landlords to rent to.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:07 you don't realy see how insane you sound do you?

Its a conspiracy to make work for the construction trades and sell supplies from Home Depot and you actually believe that.

And, people wonder why the City has a hard time taking any of this seriously?


Chuck Repke

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a little late for you to being doing any damage control Repke, the cat's out of the bag now!

By the way, it is very obvious that are less than 5" tall with the way you talk.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repke, there you go twisting things again.

The issue is the city inspections are a nasty group, breaking laws with impunity and beating up on people, destroying lives, etc. Then they tack on extremely punitive Code Compliance, and sometimes tear down houses with high support from Thune and bunch. Usually if they went to court, the first words from there attorneys are "we are immune". Photo's caught Magner stealing items, which is misconduct, that Thune has no problem with. The court case is merely to see how far they have gone, and if it meets the unbelievably stringent RICO requirements.

This does not follow logic, and creepy people are benefitting.

Repke, you are part of a freak show.

It is simply wrong.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't recall seeing anything that Churks house was turned in by landlords. Is this fact or fiction?

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much of this issue revolves around the drug war, and the record shows that the current tactics are not effective. Tearing down affordable rental homes is not the solution. Most of these cases involve the house (structure)and/or property owner being held accountable for the behavior of the occupant, how does that even come close to making any type of common sense?

Instead of working with the problem the city has decided it would be much easier to spread the problems around. These homes do not need complete code compliances in order to be above the standard requirements that are considered habitable. I have never seen where the interior plumbing, heating, and etc.. that is in working order to have an effect on the appearance of the outside of a home to make it an eyesore.

There are many old homes in St.Paul, maybe its time for equal treatment for all and the city should require all homes to be brought up to new home code. Whats good for one should be good for all, then see how these complainers feel when they have to stick $50,000-$70,000 in their home. Bet they shut their mouth real quick. I do understand keeping the yards mowed, trash service in some cases has been an issue, but to use that as an excuse to make a homeowner do unecessary updates is very expensive and the end results the city in many cases adds to the repair list until the owner can no longer afford to comply, then we have the inspector that decides this would be the perfect time for his associates to purchase the home.

Better yet maybe the law enforcement and judicial system could look at the real issue at hand and start dealing with it in a realistic manner for the future of these offenders that are technically suffering from an illness and arrest them then treat/rehabilitate them.


11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a guy who was wroking on a house on on Duchess & Forest that had trouble with this Magner guy. The owner went to court and obtained a "Restraining Order" against the city and more specifically this Magner guy. It made no difference whatsoever! It was unbleivable. With a "Restraining Order" in place, the city of St Paul still won't lay off the guy. The city orders Excel to disconnect utilities from the home.....thus making sure the guy cannot finish the work. In the end , the court ruled with the property owner and the city had to pay to restring the wires to the house and the guy got to finish the place, but this is just an example of how difficult they try and make it for people.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't blame the landlords if they had turned Chuck in. While I have grown to like and respect Chuck and like arguing different points with him, lets keep this in the proper prospective here. One of the things the landlords lawsuit is about is being treated differently by the law than other people. Chuck was a recipitant of that favored treatment at the same time he was sticking up for the city going after other people for much less. Now he throws it in your faces whenever he can about how he spent $10,000.00 to have his house painted, and I am wondering how he would have felt if the inspector would have came into his house and lied about things that did not exist and then condemned it and made him do $70,000.00 worth of un-needed repairs.....all the while being done in the name of "Health & Saftey" while at the same time the guy right next door to you gets to live with the same $70,000.00 worth of violations that Chuck had to repair. I don't see the fairness (or even common sense) in your arguments Chuck. What the city is doing is not about getting hosues fixed up. Fixing up the houses is just the catalyst to allow the city to address criminal & behavior issues that the police won't address. If you ask me, this seemds like a "back door" way to do things the city could not do legally otherwise.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is going on, and we all know it. I'm tired of the old song and dance and am ready for answers. It is highly political.

