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Monday, February 26, 2007

Welfare State Growing

Please click onto the title of this post for the story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think even at the cost of education the benefits of education would out weigh the cost when you look at it from a future stand point which would include the future of the children, if they have successful parents the odds of the children continuing their education I would think would also be higher in which that would help break the welfare cycle that is seen in many families..and possibly reduce crime as well.


5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy, I agree with you. It is considerably less expensive to provide college educations than it is to pay for welfare and/or prisons. Statistically, a child is more apt to attend college if their parent went to college. A higher rate of higher education in any community produces a smaller crime rate in that community.

"for real?" (Sorry, couldn't sign in...password would not work)

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wouls be assuming that the kids have parents, and in a lot of cases they don't. We have kids raising kids now days.

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes we do have kids raising kids, that is because society has accepted it. Once accepted by society it will be hard to change that back, but that doesn't mean education has to end, it just needs to be structured differently. There are also alot of adult parents out there with an IQ level equivelent to that of a child. Most welfare issues are due to lack of education. I think alot of times where a juvenile has a child it is to fulfill something that is lacking in there own personal home life, such as love, affection and attention. Most homes now have both parents working to make ends meet and to keep up with what is expected in society and/or single parents,that doesn't leave a well structured childhood with quality family time activities and parent involvement. Children are left alone after school to tend to themselves which results to much time on there hands and they tend to get into trouble. I think it all goes back to how society has developed the expectations of people and lack of education availability.


7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wan't refering to juveniles having children, but rather adults with so much of a child like attitude that they can't even raise thier own kids. Your statements about the parents both working just compounds the problem. Even if you do have both parents in the home, there has to be parents that will make the kids take advantage of the education, and currently we don't. It's more important to the parents that the kids don't feel bad about anything rather than make them do home work, etc.

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe in making this world better for our children, but not for our children's children... Because children shouldn't be having children.

(Jack Handy, from his "Deep Thoughts")

2:23 PM  

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