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Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Walk Into The Past With Finney & Fletcher

Please click onto the title of the post for some images from the early 70's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the DFL had its choice they would appoint Finney, the second most corrupt police chief St. Paul has ever had, the first being John O'Connor, 1920.

Bill "Chief" Finney used to wear Chief John O'Connor's badge with the big diamond in it around the police department. Talk about two peas in a pod.

Finney has his cronies like one individual who is a current Commander in the vice unit. This commander was seen putting up campaign signs with a convicted drug dealer. This particular drug dealer was a former cop who was convicted of copying down license numbers from undercover police cars and then running the numbers and supplying this information to his drug dealing family. This put many police officers at risk. After the feds sealed his records, this individual worked for a security company in St. Paul. The security company's president is very good friends with Finney. So what does Finney do, he hires this same drug dealer ex-cop who turned in his fellow officers to his drug running family to watch the St. Paul Police impound lot.

Take Aaron Foster, Finney's friend. Finney helped him cover up the Barbara Winn murder.

How about Finney's friend from the fire department who took the pictures for a police year book that was never published. Finney's friend made a bundle on selling these picture packages to the officers in violation of city regulations.

Finney, please tell the public about the gun cabinet you had built in your office for your gun collection at city expense. It took a Sgt. over a weeks time to build this. Taking him away from the street and the city paid for it.

How about the "Golden Gun" valued at over $2,500.00. Finney only paid $250.00 for it. How about the letter you had a police department secretary write to the gun company stating the value at only $250.00 so you could buy it through the St. Paul Police Gun Club. The gun club still has the records Bill and so does the ATF.

Finney how about the Get Out Of Jail free letters you gave your friends.

How about all the tape recordings you made from your office phone in the chief's office. You know the recorder you kept in the right hand drawer of your desk. Let's play the tapes to the public Finney. Did the public purchase these tapes, if so where are they Bill?

Finney, please explain the cell phone you used at city expense to make personal and business calls on. This would be interesting to hear your explanation. Also the numbers called on it would also tell a very interesting story Bill. Is Linda listening? Please tell us why she was the only law enforcement officer required required to sign in at the front desk before she entered the police department. All others are buzzed through. Why didn't you her to come directly to your office unannounced? Your wife, Linda just happened to be in charge of the Minnesota BCA at the time and she would have had to act in the capacity of a law enforcement officer is she were to see something going on in your office. This is unlike your standard of protecting your friends, Linda would have thrown you in jail.

Next, Finney please tell the real story about how you lost your gun and badge when you were chief. Please, oh pretty please tell the public the real story as it is really very interesting.

Finney, please tell the public about the car shows and all the "Extra" stuff you demanded fellow officers to do for your benefit at city expense.

Finney, please tell the public why you let Aaron Foster take a city squad car home everyday and provided gas for this car at city expense. Why has Aaron Foster not reimbursed the city for this expense?

Finney, please tell the public about how you denied permits to carry to law abiding citizens with perfect records, but instead gave a permit to carry to Aaron Foster who you personally know beats women. Please tell the public how these women came to you and told you Aaron beat or threatened to kill them and you did nothing to protect these women.

Finney, please tell the public that after watching Aaron Foster assault Barbara Winn you failed to act in the capacity of a police officer and stop this assault. Bill you are really a small person to allow a man to hit a woman. Bill you even sold Aaron Foster a handgun after all of this.

Finney, please tell the public how after learning Aaron Foster verballu assaulted and threatened your fellow police officers, you sided with Aaron Foster and allowed him to continue to behave this way towards your fellow police officers under your command? Would you like to share with the public the information contained in the lawsuit that was brought against you and the city by that police officer Aaron Foster threatened. Finney, please tell the public how you lost this case big time. Not only did the city have to pay big money to the police officer, but attorney fees as well. Nice one Finney, this cost the city taxpayers lots of money. Oh, Finney I forgot, did I mention how you put a reprimand in this police officer's file without telling the officer because they had complained about Foster. Did you forget about due process? Talk about getting back at someone.

Why didn't you do anything about the gang problem in St. Paul? You delegated a low level officer to the Metro Gang Strike Force Task Force. Why was this Bill, too many of your friends involved?

Bill Finney if you think we have forgotten all the stuff you did as chief and what you allowed your friends do and get away with you are sadly mistaken.

Thank goodness we have Chief Harrington as our police chief now. Chief Harrington is one class act unlike you.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that a photo of Police Chief Harrington with Finney?