This happened on the Democrat's watch (I'm not sure if they or a one party system are at fault - it may have something to do with a part time City Council).

What is the Democrat's description of the problem and what is their proposal to set things right?

What will the Republicans do to correct this?

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are very easy questions to answer!

The Republicans will do nothing as they usually do.

The Democrats will continue what they have been doing figuring if they can get away with what they have gotten away with, then what else can we do in addition.

The only way they are going to stop abusing people's civil rights is if it cost them so much money in judgemnets that it bankrupts the city, and at that point they will still have some excuse and someone else to blsme.

12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK 9:15 as I have said over and over again as long as the primary way that action is taken against single family homes and duplexes is through complaints you will always have someone who makes the arguement that they are being treated unfairly. So, using myself or Thune as an example, we get along OK with our neighbors (in fact Thune's neighbors like him... just because he's a politician doesn't mean he's a total ass). So, nobody complained about us until this suit is in action and I am stupid enough to be commenting on internet forums about how stupid the case is.

So, Thune's house, business and his father's house all get writen up and I get writen up for paint "chalking" (I just love the sound of that one... paint "chalking" not pealing or flaking "chalking" on slate siding... that meant when you ran your fingers over it some dust would come off... they had to come onto my property and run their hands over the siding to get it to do this...).

So, point taken that the system can be abused. I had been lucky in the past and had neighbors that weren't calling inspectors on me and now someone was pissed at me and sent the dogs on me and I got writen up. I get that people feel that isn't fair. OK I get it.

But it isn't criminal and it isn't a violation of the equal protection clause. Who ever called me and Thune in proved that because they wrote orders on me like anyone else. (It realy hasn't been my job to watch Dave for over 10 years so I don't know and won't argue the details of his write up.)

What the City is doing to the system now is that they intend to treat single family and duplex rentals the same as multi unit buildings and begin doing inspections of them on a regular basis as well. So, if this suit has had any effect (and I'm not sure if it is a motivator) it is getting the City to do more inspections of all rental properties.

So, it is interesting that folks think that this suit has some merit yet can't answer the basic questions of a RICO suit:

WHO conspired?

to benefit WHO?


Chuck Repke

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02, 9:15, 10:34

All three of you hit the nail on the head.

Chuck, you may not want to admit it, but some of the people you or your party have helped get elected are down right dirty.

Take Andy Dawkins (Chuck I know you were trying to elect the other guy), he ran and was endorsed for a seat in the Minnesota House in a district area he did not live in. After leaving the house, Andy was put in charge of code inspections in St. Paul when his own properties have been written up many times for code violations.

Chuck there has been a culture or corruption that has been created in St. Paul under DFL leadership that it is ok to screw the little guy. The problem is the average Joe does not get out and vote. Take the last election. Mayor Coleman may have received the majority of the vote, but only 23% of the eligible voters bothered to vote. No mandate here Chuck.

Chuck we have seen here on this forum the corruption on the Highland District council. Why if I remember it correctly, the Republicans who took over the Highland District Council were labeled with many derogatory names. What they found was failure by the community organizer of the district council to pay the taxes in the tune of $69,000.00 (fines and back taxes). How are you going to blame that on the Republicans Chuck? Why Chuck you even stated that you used Highland District Council and specifically Gail Summers as a role model for the rest of the District councils. Interesting Chuck, very interesting. This is only the tip of the iceberg of corruption that is going on in St. Paul.

I believe what I have read here, because I have confirmed many other issues independently since looking into this whole thing. In one of these lawsuits they talk about the city shredding documents related to the court case. Only the guilty shred papers to cover their tracks.

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:51, I heard about this site from an "email chain".

I am a property investor with a property investment group here in Manhattan. We also have property in the Bronx & White Plains.

We are considering starting a forum like this one in our area to create alliances among tenants and property owners.

Bob has been so kind as to assist us with information to help build participation in our forum when we get it up and running.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome, great to have you as a visitor. When you get the site set up, please send over the web address, as we can learn from each other.

