Expolsive Update in the Saint Paul Fair Housing Lawsuits. HUD money and misconduct.
Hi All,
After doing some research I have formed a theory of circumstances leading up to the city's decision to pull out of the supreme court hearing Magner vs Gallagher. For you legal beagle types of the town hall, here is a bone for study,
False Claims Act Complaint and Demand For Jury Trial
"United States of America ex rel, Fredrick Newell plaintiff vs City of Saint Paul".CN 09-SC-1177 (To summarize this case Newell is blowing the whistle on the city of Saint Paul alleging the city fraudulently acquired HUD funds for a number of years.)
With sufficient evidence to proceed with Newells case on February 9, 2012 the federal government dropped representation of this black businessman (Newell) and let him fend for himself against the city of Saint Paul, the following day the city withdrew from Magner vs Gallagher.
Many of you are aware there is great controversy over the city backing away from the supreme court hearing in Magner vs Gallagher.
It is my opinion the city used Magner vs Gallagher as a bargaining chip to persuade the federal government to drop the Newell case. If the city had won Magner vs Gallagher the Obama Administration would have lost a valuable tool used to sue mortgage companies over disparate impact.
It isn't over for Newell and his faith based organizations. One attorney of 3 representing Newell is Thomas Heffelfinger. The city is still facing the loss of millions of dollars over this case. The city is still at great risk of losing millions of dollars in the fair housing lawsuits.
It looks like we have dirty birds in government attempting to cover up the misappropriation of your tax dollars folks.
After doing some research I have formed a theory of circumstances leading up to the city's decision to pull out of the supreme court hearing Magner vs Gallagher. For you legal beagle types of the town hall, here is a bone for study,
False Claims Act Complaint and Demand For Jury Trial
"United States of America ex rel, Fredrick Newell plaintiff vs City of Saint Paul".CN 09-SC-1177 (To summarize this case Newell is blowing the whistle on the city of Saint Paul alleging the city fraudulently acquired HUD funds for a number of years.)
With sufficient evidence to proceed with Newells case on February 9, 2012 the federal government dropped representation of this black businessman (Newell) and let him fend for himself against the city of Saint Paul, the following day the city withdrew from Magner vs Gallagher.
Many of you are aware there is great controversy over the city backing away from the supreme court hearing in Magner vs Gallagher.
It is my opinion the city used Magner vs Gallagher as a bargaining chip to persuade the federal government to drop the Newell case. If the city had won Magner vs Gallagher the Obama Administration would have lost a valuable tool used to sue mortgage companies over disparate impact.
It isn't over for Newell and his faith based organizations. One attorney of 3 representing Newell is Thomas Heffelfinger. The city is still facing the loss of millions of dollars over this case. The city is still at great risk of losing millions of dollars in the fair housing lawsuits.
It looks like we have dirty birds in government attempting to cover up the misappropriation of your tax dollars folks.
It was completely out of control. Nothing about it can surprise me. I'm looking forward to your information. You've done a great job on this all along.
Bob G.
And what would be so expolsive with regards to the City of Saint Paul? The way these mobsters have acted over the years I doubt that nothing would suprise anyone any longer!
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most of the people in st paul have no knowledge of this monumental lawsuit
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Liliehaug is representing the city in both these federal cases.
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Voluntary Compliance Agreement - City of Saint Paulwww.stpaul.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=11922
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The city of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("City" or "recipient") is a Community ... Mr. Frederick Newell filed a second complaint alleging that the City failed or refused ...
Expolsive Update in the Saint Paul Fair Housing Lawsuits.ademocracy.blogspot.com/.../expolsive-update-in-saint-paul-fair.html
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1 day ago – United States of America ex rel, Fredrick Newell, plaintiff vs City of Saint Paul. Note the date the government hung this black businessman out to ...
From your Google Reader subscriptionsCases filed matching "City of Saint Paul" :: Justia Dockets & Filingsdockets.justia.com › Dockets & FilingsCached
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... of Saint Paul. Plaintiff - Appellants: Michael Thomas, Frederick Newell and Brian Conover ... Jones v. City of Saint Paul Police Department et al Has Decisions ...
Michael Thomas, et al v. City of Saint Paul :: Justia Dockets & Filingsdockets.justia.com › ... › Civil Rights › Other Civil RightsCached
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Jan 28, 2008 – Defendant - Appellee: City of Saint Paul. Plaintiff - Appellants: Michael Thomas, Frederick Newell and Brian Conover. Case Number: 08-1234 ...