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Foster's former wife asking Chief Finney for help and being refused just like he did for Barbara Winn. Finney protected his friend Foster over protecting a lady. Who sold Foster the gun he used to hit his wife with? None other than Finney (Reported in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minneapolis Star Tribune). After all this known violence towards women, Chief Finney gaves Aaron Foster a permit to carry when he denied 99.99% of these same permits to carry to law abiding citizens.

Had Finney been any type of man he would have stepped in and protected either of these ladies. What did he do, Finney protected his friend.

Why did Finney protect his friend instead of doing the right thing?

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former law enforcement officer and trained by the FBI, Finney knows how to use the system. I say bring Finney in now for questioning (any means possible) and question him over the Winn murder. Make sure his high buck attorney is with him, as we do not want to violate any of Finney’s rights. It seems Finney did not care if Winn’s rights were violated when he let Foster beat Winn or the other girlfriends Foster has beaten. Finney turned a blind eye to this domestic abuse towards women.

It would be nice the next time we are stopped by a cop for a traffic violation that we refuse to cooperate, and state, "I can not in good conscience work with you because I believe you lack the integrity, professionalism and ethical conduct required of a law enforcement officer." I would like to see just how long it is before I am put in cuffs or have a bloody nose for being a smart-ass.

Finney has a lot of explaining to do in the Foster – Winn death investigation. The current issue is Finney’s refusal to cooperate in a murder investigation. I say lock him up until Finney is willing to cooperate. Finney knows there is no statute of limitations on murder. So no matter how long or hard he tries, this will NEVER go away until Foster is tried in a court of law. Now, the world is watching the Anoka County Attorney’s office, will they do the right thing?

The best possible way Finney could save face in this situation is to cooperate with Ramsey County and all agencies that are investigating the death of Barbara Winn. Finney’s refusal only now to cooperate with the Ramsey County investigators is very surprising. It seems in the past when Aaron Foster was in trouble; Finney went to Ramsey County officials several times and was very willing to stick his nose in. Why does Finney now choose to avoid Ramsey County investigators? Finney wants to play a political spin game, divert attention away from the real issue. Finney is a master at doing this. Again, Finney is showing his yellow side, if he were any man at all, he should be the law enforcement officer he “claims” to be and do what is right. Finney was yellow when he refused to help Bobbie and protected his friend instead of helping Bobbie when she went to Finney for help.

Again, Finney is taking the yellow way out. Finney should have his SUV painted yellow, so the city that he has conned for the last 30 + years can now see his true colors.


Finney is just yellow, plain YELLOW. In the next election I can just see Finney’s campaign signs, they will be the color of YELLOW to match the individual he really is.


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A step into the future dragged over here from SPIF...

Sheriff Fletcher has a heart.

From: Renee Jenson Date: 2007-05-10 15:49 (UTC) Short link

Check out Tuesday and Wednesday's Extra on KARE 11.

They did a great job discussing the mental health crisis that we are dealing
with in the city. How the closing of all the mental health facilities has
resulted in the mentally ill being the responsibility of law enforcement and
are filling our jails and emergency rooms.

Sheriff Fletcher allowed Kare 11 into the jail so they could see the problem
for themselves. They were shocked. Sheriff Fletcher did a great job
explaining that the mentally ill do not belong in jail and law enforcement is
not equipped to take care of them.

They also showed some officers using Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training
for those of you that don't know what it is. It is the de-escalation method
employed by the Hennepin County officers when they encountered mentally ill
people in crisis.

ReneeFrom: Amy Horst Date: 2007-05-11 03:06 (UTC) Short link

PBS did a great documentary about two years ago on the increasing trend
toward putting mentally ill people in jail when mental health
close. The program focused on Ohio's prison system, but in light of
11's report it may now be more relevant to us.

Here's the link to the program and additional information:

Amy Horst
Rondo Community Outreach Library
Americorps CTEP
Office: 651-266-7435
Electronic classroom: 651-266-7440
amy.horst ( at )

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, what is the issue with Finney?

Why can't Sheriff Fletcher EVER be critiqued on his action without one of his lackies bringing up Finney?

Fletcher is a grown man that's been Sheriff for 12 years. His shortfalls should not be cross-checked with Bill Finneys. It doesn't make sense to say "Nevermind what I'm doing AS Sheriff, look at what Finney DID when he was Cheif."

Let's say Finney is guilty ad goes to jail- what on earth has that to do with Bob Fletcher?

