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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Missing Sexually Exploited Children

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Blogger Bob said...


Saint Paul Police Department

367 Grove Street

Saint Paul, MN 55101

Officer Paul Schnell

Chief’s Assistant for Media Relations

John M.Harrington


May 24, 2007

Saint Paul Police Chief, John M. Harrington, United States Attorney, Rachel Paulosse, And Minnesota BCA Director, Tim O’Malley

Invite You To

Take 25

Take 25 is part of a national campaign designed to heighten awareness of the issues surrounding missing and sexually exploited children, which culminates in the observance of National Missing Children’s Day on May 25th. As part of that observance Chief Harrington, USA Paulosse, and Director O’Malley will be at the Community Center at McDonough Housing to lead a discussion with parents of 25 things that can make their children safer when at home, on the internet, at school, or when out and about.

Please join them at the Community Center, located at 1544 Timberlake Rd. at 5:00 P.M. and help these Law enforcement officials and parents make children safer.

Saint Paul Police Department - Committed to Excellence, Ethics, Empathy & Education

7:01 PM  

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