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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Kathy Lantry and the City Council

Please click onto the title of this post for the video.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy Lantry's City Council Declaration :-)

"When any principle, law, tenet, probability, happening, circumstance, or result can in no way be directly, indirectly, empirically, or circuitously proven, derived, implied, inferred, induced, deducted, estimated, or scientifically guessed, it will always for the purpose of convenience, expediency, political advantage, material gain, or personal comfort, or any combination of the above, or none of the above, be unilaterally and unequivocally assumed, proclaimed, and adhered to as absolute truth to be undeniably, universally, immutably, and infinitely so, until such time as it becomes advantageous to assume otherwise, maybe."

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is coming from the woman who banned the Easter Bunny from City Hall last year.

Kathy Lantry ordered the Easter Bunny decorations taken down because ONE person complained and they could be offensive to non-Christians.

Is there not ONE person who is willing to take on Kathy in Ward 7? The unions are unhappy with her because of her stance on the St. Paul Airport floodwall issue last year.

I know that if a candidate comes forward that truly represents the Ward 7 area and not only a politically correct agenda they would get elected.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of her video. If she wasn't so busy taking complaints in her office and then micro managing every department in the city she wouldn't need to be a full time council person. She dishonestly makess a job for herself and then tries to sell it to us that she is needed.

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kathy Lantry is not nor ever has been an effective leader for the city, she just thinks she has. What we have recieved with Lantry's leadership skyrocketing property taxes, no smoking in our favorite bars, crime going through the roof, people gunned down and murdered in their own homes, civil litgation against the city exploding, and all we get for leadership from Lantry is trying to close up businesses and beating up landlords. That's her soloution to everything.

Do you people really want another 4 years of this? It is time for a change.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 7:22 PM

Any suggestions for getting a real candidate for Kathy's seat?

I will put in $300 towards the campaign.

Kathy is really bad and we can do much getter in St. Paul.

Any names of possible candidates to run against Kathy please let me know?

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any names of possible candidates to run against Kathy please let me know?

Here are some names you'll get from readers on this site:

- Knot Mee
- Guy Overdere
- Ida Rather-Kumplain
- Bill-Bob Sharnderson, IV

This is the biggest cheez-and-whine crowd this side of ToddlerLand.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:05, you are part of this group you post here.

I guess we can safely say the names you listed are your choice.

I gotta give it to you. All those people you named would do a much better job than this distructive crew we have running the city now.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing! I'll have another beer.

Who's bar tending here?

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Kathy, and I'm not going to vote for her this time. Although I like her, she's had enough time to "come around" and she hasn't. We do need a change!

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill said

I have No intentions to run in ward two.
My plans are not what you think,
I can just sit back and work the crowd.
Crowd psychology !

We need, "social change".

Bill Dahn

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:05 and 11:52 PM

At one point the DFL represented the working man who made up 95% of the bar crowd.

Do you think these folks are happy with not being able to have a smoke in their favorite bar? No!

Do you think my fellow union members are happy with Kathy for opposing the flood wall at the St. Paul airport? No!

Kathy is more concerned with political correctness than the needs of her ward.

So 11:05 I will have the beer and when I go to work today, I will continue to tell my union buddies why Kathy should NOT be reelected. I will tell these same folks at the St. Paul Trades and Labor, as if they did not already know what a disappointment Kathy has been. They know just ask Dick A. and Harry M.

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On one hand the Unions lose jobs, but on the other hand they get the jobs back through Kathy Lantry's code inspectors and their criminal code complainces and home tear downs.

Vote Lantry and lose your home to provide a job to one of the many needy Union members.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch any City Council meeting and take a good look at Lantry. She's insecure and acts like a little school kid playing "make believe" with her City Council status. The only time she seems to really have her heart into anything is when she thinks she can close down a business some where or demolish someone's home. I'd like to spit in her face.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say what you will about Kathy. I don't care, she is a good council woman.

We had a house on our block and the blacks hung outside and wore the grass down in the front yard where they rented.

People came and went all day & night there. It appeared they were selling drugs. It looked scary.

Kathy got rid of them for us. The slumlord don't have the home anymore either.Now the house will be torn down or fixed up for a good family.

The house sits empty and the neighbors and I would rather have it empty than the situation we had there before.

I read here the City seems to of bent the rules some to clean up the City. I don't care!After all it is scum bags the City is dealing with here. I am sick and tired of my tax dollars going to some lazy son of a bitchs that don't live responsibily.

I have to work why shouldn't they!

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right about one thing 9:56....Lantry and her City Council just looked the other way while person after person showed up at City Council Meetings, wrote letters and called on the phone to tell her the city was vioalting peoples rights with their Code inspectors, and Kathy chose to just ignore it and look the other way and let the carnage continue. From your writings, I can see why you are so proud to have her represent you.

