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Sunday, September 07, 2008


Scroll down the page for parts 1 thru 6.
Please click onto the COMMENTS for the story.


Blogger Bob said...

Dawkins states, “A problem property is best defined by simply saying: If you live next door to a problem property you know it! Constant calls to get rid of the junk, intolerable behavior by occupants and guests, etc. A problem property can be a rental property or an owner occupied property; it can be a commercial property or a residential property; it can be a single-family unit, a duplex or an apartment building.”
The official approved Dawkins-Kelly policy was that if landlord had one property labeled a “problem property” Defendants could target all of that landlord’s rental properties and could apply Mayor Kelly’s heightened “code to the max” and “call everything” code standard. The net effect of Dawkins’ policy was that the City was able to multiple the “code to the max” punishment to the landlord’s other properties where innocent protected class tenants lived. One tenant misbehaved, all the tenants of the targeted landlord suffered the consequences of a now weakened landlord who was too busy fighting the City to meet the critical housing needs of protected class members.
Caty Royce provided a good example of how dangerous Dawkins really was at the helm of the City’s Code Enforcement where a disabled woman was forced from her duplex unit due to an unrelated tenant’s alleged behavior in the separate unit.. Royce, pp. 41-42.
Dawkins notes show repeated instructions to inspectors to “get inside”, “try to get
Case 0:05-cv-00461-JNE-SRN Document 237 Filed 08/25/2008 Page 43 of 78
inside, code to the max”; “Code to the max; “Do code to the max to help eviction”,; “Try to get to VB Cat. II for code compliance.”
NHPI Director Dawkins’ notes state, “Want to check inside”“Not many code issues on exterior. Inside is a question.”“How get inside?” “inspector is trying to get inside to see if there are interior issues.”

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This doesn't sound like they're responding to complaints to me. What it sounds like is that they are out to get people and working very hard at it.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only hope Dawkins and his henchmen end up in jail where they belong. What goes around comes around..

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this stuff.

They quote Dawkins as saying you would know a problem property if you lived next to one, and then the plaintiff makes up a policy that has absolutely nothing to do with the sentence that they quoted.

This is the entire case. They make up conclutions with no evidence.

The plaintiffs pull shit like this out of their ass "punishment to the landlord’s other properties where innocent protected class tenants lived.." with no evidence to support it and think that the court is going to buy this garbage as some kind of legal arguement.

Its over folks.


Chuck Repke

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck whats the matter isn't Gloria around to help you with your spelling and grammar?

They make up conclutions (conclusions) with no evidence.

Grandiousity ain't (isn't) it great?

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chuck whats the matter isn't Gloria around to help you with your spelling and grammar?

They make up conclutions (conclusions) with no evidence.

Grandiousity ain't (isn't) it great?

9:34 PM

we don't cut on people for grammer and spelling around here.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04 we do if they think they know it all.

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No we don't. If you have a legitimate beef with Repke, then rip him apart. If it's spelling, then sally on over to some school somewhere and mentor some kids. This isn't a continuing ed class.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think again. There is plenty of evidence to back up what the plaintiff's say. And plenty of non plaintiff witnesses.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that was nice to have people that generally hate me standing up for me.


Yes, I think much faster than I type and I hit send keys without checking for spelling errors. I keep forgetting that this little box that I type in doesn't have an automatic spell check (red underline) and I have to reread it on my own.

So conclusion was a misspelling, but, "Grandiosity, ain't it great?" was intentional. "Ain't it great" just sounds so much cockier than, "isn't it great."

And, why did you pull the quote over here instead of where it happened?


Chuck Repke

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People don't hate you CHuck they just think a little misguided and they're preping you to be "Hanitized!"

5:19 PM  

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