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Wednesday, April 08, 2009


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Blogger Bob said...

I was checking out the topics over at SPIF this morning and they are talking about pigeons. This shouldn't surprise anyone here we all know that is constructive dialog over there. And it is a good thing they have pigeons to talk about because, as long as the bureaucrats of SPIF are focused on pigeons the city is a safer place. :-)

Surprisingly, my gal and I were talking about pigeons the last few days ourselves. Both of us have been seeing dead pigeons everywhere. I was wondering if there is an effort to poison them downtown since most of the dead pigeons we have seen are near the downtown area.

I have a idea to get rid of the pigeons. We grant a vendor a license to hunt and kill the pigeons. Then he can deep fry them and sell them downtown from one of those hot dog type vending carts.


6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't poison pigeons.

Here is what they do, or at least did when I worked for the City twelve years ago...

They contract with a vendor that nets the pigeons, captures them and ships them off where they are used for target practice, or other such uses.

They do the netting East of downtown by the railroad tracks.

At least that was what they were doing the last time they were infesting the City.

They have tried using feed that causes mother pigeons to lay soft shelled eggs that don't fertilize well but that gets to be expensive.


Chuck Repke

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They used to have a contractor who would scare the pigeons to other buildings. The contractor would then contract with them and scare the pidgeons elsewhere.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Jeff Matiatos said...

Get DSI / code enforcement to demolish their nests.

Get Magner on the job.

Jeff Matiatos

3:14 PM  

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