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK 8:51 I said pleasent things about Gayle prior to any of the information coming out and I never dissed the new board members... I said that I thought that Gayle had left because she didn't want to have to train in a new board or deal with new board issues.

Now how anyone could expect that I would know that Gayle was hiding that much crap for that long must think that I am a heck of a mind reader. I had no clue and was shocked and disappointed and stunned that nobody was watching the shop.

At the two non-profits that I have access to the check book I pay for an independent bookkeeper to come in twice a month to go over the accounts. The bookkeeper does a monthly financial report to the board. It costs about $100 a month. Anyone who doesn't make sure to have their own ass watched is a fool. I sent the link to my 990's to this forum and will gladly do it again.

What has occured in Highland is a disaster and I wish the new board the best in trying to straighten out the mess. It doesn't matter what political party Gayle belongs to or doesn't the issue is to have a staff member actively hide that information from the board is unforgivable.

When you take on these jobs you are there to serve the community and managing the finances is the first priority, there are no excuses.


Chuck Repke

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck,

Now you know what Bob and the landlords are talking about. If it can happen with Ms. Summers (DFL) and the Highland District Council, them you can have code inspectors that are less than honest like Mr. Manger. This happened on the DFL controlled watch, Mr. Dawkins (DFL, Lantry (DFL) and our Mayor Coleman (DFL) and former Mayor Kelly (DFL). Gee come to mind the whole St. Paul City Council is DFL.

To be fair I do have many good DFL friends who think what has happened in St. Paul is really wrong!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:57 & 7:45, I have read enough here to know this is "Slumlord Central"!

And I did handle my situation. I sued his slumlord butt. I hit him where it hurts his pocket book.

Chuck is making a fool out of all of you and my girlfriend's and I in the office are laughing outrageously at this freak show!

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Amanda for your thoughtfull and intelligent response to 5:57 & 7:45.

Good luck with that BA and all of that.

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, now all you have to do is find enough people with the critical capacity of ferns to populate the city.

Amanda, thank you for sharing, as you have provided insight into Chuck's thinking as well. By the way, what institute of higher learning did you get that BA from, anyway?

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BA Amanda? Are you sure it doesn't say BS instead? Your really looking foolish with your responses. You should start by proof reading your posts for proper grammar before submitting them.

With the intelligence level you have shown here you should sign up over at E-Democracy then you can pretend you know how to run the whole city like the rest of them over there!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I sued his slumlord butt?"

This sounds like dating material for Bill Dahn. I think the two of them would hit off great.....he can talk insulation and she can talk raw sewage. Like Bill, Amanda had not experienced the raw sewage, she can also "talk it" quite well also!

Next time buy insurance Amanda. That's what the rest of the world does, they don't go looking to someone else to help replace their property.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on the front page it states "No Personal Attacks".

I don't have to talk about facts here, Chuck has that covered!

I am a cheer leader. Cheering for the team of, the City of Saint Paul!

So F... off SLUMLORDS. May 40 gallons of sewage rain upon your heads.


7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes that BA has shown to be more like BS everytime Amanda posts a message here. I think Amanda was in the wrong line when they passing out the brains! So BOO! HOO! about the personal attack Amanda, you get what you deserve here. So tell us Amanda did you move up in the world from the slum lords to the projects now for a apartment?

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like that 40 gallons of sewage is coming straight out of Amanda's mounth. I hope you don't consider yourself a lady with that type of talk.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like Amanda has significant anger problems coming from somewhere else.

5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and people wonder why Eric M and I are the only ones who post the other side of the story...


Chuck Repke

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck you and Eric use respectful language when posting here, unlike Amanda, also Amanda started out by posting in reference to you as if this site was a dating or singles meeting place. She obviously by her posts has no idea to what she is talking about, I doubt as though she has even read the files on the RICO case. Her approach was disrespectful and of poor judgement.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

So you don't like how Amanda presented herself here..

This city has all kinds of people. It is my hope that anyone that comes here will feel welcome regardless of what others may think of them personally. I want "A Democracy" to be representative of all the citizens of Saint Paul. Regardless of education, personality traits, income or race.

