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Saturday, December 09, 2006


Hi All,

It's December and the end the year. I was reflecting back over the last 12 months since I joined the civil rights movement in Saint Paul, and WOW, what a year it has been.

On every issue we have disseminated our opposers views.

The Property Rights movement has made significant advancements. Our preliminary reports tell us that in large numbers people agree that "buildings should not be held accountable for crime", and that only individuals can be held accountable for their transgressions against society.

And yet it is full steam ahead for the City and its practice of blaming buildings and the owners for other peoples crimes.

I am confused as many of you are that these people in City Hall don't understand the concept of "Individual Responsibility". I bet they practice it in their personal lives. WHY IMPOSE SOMETHING OTHER THAN INDIVIUAL RESPONSIBILITY ON OTHERS?

I'll answer that myself. You people in City Hall are bunch of RACIST! Your objective is to RUN POOR MINORITIES OUT OF TOWN! Destroy the nest get rid of the Critter!

So you wage this year after year assault on affordable housing. Condemning it taking it off the market to be redeveloped into a higher tax base removing it from the affordable housing stock. A CLEAR BLATANT ATTACK ON THE POOR! You all should be ashamed and yet you have perpetuated a lie that up until now people thought you were actually doing something good for the City. Well the cats out of the bag and this story is going to gain momentum as the elections approach.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are preachin to the choir here brother!

10:57 AM  

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