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Friday, April 24, 2009

Job finalist sues St. Paul and mayor, saying he was bypassed in hiring

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Anonymous Topic requested said...

Edward McDonald, who sued the city before but settled out of court, says the city didn't follow its own rules and acted unfairly.

By CHRIS HAVENS, Star Tribune

Last update: April 23, 2009 - 11:24 PM

A former St. Paul employee who was a recent finalist for a department director job has sued the city in U.S. District Court, alleging retaliation, an unfair hiring process and violation of equal protection rights.

Edward McDonald is seeking a jury trial to show that the city didn't follow its own rules for hiring a director of the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity department.

The city and Mayor Chris Coleman are named as defendants.

"The allegations are without merit, and we look forward to defending the city's position in this dispute," said Portia Hampton-Flowers, supervising attorney of the city's litigation division.

In the complaint, which was filed this week, McDonald says he was subjected to things other candidates weren't, such as questions regarding his past employment with the city and subsequent firing.

McDonald was ranked third on a list of candidates submitted by a community panel to Mayor Chris Coleman for the position of director of the newly formed Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity department. The first two candidates were offered the job but declined to take it, according to the court document. Instead of getting a job offer, McDonald was bypassed.

Coleman appointed a former aide, Luz Maria Frias, to the post. McDonald contends in the lawsuit that Frias previously applied for the position and was not selected as a finalist, thus didn't go through the community vetting process required of the top three candidates.

McDonald is seeking unspecified punitive and compensatory damages, as well as requiring the city to "cease and desist from all conduct, now and in the future, that is based on the protected activities of an individual."

"We're trying to get the city to clean up its act," said Michael Fondungallah, an attorney representing McDonald. "We want the court to find the city didn't follow its own rules."

It's not the first time McDonald has taken the city to court.

Hired in 2002, McDonald filed a federal whistle-blower lawsuit in 2003, arguing that he lost his job for trying to hold the city accountable in hiring more women- and minority-owned contractors.

He was appointed by former Mayor Randy Kelly to lead the city's minority business development initiative and was responsible for helping the city to correct past discrimination by including more minority groups in economic development projects.

In 2004, the city and McDonald agreed to an $82,500 settlement. The city admitted no wrongdoing in the firing, and the court didn't require it to make any adjustments to its minority contract procedures.

A 2007 audit found that less than 7 percent of $220 million worth of contracts in 2006 went to minority- and female-owned businesses. Lack of accountability, communication and resources were the main problems, the audit said.

To address those problems, the new Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Department was created to combine several functions, from civil rights enforcement to workforce development. Its 2009 budget is about $4.7 million.

Chris Havens • 612-673-4148

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coleman appointed a former aide, Luz Maria Frias.
Was that to deal with all the illegal's sheltered by St.Paul's Government.
They have rights and YOU DON'T.
Do a search on Luz Maria Frias Web Results about 233,000
Chris Coleman wants all these illegal's and their families vote come September.
This is going to be the best knox down, drag out Mayors Race St.Paul ever had.

Sue this city for your discrimination, get these people out.
Don Luna had a big hand getting Chris Coleman elected, and Sen. Sandy Papass managed to get law passed so people don't even need a I D to "vote"!
The Democrat Crooks in Power, the end is in sight.
The End of this country and the world 2012.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that all everyone ever thinks of now days is to sue someone in hopes of a financial gain?

7:14 AM  
Anonymous McDonald v. City St.Paul Google said...

Thanks for POST google McDonald v. City St. Paul re: RAV lawyer now Judge Cleary

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really something that Eric is bashing on the other post about discrimination when the Mayor (s)
of St.Paul and its administrations past and present, have been discriminating all along.

You still backing them Eric ?

Looks like your being called out now !

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG a candidate for Human Rights director suing the City. Like that has never happened before.

Anyone lived here more than 6 months or ever read a newspaper?


Chuck Repke

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG a candidate for Human Rights director suing the City. Like that has never happened before.

Anyone lived here more than 6 months or ever read a newspaper?


Chuck Repke

2:17 PM

Your friend Bill should have bought suit on the city 10 year ago.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill is preparing his suit now.

1:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:10 AM said
Bill is preparing his suit now.

Money isn't what Bill's about,
pay backs are worth more.

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill showed St.Paul that they can't shut him up.
WOW" that's Bill for ya.
You'll get my vote.

7:22 AM  

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