How are we to seek the truth if everyone who opposes the majority here is attacked on a personal level? Or, they just may get a home code compliance inspection?

Not everyone is as thick-ed skinned as Eric & Chuck. And maybe they won't have the money to fix their house. This would surely bum me out.

Amanda's statements for the most part were not directed at a specific person. Her attacks were generalizations. There is several personal attacks directed at Amanda.

If she has some attraction for Chuck so what. Don't many of us admire him here even though we disagree with him? Personally I'd like to see Chuck sitting on a dunk tank. I'd buy $100 worth of balls to attempt to dunk him. :-)

I want you to know Amanda your opinion is valued here, even if it is only encouragement in support of the minority view here.

You have a right to agree with Chuck or anyone else here.

Are you guys picking on the lady because Chuck plays a little to rough? :-)

We ALL, have common ground, we want what is best for our city. We can disagree and be nice to each other. I HOPE!

Amanda, I can't make you, but, please drop the "slumlord talk" it is an instigating word on a level with the N word to some here.

Peace to All.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... $100.00 for my one of my charities to let Bob miss the target at a dunk tank...Hmmm... I think I like that idea.

I am doing one of those lock ups for Charity where you get people to donate money to get you released on August 23rd. Maybe you would like to donate to keep me locked up?

Chuck Repke

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great way to raise money, I had one of those organizations call my office also where they had a limo pick you up and take you to jail as a lock up scenario where you raise bail that is donated to a charitable cause here in Anoka County, I tried to get my daughter to participate but she didn't feel anyone would post money to get her out,but only if they would keep

Good to hear your participation Chuck, have a great time!


11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck & Bob,

I am a mature woman. I can handle these little boys picking on me.



12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Bob for the forum, and for moderating when strong passions can get carried away.

You get an "A" in democracy, by encouraging a full and healthy discussion. SPIF, with E-Democracy gets an "E" for limiting discussion.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm willing to donate money right now if I can take a phhoto of Repke sitting behind bars.

On another note, anyone have a spare copy of "Photo Shop" I can borrow?

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate Amandas writings and point of view. It's about time someone is willing to stand up to these slumlords. Amanda makes the point in a way that Chuck doesn't and I like it. You go girl!!

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:26, Chuck reversed this deal. We can pay to keep him in jail, no bail!

We could keep him in jail until the election is over!

Shoot, that wouldn't work, with his pull in the city they'd provide him with a laptop to post here.

2:26, you get those photos of Repke behind bars I will pay you for one. I want to frame it, hang it on my wall, and throw darts at it.

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all washed up Repke. Done and over, period. You hear me Repke. I keep talking to you and you never answer. Your days of feasting at the public troff are over and pretty soon you are going to have to build these projects with no public subsidy for your non profit. I'm afraid your style of contracting and building is obsolete my friend. After the landlords sweep out that city hall it'll be for profit only in St Paul. You hear me Repke, I'm talking to you. Get your mind off that little chippy Amanda and answer up.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck never answers people who have their facts straight. Keep at it.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK 5:25 answer what? There doesn't appear to be a question there.

Here is what I do at NENDC. I work for a neighborhood board that comes up with ideas of what they would like to happen in their neighborhood. My job is to work with the City to figure out how to make that happen.

So, you are saying that the City is going to say that we don't want to work with the people who live in the neighborhoods anymore?

One project I am working on now is trying get a large grocery store to locate on the East Side north of Minnehaha, East of Johnson. The folks in the neighborhood would like that to happen and it is my job to find a way to make that happen. Now, maybe I can make that happen without insentives and maybe to make that happen the business would need incentives to build there.

I don't know what a project needs until one sees the numbers and that is exactly what the City does when it decides to support a proposal or not. Is it what the community wants and do we need to subsidizes it to make it happen?

That's just the way development occurs. It doesn't matter if it is me or not.


Chuck Repke

12:44 AM  

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