Bob Johnson, like a Fletcher lackey, bites at this crap.

Hey Bob, you posed a question about the functionality of having an elected or appointed Sheriff. Instead of you wheeling that conversation back to the subject- you let it devolve into a Finney/Fletcher debate and then to fuel it- you start and entire different topic that's is more emotional than intellectual- which the first one was. I can only assume that you're doing it because you know it will generate posts.

How about getting your group to discuss the actual benefits or pitfalls of the question without assigning names of two guys who won't be on the balot the next time around?

12:13 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

12:13, Someone asked me to post the photo's..I thought Bill and Bob would like to see the images of times gone by. :-)

This is a community blog.. I am merely a host.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All us uneducated people here who don't know how to spell relate more to emotional rather then intellectual content. We also vote.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and you'll be able to vote on this issue too. The Charter Commision is only agreeing to put the question on the ballot for the voters to decide. Some of you have drawn the conclusion that the voters are going to vote to ak the position an appointed one.

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have done a lot more than drawn a conclusion, we have already projected the outcome of the vote becaue we know how stupid and ignorant the poeple of St Paul are. After all, look at who they elect to the city council, that's all the further one needs to look.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Genius,
St Paul voted for Finney but, the overal county voted for Fletcher. Its a COUNTY issues. There are MORE votes outside of Saint Paul than inside.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your uninformed statements.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

St Paul people should not be alloweed to vote for Sheriff cause they're too stupid for one and they have their own Police Department for two.

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about the mis-spelling, I meant to say Police Department for too.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever. Bush may run out of time before the full scope of his fuck-ups are understood and people are held accountable.

James Watt, Reagan's Secretary of the Interior was indicted on 41 felony counts for using connections at the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help his private clients seek federal funds for housing projects in Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Watt conceded that he had received $500,000 from clients who were granted very favorable housing contracts after he had intervened on their behalf. In testifying before a House committee Watt said: "That's what they offered and it sounded like a lot of money to me, and we settled on it." Watt was eventually sentenced to five years in prison and 500 hours of community service.
Although not convicted, Edwin Meese III, resigned as Reagan's Attorney General after having been the subject of investigations by the United States Office of the Independent Counsel on two occasions (Wedtech and Iran-Contra), during the 3 short years he was in office.