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand this Kathy Lantry mentality, anytime she can use her past experience as a property manager to prop herself up as some self professed expert on landlords and their properties, she's right there to bad mouth anyone who owns investment property. After almost a decade of Lantry's rhetoric and retaliatory actions against landlords, she finally gets the city sued and now she is afraid of having her depositon taken by the landlords that are suing the city. I would think she would want to step up and take credit for the policies regarding these inspectors and cops that she has went along with all this time.....especially in an election year!

Instead she uses the St Paul City Attorney (at taxpayer expense)to get a Court Order saying the City Council doesn't have to have thier depositions taken.

What ae you trying to hide Kathy that you're so afraid to have your deposition taken?

Lantry's City Council wants to use the law to screw people every chance they get, but when it comes time for a common person to get thier justice from the law, Lantry wants to hide behind the very Court they always run to when they want to bury you in misery.

This isn't leadership and Lantry is a coward with something to hide.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take the empty homes on my block any day over what was living in them previously. Yeah for Kathy Lantry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor little Kathy. She has made a career out of beating up landlords and now someone is taking her to task for it and she doesn't want to come to court and talk. She sure has been proud of her actions when she talks to the neighbors, It's puzzling why she doesn't want to take credit for it now.

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a problem with the truth buddy?

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Kathy Lantry ought to be ashamed of herself also, so whats the difference? If Kathy honestly believes everything she has done was done properly then what would the reasoning be behind her not wanting her deposition taken under oath? Instead she has choosen to cost the tax payers an additional amount of dollars by having an attorney defend her opposition of having the deposition taken, I truly believe if she was that confident in herself and the actions has supported by city officials she would be first in line to have the deposition taken so she could brag about the difference she has made in society during the election, actually she has made a difference in society but not in a positive way.

St.Paul needs someone that would focus more on the actual crimes, why it has risen and what to do to help the offenders to turn their lives around to become productive citizens that pay taxes. This can be done with programs, and also work with mentoring juveniles to prevent them from entering the system as delinquents.

Yes the city does also need to deal with housing code issues and complaints but in a positive manner by helping low income families with low interest funding to do some repairs. The developers seem to get plenty of tax and interest breaks why not offer some of the funding to the residents that are struggling to keep their homes instead of doing unnecessary new home code compliances that the average person cannot afford let alone the low income person.

Yes there are many properties that could use some attention, but the approach the city is using is a destructive approach. Many of the properties that are in very deteriated condition are owned by the city in which they should focus on their own properties before they start demolishing the homes of families.

If I understood the news correctly last night the most dangerous building in St.Paul is the old Dept.of Trans. that has been considered a lawsuit waiting to happen for am couple of years according to channel 5 the marble slabs on the sides of the building are ready to fall off with each slab weighing 1200lb. Instead of repairing the building they have put up a fence around it, I don't think a citizen would be allowed to leave a dangerous situation go on and justify it by putting up a fence. In fact a citizen would most likely have restrictions on even putting up the fence!

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing the expensive code compliances is just what the city wants. The more they can cost people (home owners and landlords alike) the more it costs for the same person to call that property home. Thus the city gets rid of the low incomers, and along with it a lot of the percieved trouble makers. Get rid of the nest and you get rid of the critter! This strategy is as old as the hills and I am suprised the city would think that people would not catch on to what they were doing.

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that is just why she does not want her deposition taken is because the change that happened on her watch has been not only more crime, but the crimes are getting worse and her favorite tactic of scapegoating the landlords for the neighborhoods problems are not going to work any longer. I'd hide too if I were her.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right is might.
She just might not have a job, after the next election.
Truth sets us free.
No truth, throw her out.
Find out the trash on her.
Get her fired, so she gets NO Retirement for city council.

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Lantry and Thune
Right is might.
The truth will set us free.
She won't be in office long
Find the trash on her and others, so she gets fired and get NO retirement from the city council.

3:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Thune I feel is workable, he seems to have some of the same issues that the average citizen also has, only difference is he gets treated differently because of his position and I think a person should be able to prove that quite easily to take action on that matter. I believe Mr. Thune if given the oppertunity, with some new council members that he would work with residents to restore their properties without the new home code compliance and tactics that are currently being used, the way it sits as of now he would be a lone soldier out there fighting. Worry more about getting rid of some of the other councils such as Lantry and Helgen would be a good place to start. Those two have proven themselves already to be very destructive to the community.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Give Up!! Get Out. Go back and do what you were doing before you somehow manage to get what a few thousand votes to be elected to the city council. You are a complete disaster.

By the way, lay off the Booze!!

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good bye, Your tenure is about to end.

Is it wine or beer that is your desire??

Control, is what you need.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was a property manager (aka slumlord) prior to her getting elected to the city council. Back stabbing bitch gets elected and gets some power and turns on her own kind!

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ill mannered is what makes it so much fun!

