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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Landlords and Individual Responsibility

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Blogger Bob said...

From: "William McGaughey"
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Spectrum Property Management
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 16:31:17

There has been a reference to a certain landlord group that has
opinions about issues related to property and may meet at the Martin Luther
King center in south Minneapolis.

Yes, that's true. There is such a group and I belong to it. I haven't
heard any discussion about landlords not wanting their property
addresses known. Right now, we're focusing on crime in Minneapolis. We want
better cooperation between landlords and police in identifying
criminals in or near our buildings instead of the "problem properties" approach
which punishes buildings while keeping their owners in the dark.

A specific idea that came out of the last meeting was the need for a
drop-in center in north Minneapolis. We want such a center and a
hands-on manager like Spike Moss. Since jail space and police are in scarce
supply, crime prevention is by far our best option. Not nearly enough
is being done in this area. There are plenty of talkers but not enough

You don't have to be a landlord to attend these meetings at the ML King
center, third Wednesdays of each month, starting at 6:30 p.m. You can
support what we are doing, heckle us, or just speak your mind. It's a
free-speech forum focused on problems of the city. But we want action,

William McGaughey
Harrison, Minneapolis
More info: Info about William McGaughey:

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9:37 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Drop In Centers are good but, they do nothing to address the real problems of juvenile delinquency.This approach is a band aide to the very serious social ills of bad parenting.

Consistent always be there for you mentoring programs are the only solution to our social ills. It's more money up front but a big savings in the long term over paying the cost of sending a young man to prison repeatedly for years.

One can only guess how many lives will be saved and how much sorrow will be circumvented. I cannot understand why such an educated society does not recognize the impact of what I am saying here.

We need to focus on the worst of the bunch. They get other kids involved in trouble. They need to be taught how to lead a good life and how to be good to others.

The worst of the bunch need a commitment to a long term group home family type setting near their homes. Good food, lot's of entertainment & support.

Some kids would benefit more from staying in their homes with a mentor assigned to them.

I agree with my friend Bill McGaughey we have to address crime and not blame buildings and innocent people. The current policys are just plain CRAZY thinking and only serves to keep the heat off elected officials who are responsible for public safety. They should be ashamed of themselves. We have no leadership with any guts!

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Bob 100%, this term in college my studies are focused on Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Courts.

There are many benefits to juvenile programs, prevention programs can prevent a juvenile from becoming delinquent and rehabilitation can reduce the reoccurrence of delinquency. The conclusions are that well designed programs have shown to reduce delinquency rates from 20-50%. Some of the benefits are signs such as; a decrease in poverty rates, teen pregnancy rates decreasing, and the future number of people on welfare will be reduced by implementing well structured programs and education, all which ends up paying for themselves by reducing crime and giving juveniles a future. These are just a few of the benefits that programs directed at juveniles can produce. I feel there is also a need for programs directed at families together as a family. Many families are lacking parental skills and/or parents are both required to work which leaves children alone afterschool to care for themselves.

One program I researched that I found that appears to be excellant for delinquents that would be worth Mn. checking into creating something on the order of is called:

Vision Quest, which is a treatment program that is set up like an outdoor camp which is an alternative solution for juvenile delinquent problems rather then committing them to a facility. At Vision Quest each individual juvenile is reviewed to be set up in a treatment program that will meet their needs. They are surrounded by nature in a healthy environment with staff that act like their parents would. The participants learn self esteem and to set goals to realize there is a future ahead for them. Part of the programming is focused on understanding their past behavior and how to handle negative feelings and experiences rather than reacting on them. The program builds confidence so they began to control their behavior and exhibit leadership skills. Vision Quest has been operating with successful results for over 25 years with an average success rate of 69-86 percent of the participants not re-offending. (Vision Quest, Programs that work)


10:29 AM  

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