E. Bob Wallach, close friend and law classmate of Attorney General Edwin Meese, was sentenced to six years in prison and fined $250,000 in connection with the Wedtech influence-peddling scandal.
Lyn Nofziger--Convicted on charges of illegal lobbying of White House in Wedtech scandal.
Michael Deaver received three years' probation and was fined one hundred thousand dollars after being convicted for lying to a congressional subcommittee and a federal grand jury about his lobbying activities after leaving the White House.
The Iran-Contra scandal. In June, 1984, at a National Security Council meeting, CIA Director Casey urged President Reagan to seek third-party aid for the Nicaraguan contras. Secretary of State Schultz warned that it would be an "impeachable offense" if the U.S. government acted as conduit for such secret funding. But that didn't stop them. That same day, Oliver North was seeking third-party aid for the contras. But Reagan, the "teflon President" avoided serious charges or impeachment.
Casper Weinberger was Secretary of Defense during Iran-Contra. In June 1992 he was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of concealing from congressional investigators and prosecutors thousands of pages of his handwritten notes. The personal memoirs taken during high level meetings, detailed events in 1985 and 1986 involving the Iran-Contra affair. Weinberger claimed he was being unfairly prosecuted because he would not provide information incriminating Ronald Reagan. Weinberger was scheduled to go on trial January 5, 1993, where the contents of his notes would have come to light and may have implicated other, unindicted conspirators. While Weinberger was never directly linked to the covert operations phase of the Iran-Contra affair, he is believed to have been involved in the cover-up of the ensuing scandal. According to Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh, Weinberger's notes contain evidence of a conspiracy among the highest ranking Reagan Administration officials to lie to congress and the American public. Some of the notes are believed to have evidence against then Vice-President George Bush who pardoned Weinberger to keep him from going to trial.
Raymond Donovan, Secretary of Labor indicted for defrauding the New York City Transit Authority of $7.4. million.
{ Republicans will point out that Donovan was acquitted. And that really matters in Donovan's case, because he was a Republican. But it didn't matter for Clinton or any of his cabinet, most all of whom were acquitted, because they were Democrats!}
Elliott Abrams was appointed by President Reagan in 1985 to head the State Department's Latin American Bureau. He was closely linked with ex-White House aide Lt. Col. Oliver North's covert movement to aid the Contras. Working for North, Abrams coordinated inter-agency support for the contras and helped solicit illegal funding from foreign powers as well as domestic contributors. Abrams agreed to cooperate with Iran-Contra investigators and pled guilty to two charges reduced to misdemeanors. He was sentenced in 1991 to two years probation and 100 hours of community service but was pardoned by President George Bush.
Robert C. McFarlane was appointed Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor in October 1983 and become well-known as a champion of the MX missile program in his role as White House liaison to congress. In 1984, Mc Farlane initiated the review of U.S. policy towards Iran that led directly to the arms for hostages deal. He also supervised early National Security Council efforts to support the Contras. Shortly after the Iran-Contra scandal was revealed in early 1987, McFarlane took an overdose of the tranquilizer Valium in an attempt to end his life. In his own words: "What really drove me to despair was a sense of having failed the country." McFarlane pled guilty to four misdemeanors and was sentenced to two years probation and 200 hours of community service. He was also fined $20,000. He received a blanket pardon from President George Bush.
Oliver North--Convicted of falsifying and destroying documents, accepting an illegal gratuity, and aiding and abetting the obstruction of Congress. Conviction overturned on appeal due to legal technicalities.
John Poindexter, Reagan's national security advisor, --guilty of five criminal counts involving conspiracy to mislead Congress, obstructing congressional inquiries, lying to lawmakers, used "high national security" to mask deceit and wrong-doing.
Richard Secord pleaded guilty to a felony charge of lying to Congress over Iran-Contra.
Alan D. Fiers was the Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's Central American Task Force. Fiers pled guilty in 1991 to two counts of withholding information from congress about Oliver North's activities and the diversion of Iran arms sale money to aid the Contras. He was sentenced to one year of probation and 100 hours of community service. Fiers agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in exchange for having his felonies reduced to misdemeanors and his testimony gave a boost to the long standing criminal investigation of Lawrence Walsh, Special Prosecutor. Fiers testified that he and three CIA colleagues knew by mid-1986 that profits from the TOW and HAWK missile sales to Iran were being diverted to the Contras months before it became public knowledge. Alan Fiers received a blanket pardon for his crimes from President Bush.
Clair George was Chief of the CIA's Division of Covert Operations under President Reagan. In August 1992 a hung jury led U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth to declare a mistrial in the case of Clair George who was accused of concealing from Congress his knowledge of the Iran-Contra affair. George had been named by Alan Fiers when Fiers turned state's evidence for Lawrence Walsh's investigation. In a second trial on charges of perjury, false statements and obstruction of justice, George was convicted of lying to two congressional committees in 1986. George faced a maximum five year federal prison sentence and a $20,000 fine for each of the two convictions. Jurors cleared George of five other charges including two counts of lying to a federal grand jury. Those charges would have carried a mandatory 10 months in prison upon conviction. Clair George received a blanket pardon for his crimes from President George Bush.
Duane R. (Dewey) Clarridge was head of the CIA's Western European Division under President Reagan. He was indicted on November 29, 1991 for lying to congress and to the Tower Commission that investigated Iran- Contra. Clarridge was charged with five counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements for covering up his knowledge of a November 25, 1985 shipment of HAWK missiles to Iran. Clarridge was also suspected of diverting to the Contras weapons that were originally intended for the Afghan mujahaddeen guerrillas. Clarridge received a blanket pardon for his crimes on Christmas Eve 1992 from President George Bush.
Environmental Protection Agency's favoritism toward polluters. Assistant administrator unduly influenced by chemical industry lobbyists. Another administrator resigned after pressuring employees to tone down a critical report on a chemical company accused of illegal pollution in Michigan. The deputy chief of federal activities was accused of compiling an interagency "hit" or "enemies" list, like those kept in the Nixon Watergate period, singling out career employees to be hired, fired or promoted according to political beliefs.
Anne Gorscuh Burford resigned amid accusations she politically manipulated the Superfund money.
Rita Lavelle was fired after accusing a senior EPA official of "systematically alienating the business community." She was later indicted, tried and convicted of lying to Congress and served three months of a six-month prison sentence. After an extensive investigation, in August 1984, a House of Representatives subcommittee concluded that top-level EPA appointees by Reagan for three years "violated their public trust by disregarding the public health and the environment, manipulating the Superfund program for political purposes, engaging in unethical conduct and participating in other abuses.".
Neglected nuclear safety. A critical situation involving nuclear safety had been allowed to develop during the Reagan era. Immense sums, estimated at 200 billion or more, would be required in the 1990s to replace and make safe America's neglected, aging, deteriorating, and dangerous nuclear facilities.
Savings & Loan Bail-out. Hundreds of billions of dollars were needed to bail out savings and loan institutions that either had failed during the deregulation frenzy of the eighties or were in danger of bankruptcy.
Reckless airline deregulation. Deregulation of airline industry took too broad a sweep, endangering public safety.