Thanks Bob
11:07, blacks will still vote for democrats in saint paul, they seem to enjoy being victimized.
Remember who the City Attorneys are during these LawSuits Ex. John Choi now Ramsey Co Attorney
when will this end?
I told that in middle of June a big news stroy will be in the newspapers. This stuff. A report by the U.S. Congress. On the deal that was reached by the federal and City of St.Paul. Unseal doc. fromthe federal court will be releaed. Aroung the 15 or 16 of june. Also heard that Kathly L. Is planning to run for mayor Of St.Paul.
Just goes to show that cheaters never prosper.
Bob G.
Apples... oranges....
The City has been under the gun on the issue of minority contracting for a long...long...time. The Newell suit is not the first and it would surprise me if it is the last.
There are several things that create issues with the City and minority contracting. First is that HUD requires both that you hire small/female and minority contractors and that they pay prevailing wage... which in this state that you pay a union wage scale (many small businesses are not organized and don't normally pay union scale so for a City job they have to pay their workers more per hour). Second for larger jobs it also requires that your work force has a significant numbers of minorities on the job site (just because someone is a small/female or minority contractor, they still have to make sure the sub-contractor they hired for the job bring in people of color for that job site).
And, finally all of this has to be documented in great detail (even down to which worker was on the site, his pay rate and racial background) BEFORE you can get paid! And, if your not in compliance you don't get paid!
So, A LOT of minority, small and female businesses don't have compliance officers to make sure all the T's are crossed and find themselves waiting months to get a check from the City because they a having a hard time documenting for HUD. So, many chose to not go through that twice.
So, on the big jobs, developers tend to hire contractors like K A who they know will hire subs that will meet the compliance issues.
So, its not corrupt, its complicated.
Chuck Repke
....and then you have the Section 3 requirements....
HUD section 3 requirements are that you need to make sure that target group of low income residents are hired on those HUD jobs. Easiest to say that someone on Section 8 would meet that requirement.
So, in times like these when long time carpenters are sitting on the benches of the Union Hall, you have to find ways to make sure that someone who meets the section 3 requirements are hired.
But, though it is HUD that requires that the City has those people hired the process of doing it in these development projects is that it is the contractor who has to make sure that they are in compliance and if they aren't they don't get paid.
I have to believe that other cities get around this by using their HUD monies on city crews and avoids all of this pain of using private business.
Chuck Repke
Yeah anything to do with the private sector is a pain right chuck? Who neds em? Just keep growing government till it bursts at the seams and it would be just fine with you wouldn't it Chuck?
I finally opened my eyes... too late.. saw the corruption.
keep your eyes closed like most st paul citizens and let the corruption continue for another 50 years
read your last post. WHAT A SPIN. you should apply for freddie melo's job. the pioneer press might have an opening for a guy like you.
Keep on spinning chuckie, your mayor & city council are counting on you
Again, the issue in the law suits like Newell are that the City fails to get the required amount of monies to either small or minority owned businesses or in the earlier case that those contractors fail to hire enough people who would meet section 3 requirements.
There has never been an accusation that the monies have not gone to HUD elligible projects or that the City has failed to account for the monies. The issues in any/all of the suits have been and will continue to be how well the City does at getting these targeted populations either contracts or employment.
And, like I said the issue is pushing/requiring private contractors to use target vendors and their frustration with dealing with HUD's paper work and section 3, think of it this way...
You are looking to expand your business and you are either going to build new in the burbs or expand your inner City business in Saint Paul. So, you go to the City and they say we can help you with a $500,000 low interest loan or grant, but here are the conditions.... all of the work must be done at Union wage scale, at least 15% of those contractors have to be minority or small business and of that 15% of the workers that are on site at the construction site have to have be of color and 15% of the people hired on the job have to currently in poverty... AND YOU HAVE TO PROVE ALL OF IT OR YOU DON"T GET THE MONEY....
Do you take the deal or do you just move to the cheaper vacant farm field in the burbs?
And, the accusation in the law suits are that people have taken the money and the City hasn't made sure that all of those goals were reached.
Chuck Repke
keep spinning, fredie's got some competition.
the pioneer press will put your desk right next to melo's.
you guy's can compare spins
Reporter Fred Melo also part of communications problems as he the writes at www.e-democracy ALL the Time has blocked Affiant in her Legal Campaigns etc. www.sharon4anderson.org Currently Sharons Cable is blocked ie: Comcast, Hackers in other PC WOW what a Code Signal's Trip www.sharonsenate64.blogspot.com
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