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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mortgage Fraud Big Business In Minnesota

Please click onto the title of this post for a distressing story about mortgage fraud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This should be a suprise to anyone? I remember landlords appearing at city council meetings 4 years ago and telling them this was going to happen with the city's Nazi type housing inspections. Although all of it doesn't have to do with landlords, a lot of it does. I had the opportunity to talk to one of those landlords a while back and when the city ran them out of business, the people they sold to all bought the properties with nothing down mortgages, then took ten of thousands of dollars out of them at the closing and never looked back. Lots of those houses are sitting empty today, foreclosed, boarded up, empty and not available to the poor who could afford them, and they sit in the neighborhoods attracting trash and deteriorating when they were once well cared for. Thank you very much city of St. have really out done yourslef for being stupid.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't they do anything, years ago--- ?

The Banks and mortgage companies,
Are They run by friend of the Governor's ?

So - we have said many times about landlords that get screwed, by the City Of Death. "St. Paul"

Where is the Just, or Justice

10:04 AM  

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