Richard Allen, National Security adviser resigned amid controversy over an honorarium he received for arranging an interview with Nancy Reagan.
Richard Beggs, chief administrator at NASA was indicted for defrauding the government while an executive at General Dynamics.
Guy Flake, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, resigned after allegations of a conflict of interest in contract negotiations.
Louis Glutfrida, Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency resigned amid allegations of misuses of government property.
Edwin Gray, Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank was charged with illegally repaying himself and his wife $26,000 in travel costs.
Max Hugel, CIA chief of covert operations who resigned after allegations of fraudulent financial dealings.
Carlos Campbell, Assistant Secretary of Commerce resigned over charges of awarding federal grants to his personal friends' firms.
John Fedders, chief of enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission resigned over charges of beating his wife.
Arthur Hayes, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration resigned over illegal travel reimbursements.
J. Lynn Helms, chief of the Federal Aviation Administration resigned over a grand jury investigation of illegal business activities.
Marjory Mecklenburg, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources resigned over irregularities on her travel vouchers.
Robert Nimmo, head of the Veterans Administration resigned when a report criticized him for improper use of government funds.
J. William Petro, U.S. Attorney fired and fined for tipping off an acquaintance about a forthcoming Grand Jury investigation.
Thomas C. Reed, White House counselor and National Security Council adviser resigned and paid a $427,000 fine for stock market insider trading.
Emanuel Savas, Assistant Secretary of HUD resigned over assigning staff members to work on government time on a book that guilty to expense account fraud and accepting kickbacks on government contracts.
Charles Wick, Director of the U.S. Information Agency investigated for taping conversations with public officials without their approval.


Two types of problems typified the ethical misconduct cases of the Reagan years, and both had heavy consequences to citizens everywhere. One stemmed from ideology and deregulatory impulses run amok; the other, from classic corruption on a grand scale.
* The Pentagon procurement scandal, which resulted from the Republicans' enormous infusion of money too quickly into the Defense Department after the lean Carter years .
* Massive fraud and mismanagement in the Department of Housing and Urban Development throughout Reagan's eight years. These were finally documented in congressional hearings in spring 1989, after Reagan left office. Cost the taxpayers billions of dollars in losses. What made this scandal most shameful was that Reagan's' friends and fixers profited at the expense of the poor, the very people HUD and the federal government were pledged to assist through low-income housing. . .
Despite their many public lies about the matter, it was eventually proven that the Sales of weapons to Iran, followed by illegal financial support of the Central American Contras were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan, Vice President George Bush, Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey, and national security advisers Robert C. McFarlane and John M. Poindexter. Of these officials, only Weinberger and Shultz dissented from the policy decision. Weinberger eventually acquiesced and ordered the Department of Defense to provide the necessary arms. Large volumes of highly relevant, contemporaneously created documents were systematically and willfully withheld from investigators by several Reagan Administration officials in an attempt to cover up the administration's extensive corruption.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I thought this thread was A walk into the past with Finney & Fletcher. What does 8:28 AM's post have to do with Finney or Fletcher?

Maybe we have a new Bill or Sharon on our hands.

Tired of off thread posts.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another play from the DFL playbook.

Throw as much stuff out there to confuse the citizens so they do not get the real story.

Keep to the topic 8:28.

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far the entire post has been off. One comment on the photo ad the rest is a diatribe against Bill Finney who now is a private citizen.

If we want to talk about the Winn cover-up, make a new thread. If we want to talk about Saint Paul Police corruption from his time as cheif, start a new thread. If we want to talk about Fletcher- or the Sheriffs office, then it appears that people will only allow you talk about Finney.

