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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Obama's approval rating dropping, the dollar plunging and we the people catching on to what a puppet he is, they pull the body off the ice and pass it off as a great display of strategic administration, blah! Now we will be attacked, for sure! So now we can hand over more of our rights to the government. We won't mind though because anything is worth it for the sake of a secure country and to keep us safe! Yes, please listen in to my conversations and track my every movement because I don't want the bad terrorist to get me! Oooooh, put a chip in my hand because I can't manage myself and yes I need protection. I won't take up arms, grow my own food, hunt, fish, milk my own cow or heat my own house on my own grid because I will be taken care of, so who would need to do that. I will hand my children over to the system and they can teach them to group-think and that I, as their parent, is wrong and stupid and to also watch me for anything illegal going on in the house, just in case. I won't even pack their lunches because government rationing is good and I wouldn't know what is healthy anyway. Afterall, the government can adjust acceptably safe radiation levels to fit the levels in our air. So it must be okay. I am discouraged to critical-think on my own and I will follow along with what everyone else thinks and agree and nod and chant the praises that we will never fail.
Just my own humble, yet with a little smart ass tone to the whole thing, opinion; but it's entertaining and let's see the spin.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous George said...

Believe me, I have no puppets!

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will hand my children over to the system and they can teach them to group-think and that I, as their parent, is wrong and stupid and to also watch me for anything illegal going on in the house, just in case.


9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff Matiatos

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you save that Jeff? Are such a wussy that you think Obama should have cut and ran from Iraq?

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You saw the video and he said what he said just to get elected.

Typical isn't it.

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idiot at 10:38 p.m. is a frequent ignorant responder to my
posts and an abvious democratic liberal baffoon.

Republican and democrats alike will do and say anything to get elected. Thats the message in obamas videos and thats how he operates presently and is already
scheming his false promises again in preperation of his bid to have another 4 years.

Jeff Matiatos

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on back Eric. You can watch the video two for the price of one.
What a deal !!!

11:48 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

I haven't deleted anything. I am sure blogger recognized your comment as spam.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, your potty mouth is acting up again.

5:18 PM  
Anonymous JudicialWatchFOIA4Pics said...

Lawsuit for photo's

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Impeach Obama for his unlawful use of deadly force in an attempt to assasin a head of state in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Obama and lesbian man-woman Hillary Clinton are complicit in the alleged crime.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Crimes agains Humanity said...

Please be careful the powers to be are so corrupt

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for submitting the link at 5:31 p.m.
Just goes to show you how secretive, deceptive and
dis-honest the Obama administration has been.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama sides with big oil by offering new leases to drill for oil.
Obama admits it will do little if anything to slow the high cost of gasoline.
So, what happened to his Green agenda ?
I want to know which big oil Co. is contributing to his re-election campaign.

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The combat troops were out of Iraq in August of 2010. Promise kept. The video lies knowing the one who will latch on pass it on are not the kind of people who read or regularly kept up with the news.

How can you not know this? How can you not see that more Muslim extremists have been captured and killed under Obama in two years than seven years of Bush?

As far as coming close to killing a head of state, good. Gaddafi has been an enemy of the United States for 30 years. Reagan tried it and was unsuccessful. Also, where does the constitution forbids assassination of heads of states? What high crime did he commit that impeachment is in order?

Thanks Sharon for keeping it real-real crazy and off subject.

You posters, no, this whole topic is great example of the lack intellectual muscle on this blog. The ease that bullshit is accepted here, and void of credibility.



10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, do me a favor Bob. Delete my last three posting here- well looks like only one survived. Remove it please, including this one. I've got no business being seen mucking around in this slog.



10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially when Erics man Obama is
being exposed for the fraud that he is. Take him with you Eric and don't let the door hit you two in the ass on the way out LoL !!!

Jeff Matiatos

11:22 PM  
Anonymous CitySt.Paul USSC Brief said...

Bobby please put the Brief by the City vs. Landlords Currently Sharon is having trouble with defendant Paula Seeley re: Grass Weeds on the Rainy Day 14May2011

Not sure if Shomaker has an opposing brief and if the USSC will accept the City's

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Bee Vou v. CitySt.Paul Nuisance said...

Bobby the Landlords have won vs. the City re: Nuisance Ordinance
You may want to start another Thread

Unpublished Opinions do not set precedant re: Alice Krengel however does

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good read at 2:53 a.m.

What it says is that when a building is in a Re-Hab process, city officials must consider this
before taking extreme condemnation action.

A landlord simply could post a notice in plain view that the building is in Re-Hab and when ol Mangner comes around waving his pistol, he's not allowed to shoot.

Is anyone surprised that magner is the object of the lawsuit ??? HaHa

Jeff Matiatos

6:59 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Sharon, what does housing in Saint Paul have to do with Al-Qaida?

8:14 AM  
Blogger Sharon4Anderson said...