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god someone hit a sore spot on Kathy Lantry, shame on you! :'(
I think its great, no one seems to give a shit when these council members talk bad about some of the citizens without having their facts straight.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14; wheres your gus? I don't see you posting your name, something your are so sure of and confident with should be followed by your name. Maybe then we could look you up and find some code violations on your property, just think then you could have the oppertunity to meet the Honorable Kathy Lantry yourself! Just make sure you have plenty of money set aside for the event, code violations can run into tens of thousands of dollars, and if Lantry and her crew have it their way it will be followed by the much needed tearing your home down for you!

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14 PM

You stated, "Bunch of in-mature, uneducated, ill mannered, morons here." You also posted the same thing and spelled it wrong when you posted under "Lee Helgen and the City Council race."

Being an uneducated ill mannered, moron, we do know however know how to spell "immature." You see we have to deal with immature people like yourself daily when we deal with the city.

What is this about the Honorable Kathy Lantry's drinking habits? Does she like to have a few too many drinks you say? I would like to hear all about this extra curricular activity Ms. Lantry has developed. Maybe Tim Nelson and Jason Hoppin of the Pioneer Press need to hear about this as well.

Kathy have one for me.


10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have also heard through the grapevine that Lantry has been known to indulge in alcholic beverages. Must be the stress of the job or to help her sleep at night after destroying the lives of so many families. I am sure she has a way to justify it just as the police did when they were caught drinking in the station.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly people, what Kathy does in her private life shouldn't concern others as long as it doesn't efect her job. And I believe she does a great job on the council.

If she drinks, so what!Big deal!

Kathy if you read the morons statements here understand not all of us feel this way.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alcohol abuse is used in a way just as some people turn to drugs, it is a way to deal with and cover up your actual feelings of depression and other personal issues without dealing with them in reality, and that is where I think Kathy has herself believing that what she has done to the community in her own mind has been a positive effect, when in fact crime has increased, vacant homes has risen and so has the number of homeless families, but she feels by moving the problems to another area she has shown success. Only a person under the influence of a substance of some sort would think that way, so I guess we must for now excuse her behavior because of her illness.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Lantry has an illness, then she should get some help instead of continuing to destroy people's lives

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you see thats just the way the city has been handling issues; they cover up everything one way or another so Lantry fits right in with the rest of them. Instead of dealing with crime and the actual offenders to correct their behavior the city would rather tear down another home, and leave families homeless.

Wouldn't it make more sense to treat the offender with the help they need and leave the housing alone, in the long run it would be a big savings when you figure the costs that are encountered with not treating the offender such as; court time (Judge, prosecuter, court reporters and etc...), public defender for criminal court, public defender for family court, jail time housing, foster care, Child protection worker and the list goes on...

Then from there you look at the future of the children that will be at high risk by not properly addressing their parents issues. Children need a stable home environment for a successful future, with biological parents and that can be done through treatment and programs that are directed at dealing with the actual problem.

Yet the city still seems to believe that if you tear a home down the problem has been corrected without even taking the real issue into consideration or addressing it and that is the behavior of the individual person or persons.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hell wit these children, nobody gives a damn about them and the sooner you learn that the more you will unerstand the city of St Paul. They want to tear down as many house as they can because the newer home has a hgher tax base and more money for the city.

St Paul doesn't care about your rantings of jail time, child protecton workers, courts, judges, etc cuase Ramsey County pays the frieght for those things.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:10pm No you are wrong.

I would like to correct you, it is not Ramsey Co. that pays for the costs endured for the mishandling of St.Paul issues, it is the Ramsey Co. taxpayers that pays the bill! So unless taxpayers start paying attention to how the city council members are handling problems and speak up to the city or force a change in the city by voting in new members that will maybe listen to what people are asking and realize the tactic of tearing homes down and not addressing the real problems which is people, the only thing thats going to change is the crime rate as we have been watching it change, in the wrong direction.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


42 posts, E-Democracy (SPIF) could be so lucky.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Dahn Said.

All I hear is vacant homes, and tearing them down.
You all must be "Stupid".
The Democratic Party aka DFL and Unions,
they are just putting union workers to work.
They are helping their friends, and maybe a ex-aid like Chuck Repke get city money.
In the development of the area's,
where crime and drugs are high.
E-Democracy has all these no body Democrats, that are so raped up in their fairy nice ways of life.
They have rights, but we don't?

Remember This >>>>

---- " DON'T STEAL"----

Bill Dahn
Running as a Independent, Ward 2

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WANTED: One HONEST person to run against Kathy Lantry. Any political persuasion. Not bad pay for a part time job. Just think of the good you can do for your fellow citizens. For information on how to apply contact City Hall. Your application would be appreciated by many.

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can pick up information to run for Kathy's seat from the Ramsey County Elections office on Kellogg Blvd (Ramsey County West).

9:11 PM  

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