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finney is Funny!
Finney met once a week at St. Paul restaurant, Mancini's Char House with a "GUN" dealer.
The Gold Beretta Pistols that belong to a drug dealer, just happened to walk out of the property room at the ST.Paul police Department.
Finney had it.
I see someone commented about the Gold Gun.
How much drugs, just happened to walk out also?
Does anyone out there know how to tell the crooks, from the good people?
The crooks, have badges.
If the democrats have their way, all illegal's can vote.
They would like to appoint the Sheriff, The St.Paul Mafia would be in power.
Build NEW and tear down the old, unions workers would be making the bucks.
"Finney", another one bites the dust!

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:24, or should I say Bill Dahn.

Did you see any drugs walk out of the police station or do you have a credible source for this slanderous information?

If not shut your a hole!

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think 2:24 has a point, the crooks do have the power. Just look around. The city lesaders are not interested in stopping crime, they enable it by blaming everyone else. Todys newspaper story says it all when the arrest the guy who shoots the perp and the perps walk away free. The city won't address the "liveabilty issues" in the neighborhood which lesad to more crime by the way, our leaders prefer to blame, prosecute, and punish landlords because they are a politically "safe" group for them to bully and persecute.

It's not just one person, the whole damn city is run by crooks for crooks and they are all protecting their own, the decent citizens be damned!

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How credible is DFL Bill Finney, and the allegations about Aaron Foster murdering Barbara Winn. The real story was covered up, by so many over the years.
The Winn family wants justice.
Even if Foster and Finney, both go to jail.
A new day, and life behind bars.
What happens to a dirty cops in jail.

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if that's correct, isn't Fletcher a crook as well since he's elected? He was on the city council too before being Sheriff.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fletcher is God....he does no wrong.

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Fletcher is better than any of these Council people. He had the guts to stand against equal rights when he was there. He voted alone against every civil and human rights ordinance they brought to a vote. Bill Dan would have been proud of him.

Fletcher was just ahead of his time on this one. Little did he know he could have gotten rid of them in a systematic way. Unfair uneven code enforcement.
He gave up too early and moved away from them out to Shoreview. Quitter.

8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing about Finney is he used the system for his personal gain, Bob used the system to make our city and county a better place.

Finney lined his pockets, protected his friends and was a DISCRACE to all in law enforcement.

Fletcher works for the good of the community, Finney worked for the betterment of Finney. Big difference here folks.

Why doesn't Finney cooperate with the Winn death investigation? Because he has something to hide. He covered up for his friend Foster. Finney does not have the guts to be a man and even protect women when they come to him for help. I can tell you if he ever hit Linda, she would put his tail in jail.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fletcher is a bully who threatened private citizens, cheated the voters of full disclosure, sank the non-DFLers last chance for a Saint Paul City Council seat and handed it over to Lee Helgen, hired thugs to be deputies, covered-up the unprofessional actions of his Office and has had the FBI investigations every year he's been there. Most people agree the the SPPD is heds ad tails over the others in this state. Most people also know the vindictive petty political inbreeding that goes on over at the Sheriff's Department. Again, you doubt any of this, ask our favorite female poster why her boyfriend, a long time deputy, did not support Fletcher. Also, ask her what happened to him when he excercised his so-called freedom.

Rumours can be left to describe Finney but, these are facts about this Sheriff.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:37 AM

You call these rumors about Finney.

I beleive Ross Lundstrom, a former deputy chief under Finney and backed up by many St. Paul Police officers have stated the failure Finney was and is.

How about the lawsuit that was brought against the city andf Finney. Statements of fact by law enforcement officers who dared speak out against Finney.

Talk about all the extras Finney received while he was chief (car shows, guns from the St. Paul police club, favors for friends, hiring drug dealing friends to watch the police impound lot).

Finney was not in it for the public good, but for his own good.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, howe many FBI investigations on the Sheriff's Department? Too many. Zero on the police department under Finney.

All of this stuff about Finney is illegal, so why has nothing been done. If the city and county (ran by Fletcher) are too chicken, then why haven't the FBI stepped in? They seem to be over here every year investigating something the Sheriff has been involved with. Why not Finney?

Because, maybe aside from fumbling the Winn case, its bullshit. As many people that don't like Finney, you'd think that any evidence would be blown up into at least an official investigation but, we got nothing.

Nothing but rumours from Anonymous posters and former subordinates with an axe to grind. Live with it.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FBI is investigating in St Paul. My friend has been talked to by them and they asked just as many questions about the involvment of the Police Dept. in the code inspections mess as they did about the code inspectors and its process. Only trouble with FBI is that it takes them years to ever do anything. 5 years from now we'll probably find out what it's all about!

12:37 PM  

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