Housing nothing you should start a new thread for your readers

12:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Sharon. She has some pretty good stuff Bob that you wouldn't know the first place to look to find it.
She has stuff that grabs you.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Send me your request Sharon.

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Especially when Erics man Obama is
being exposed for the fraud that he is. Take him with you Eric and don't let the door hit you two in the ass on the way out LoL !!!
Jeff Matiatos

Does your stupidity ever embarrass you? I heard ignorance is forever proud and now understand what that means.

The video lies to you in sequence. Obama withdrew the combat troops in the timeline he said he would. Period. Bush did not send enough troops there, so Obama had to increase the number of troops to pushback and then stabilize, and then like he promised, pull them out responsibly.

Obama's national security plan has made us safer. He's doubled the budget for border security with more agents and drones resulting in the highest number of deportations in our history. Internationally, we've captured and killed more terrorists than the previous eight years. Also, we sparked revolutions across the mideast. I guess you forgot about Egypt and them chanting 'WISCONSIN, WISCONSIN'.

I would go on with the baseless, classless stinch around here but, apparently even old Bob Johnson realize you aren't the group ready for prime time. He had to cut off comments on the Mike Harris thread.


8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, Obama said he would have all our troops out.

There are still in excess of 50K troops there I think that says enough.

He escalated the war in Afganistan and his administration is complicit in the strife in Egypt, Syria, and Libya.

Obama is just as responcible for the countless deaths of innocent
civilians as the Bush administration.

The UN should be seeking Warrants for Obamas arrest along with Kadafi for crimes against humanity.

Not that i object, but it seems to me the Obama administrations attempts to murder Kadafi is unconstitutional and violative of international law.

Jeff Matiatos

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What doesn't Eric understand about the video ? Obama says if he get's elected he will have "All" our troops out within the stated terms.

Hasn't happened Eric.

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no stupidity in the truth Eric : )

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a structural engineer, Bin Laden tried to destroy the structure of our society. Shows we need a more flexible structure.

I've encountered major medical issues. I will follow the ademocracy issues, because they are so important, but have to do some catching up also.

Bob G.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not believe Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11.
There is more proof that our own Government imploded the towers and
flew drone planes into the towers.
And the reason is because it gave us the justification to go to war in the middle east.
But I hope your feeling better soon Bob thanks for taking part.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. The video showed that PRESIDENT Obama would pull all combat troops out of Iraq by August 2009 (16 month timeline). And he did:

2. The UN Security Council approved a resolution for the enforcement of a No Fly Zone and other military actions in Libya by a 10-0 vote back in March, thus the airstrikes in Libya. And, unlike Reagan, we'll get Gaddafi's ass on a stick.

3. The US under Obama is not 'complacent' in those uprisings, I hope we're pulling the strings completely. It seems to be a better deal for us to affect change with support behind the scenes than storming a country or two like Bush and not having a damn thing to show but death and American hatred around the world.

You have a problem Jeff with us helping people overthrow dictatorships and murderous regimes? You'd rather us to invade with an army?

You and your A DEMOCRACY supporters show a shocking lack of understanding of these world events and an even bigger void in the ability to process and articulate the facts as presented. I suggest you stick to complaining about DSI and working on getting Dahn elected to office. Leave the complex foreign policy to smarter people.


11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, there are still at least 50K so called " Non combat troops "
( ya right ) in Iraq. The video explains that these are so called Non combat troops but they are the same military trained fighting forces just called something else.

The United States Government has got around it's own executive order issued by President Ford in the 1970s against assination of heads of foriegn states by using the U.N. as cover to do it's dirty deeds. Those thats commit human atrosities in violation of international should be tried.

The problems in libya were initially dissatifaction with the Government.

That alone, is not justification for us to go in and start spreading democracy in preperation for implanting a puppet government run by the u.s.

Yes, Kadafi was brutal in an attempt to put down the uprising but we have been the same way. Anyone remember Kent State ?

Didn't we use the national Guard to beat on the blacks and other protesters during the turbulent
60s ???

Come on Eric, look at the real picture of just who are the bullys !!!

Jeff Matiatos

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Rodney King !!
Bless his heart !

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Kadafi was brutal in an attempt to put down the uprising but we have been the same way. Anyone remember Kent State ?
Didn't we use the national Guard to beat on the blacks and other protesters during the turbulent
60s ???

Actually it was the national guard that the president used to push back on the racist governors, local cops and sheriffs. It was the national guard the escort the black kids past the violent racists during desegregation.

Two more things about Libya and Gaddafi.
1. He sponsored terrorism around the world since the 1970's and is known to be behind the Lockerbie bombings, which Reagan went to the UN and got permission for strikes- but failed to get Gaddafi.
2. Two days ago the International Criminal Court issued a request for an arrest warrant against Gaddafi for crimes against humanity.

Just thought I throw that in.


12:17 AM  

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