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Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Democracy Town Hall Annoucement

Hi All,

I am pleased to announce to the participants of the A Democracy Town Hall, we have a newspaper, not just any newspaper, this newspaper is unlike any news venue in the history of the United States. Many of you will be surprised at our line up of contributing writers from the left, right and middle of the road.

Before it goes to press I will present a preview here of the newspaper. The paper will be published in August.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great. We haven't had a crusading newspaper for some time, which I assume it is.

Bob G.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is good news Bob, thanks!

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can we get the newspaper?

2:32 PM  
Blogger Bob said...


OK I will throw a few bones out here.

Getting started the paper will be distributed door to door in select neighborhoods, there will be drop spots at laundry mats, coffee shops, barber shops etc. these drop spots will be published. There will be information in the paper to subscibe.
We intend to bring back the corner news boy dressed in 1800's attire yelling Extra Extra read all about it! :)

We are starting with a monthly paper and moving toward a bi weekly edition.

The focus of the paper will be the history of Saint Paul and present day news. The paper will be a politicaly charged news venue unlike any ever seen in Saint Paul.

A website will compliment the paper with archival and video upload capabilities for adminstrators, so we can do interviews and news reports.

The newspapers website will have 3 forums.

Forum 1, public unrestricted

Forum 2, public restricted

Forum 3, private members only forum. The public will not be able to read or partiscipate in this forum. This forum will be dedicated to politicians and political insiders.

I will save the rest for the coming out presentation.

3:18 PM  

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